A Vaporizer Halloween Story -


vapor.com (formerly VapeWorld.com)
Hey guys - so I personally love horror movies and Halloween so I randomly put together a short Halloween story with a couple vaporizer products thrown in. Let me know what you think.

"www.VapeWorld.com wants to bring you a vaporizer inspired spooky zombie story for Halloween.

A Vape World employee, JonnyVape was closing the Vape World offices this past Tuesday night just like any other night in hot humid South Florida, this night just felt different though, the night darker than normal and had a smell of dew from the normal mid-afternoon showers but more pungent.

"Damn its dark", he said trying to fumble with his keys to lock the back door. Finally finding the key slot and locking the door JonnyVape turned to see his odd neighbor Jill who owns a successful planting business sitting in her car.

The darkness looming over her gold colored Lexus SUV made it tough for JonnyVape to see what she was doing - not trusting her since the day VapeWorld moved into these buildings...

Thinking back for a brief second while Jonny was taking the short stroll to his car barely being able to see in front of him..

A night sort of dark like this he remembers, the alarm at VapeWorld went off - it was later than this though. Nothing was broken into at the offices but Jill was there - she said she had been working late on something and she just seemed a little odder than normal in the way she looked, almost panicked about me being there and the alarm going off.

"Why was she there? What was that ooze on her shoes?" Jonny never thought it was coincidence she was there that night. Does she really just garden?

But why the fuck is she here now sitting motionless in her car..

He tried calling his girl Jenya but she didnt pick up.. He was excited about tonite Jenya had been shopping at the local sex store for Halloween and it meant some hot outfits to try on for him.

He wondered where she was though - last time they talked was 20 minutes ago and she was waiting for Jonny to call her before he left the office.

Jonny got in his car, smiled as his keyless start button just asked to be pushed - Jonny had some good things going for him - hot girlfriend, hot new car, good job selling vaporizers everyday.

Getting home to his place Jonny was surprised to see Jenya's car in the driveway. He thought to himself "Sexy lil bitch trying to surprise me hehe"

He parked and got his crap from the day - protein shakes, eye drops (he did work with Volcano vaporizers all day) and other little things.

Realizing how dark it was outside again as he tried to unlock his door to his place - the door pushed open by itself though...

Thats weird he thought - Jenya would always lock the door (she was super scared of everything) he laughed to himself about her afraidness of the dark and things under the bed.. and zombie movies.

He slowly opened the door to find it pitch black - no TV, no kitchen lights, no sexy Jenya surrounded by candles..



"You Here?"

JonnyVape went upstairs to see where she was and why it was so quiet.. and dark.

The air wasnt even on... the house was hotter than outside - and its Florida.

Baby? Jonny knew she wouldnt be trying to scare him because Jenya would scare herself sitting in the dark waiting for me.

Jonny crept around the hall corner to hear a loud THUMP from the guest bathroom.

It startled him in the dark but without a question it was Jenya -

Jen what the hell are you doing .. as he opened the door to the bathroom.

The light from the bathroom flooded the darkness of upstairs and it took JonnyVape a second for his eyes to adjust..

When things came into focus - his jaw dropped, his heart stopped and he almost threw up - but caught it in his throat..

What the fuck!!?!?

The macabre scene in front of him was something out of George Romero's nightmares - Silent Hill 2 on PSX with the Extreme Vaporizer at midnight had nothing on this -

Baby? With tears coming down his cheeks.. Wiping his eyes in time for his brain to put together what he was seeing..

Jenya had found a new friend -

My neighbor across the street - that fool Jim who always stared at Jenya - With that fake smile and bullshit wave

Rage engulfed the veins of Jonny - fear and sadness and hatred

Jenya had been sitting in a pile of blood that started to slowly move like lava from a massive Volcano to the edge of the bathroom floor.

Jonny stepping back so it wouldn't touch his shoes - staring harder at the scene in front of him.. Jenya had now realized he was standing there looking at her.

She let out a muffled scream like no other sound Jonny had ever heard before. Something soo loud and terrifying the neighbors had to hear it.

She was eating my bastard neighbor!! Just like in the movies and just how my Zombie Survival Guide had told it he thought to himself.

Jim's brains were partially missing, his guts had been ripped through the stomach lining and his heart was exposed.

If JonnyVape wasnt in such shock of his once beautiful girlfriend eating Jim's brains he would have thrown up everywhere.

Before Jonny could think both Jim and Jenya had stood up.. Jim's lower intestine still in Jenya's hand as they made a sudden rush at Jonny..

Jonny pushed Jim away from him and held his arm out to keep distance between his once lover Jenya.

Jenya reached and grabbed and yelled for Jonny's flesh like something else was controlling her...

Jonny thought to himself only if when she wasnt a zombie she wanted my meat this bad

Jonny with a tear in his eye apologized to Jenya and grabbed her head with both hands and twisted her neck all the way around in one quick motion... her decayed flesh easily fell of the neck and spine from the twist like a well cooked rib from Smokey Bones.

Jonny felt Jim behind him and quickly turned around with his Sonicaire toothbrush in hand shoved it through the rest of Jim's brain that wasnt eaten yet by his late Jenya. Ending Jim's struggle to eat Jonny quickly with a thud as his half eaten brain dead limp body fell to the floor.

Jonny knew his life would change - time to will tell on whether he could survive."
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