A tank that fuses the Cloutank M4 a long with e-liquid compartments


New Member
Dear FCers,

As some of you may or may not know. I've been out looking for the best, stealthiest way to get a good one - two hit from your vape mod without having to change tanks/replace liquids etc.

I was in SHOCK & AWE when i saw the ClouTank M4.... until i read *designed to look like e liquid tanks...

here it is...

a great device for one hitters for flowers and wax... but i was thinking it would be amazing if there was a device remotely close to this that COULD put liquid in the outer part to give it a liquid smoke possibility too..

hope you guys can help me out...
currently vaping on a VTC mini x delta 2 tank and am waiting on my Puff majic to come... from what ive read i won't be able to come near to a one - two hitter feel on the pufff majic as it's more for convenience then effectiveness... unless someone has a great concentrate to puff majic ratio that will get me BLITZZD

but yeh, any thoughts on the cloutank and how it could be made more stealth/ if theres anything out there on the market similar that includes oil smoking too :)?




Stuck in Dab Coma
Yeah this is no different then most cheaper "dry herb" "vaporizers" . At the end of the session you scrape out burnt black ash, so there is no vaporization going on, it borderlines traditional combustion, just without open flame.

The look on his face says it all; burnt, nasty taste, not smooth delicious vapor. You're much better off using a real bud vaporizer; not any pen atomizer, they can't achieve the heat levels required to properly vaporize from buds, its limited both by the power and lack of thermal mass. When you hit the power on the mod or whatever you use it sends massive power to a small heating element which peaks in heat fast, and cools back off just as fast as soon as the power is released, so resulting in a high temperature over a short period of time. To vaporize the thc properly from an object with massive surface area ( the bud itself) you need a device that can deliver power slowly to an element and or heat sink that would result in the ability to limit and control your peak temperature as well as having the ability to continuously deliver heat ( not necessarily power) in a controlled environment, which just isn't possible yet from a device that is only capable of delivering pulses of power rather then controlled levels over time.

Your much better off using a concentrate for e cig type atomizers ( or concentrate specific ones) just due to the current limitations of the e cig mod world.

Otherwise you'll find that you get much greater results using a device that's built to vaporize bud properly.
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