2nd time doing Green Dragon. Can I get some opinions on herb/alch ratio?


Green goes to brown, n that's what I stand for.
So FC, It's day 6 of not vaping/smoking/ getting high for me! I didn't think I'd go with it, but certain circumstances have happened in my life very recently where this break has so far been effortless!
Anyway, I have a gram short of a half of dank, and wanna put it all into a green dragon batch. I also have probably around 5-7 g of ABV laying around.

So I need some opinions on how much alch to use for the half of unused herb, and also if you think I should add the ABV to it....

Lets hear em!
Thanks all!

fake name

Well-Known Member
Depends how strong you want it. Also, what alcohol are you using? Id reccomend about a 200ml for that much, putting in a quarter at a time, but that would be fairly strong. You could make about a liter and have it be pretty decent, less if you're using everclear.

If you just want psychoactive properties then go with the strongest alcohol available, but I reccomend 100 proof vodka, the approx. 50/50 ratio of semipolar and polar solvents gives you a nice range of what the plant has to offer.

Also, how do you decarboxylate?
fake name,


Fear & Loathing in FuckCombustion
I use Master Wu's method.

Ppl have their preferred method of decarboxilating(spelling?) but I use 220f for 20 - 30 minutes. depends on quantity.

For best results put a few drops in water and hold it under your tongue as long as you can.

I did 10 drops under my tongue once without watering it down and it's not fun. It reminded me of snorting crank... feel the burn!


fake name

Well-Known Member
Yeah man, seems about the same amount of time and temp I'd go for, but ive been talking to some people recently teling me to bring the temp down just below 185°f for some of the more sensitive cannibinoids.

Sublingual consumption is the best for it, I def agree with you there. Drinking it straight there is a chance of over medicating, which can be very unpleasant, let me tell ya. Though, green dragon mixed with coca-cola tastes amazing for some reason; I kinda hate the taste of cola, but mix in some green dragon and it just taste like herb.

And cereal, personally I'd use the abv for another batch, unless its only lightly vaped.
fake name,


Green goes to brown, n that's what I stand for.
I will probably use the abv for a seperate batch... I just guess the reason im asking about ratio is becuase a half is sort of a lot of bud to use. last time i used 9 g (so about the same), and it turned out pretty great, but only got 8 oz. This time I think I want to make atleast 16 oz, and i guess let it sit longer.
also ill probably put more attention into decarbing, as last time I think I went a little light on that for fear of vaporizing off the thc... but from what i hear, as long as its covered, its not wasted.

fake name

Well-Known Member
You should be good to decarb, but you can go too long. I cant remember the amount of time, but I know there is research to support that decarbing past 70%of the thc and you pass the point of gaining thc delta 9 to what is degraded to lesser forms of thc. Most everywhere ive seen says 20-25 mine in the rang of 185°-215 which has also been on this thread, so I'm guessing its probably about that.

And if you're worried, just stick to the same ratio you used last time. Doing 14 into 16 will be a little weaker, though proper dacarbing could make the difference.
fake name,


Green goes to brown, n that's what I stand for.
i think i remember doing about 220 for 20 mins max, but opened the oven a few times to shake it around, so the oven definitely lost a lot of heat in that short window... next time imma be a little more balsy with it, and let it sit for months instead of 5 days.

turns out im gonna do 12g. 12g to 12oz seems ok to me, especially if i let it sit for ever...

fake name

Well-Known Member
Honestly, a couple hours exposure time should be enough to strip all psychoactive properties. People do qwiso with isopropynol, and they suggest no more than a a few seconds, .maybe half a minute, exposure time if not just an outright strain to start. Ethenol (drinking alcohol) has a similar polarity to Iso so they tend to strip mostly the same things; the difference between them is that ethenol has a much higher 'solvency', so it acts faster and more aggressively than Iso. After a couple hours with a couple of shakes it should be able to pull everything, even the deeper oils in the buds.

Oh, and I don't think this has been addressed, but you want to keep the dragon out of the light. Light proof or amber color container if available are best for storage. UV degrades thc, blue being the worse to expose it to.
fake name,
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