
  1. cobra505

    Multi-brand X MAX STARRY

    So XMax Just came out with this unit called the Starry, looks pretty good. Thoughts
  2. Shit Snacks

    NYtimes' WireCutter Review "Best Portable Vaporizer" Discussion

    Just found this article in a google, seems like it was updated for 420 this year: Even though I would disagree with the recommendations at the top, in the body below it does mention my two current favorites (TM & FW7 -- though...
  3. Penny Wise

    The Boundless CFC 2.0

    I saw this at my local vape shop, went home and looked into it and decided I'd give it a go. It wasn't cheap, but as cannabis vapes go, you're getting a fair bit for what you're paying. In my opinion, this is a better sesh vape than a solo one. The oven is rather too large and as I understand...
  4. VapingDitto

    Cannabis Concentrate Reviews

    Greetings, I wanted a place where users can share their cannabis concentrate knowledge.:myday: I also wanted a place where people can practice reviewing cannabis concentrates :nope: I hope that more people contribute and make this an awesome thread. :brow: Here is my first strain review...
  5. vapognak

    FR La beauté d'Apollon, un effet dionysiaque

    En quête du vaporisateur qui allie la convection des meilleurs appareils fixes avec un flux d'air qui ne souffre d'aucune restriction et la portabilité d'un Arizer Solo ou Air, quand j'ai découvert sur FC le Venus Apollo de Finlande, j'ai fondu, malgré le coût (279 €)...
  6. T

    The Flowermate V5s Mini Pro Review & Unboxing

    Hey guys! I recently purchased this flowermate hybrid vape. I wanted to share the review and video unboxing. I got this specifically for dry herb. I was upset with my Atmos-raw. I have spent some quality time with...
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