abv butter

  1. Bad Ocelot

    ABV Heath Bar Cookies

    Had great results with this recipe, both flavor and effect wise. ABV butter: 1.5 sticks butter 1/4 cup coconut oil 15g ABV, stems, rosin chips 2oz EtOH If the ABV & whatever else you've got in there isn't finely ground, run it through a coffee grinder or somesuch. Preheat a nonstick skillet on...
  2. D

    Butter ratios

    This will be my third time making butter from abv. The first time I used the 24hr crockpot method with 26 g and two and a half sticks of butter and it turned out ok. The second time I did the same thing but I got impatient and took it off after 17 hrs and this batch didn't turn out so good. This...
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