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  1. UnevenPizza

    Ethanol Tincture into oil?

    Hey everyone, I just recently tried to make a tincture out of ABV. I used 80% (190 Proof) Grain alcohol, and now have it in a little dropper bottle. My Question is, can I heat it until the alcohol is evaporated, and add some other liquid (like oil) to contain the cannabinoids? I don't drink...
  2. UnevenPizza

    Quick Chocolate Bites and AVB Caps

    Hey FC, I'm experimenting with AVB at the moment, and thought I'd post some of my thoughts in the hope it may help inspire or help others. I don't (yet) have a slow cooker and couldn't be arsed to find a mason jar and tend to it for several hours, so I just let the AVB simmer in some Coconut...
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