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  1. Hwy420

    Portable dry herb vape with a BIG load

    Good question, I don't know how much I should be prepared to spend. Sorry for making it more complicated ! Conduction or convection – Convection is better but not a lot of difference for me. Thank you all for your answers, a lot of useful information! :) Not a problem, size doesn't matter ;)
  2. Hwy420

    Portable dry herb vape with a BIG load

    I'm looking for a dry herb vape with a big, really BIG load. I can only squeeze ~0.2 g into my Arizer Air. That's nothing, given my tolerance. I need something more, much more than that, preferably 1 g — do vapes with such a big load exist? or 0.5 g minimum. Any suggestions? Thank you.
  3. Hwy420

    Saionara Atomizer thread

    This is exactly what I bought a few weeks ago. Same story, I haven't learned all those 10,000 settings, I'm just switching from ~27 W when I load new concentrate then I lower it gradually, as I vape this load, to ~22 W or so. Maybe it's like hammering nails in with a microscope but it's a huge...
  4. Hwy420

    Saionara Atomizer thread

    Great review, thank you. How different is it from the Saionara?
  5. Hwy420

    Saionara Atomizer thread

    I just bought an Eleaf iStick Pico 75W + Sai Atomizer Top Airflow + Sai Kanthal Coil 4mm / Quartz Rod. So far so good. Going to experiment with various settings.
  6. Hwy420

    Saionara Atomizer thread

    BabyFacedFinster Great, thank you! If I get an Eleaf iStick Pico 75W + Sai Kanthal Coil (and I already have two 18650 batteries that I use with my Arizer Air) will I be able to use a 4 mm Sai Kanthal Coil with that kit, or will I have to buy other connectors, etc.? Thanks! :)
  7. Hwy420

    Saionara Atomizer thread

    Hi :) I'm going to buy this combo: Eleaf iStick Pico 75W + Sai Atomizer Top Airflow + also Sai Kanthal Coil Did I miss anything? Is this combination going to work? In particular, Eleaf iStick Pico 75W + Sai Atomizer Top Airflow and Eleaf iStick Pico 75W + Sai Kanthal Coil Thank...
  8. Hwy420

    What KIND of water do you use in your glass?

    I use my bong daily, and I change water every day
  9. Hwy420

    Discontinued herbalAire

    Super cool, thanks a lot, lazylathe! Now that I've gained some experience I realize that B) is really not an option. Thanks for your input on C) as well, but what is puck method? Is it the same as the espresso method (packing unground herb as tight as possible into your cruicible)?
  10. Hwy420

    What KIND of water do you use in your glass?

    Just curious, are there any benefits of adding citric acid/cranberry juice? Is it to improve the taste, or the effect, or............?
  11. Hwy420

    What KIND of water do you use in your glass?

    Water water. I tried warm water, as someone here suggesterd, and I really like the experience — makes your vapour much less dry
  12. Hwy420

    Discontinued herbalAire

    HA users, How do you guys usually vape temperature-wise? Do you A) start at a lower temp and then raise it a little, B) vice versa, start hotter and then cool it down a little bit, or C) don't change the temperature throughout your session? I used to practice B), but now I do A): start at...
  13. Hwy420

    Your choice between dry or with water?

    I often start with dry and take a few hits, then I increase the temperature a little and connect my vape to a bong and finish my load "wet"
  14. Hwy420

    Discontinued herbalAire

    $5.99 — that's quite affordable! I've broken innumerable Air/Solo stems, and they each cost around $10! I actually still have a couple, but I don't think they'll fit my HA (I haven't tried though).
  15. Hwy420

    Discontinued herbalAire

    Not yet. Interesting read, thanks! What is WT? Looks cool! Where is that glass stem from?
  16. Hwy420

    Your choice between dry or with water?

    I switch between dry and water, and I often do it within one session, e.g. I can start using the whip or bags and, after a few hits, connect my vape to a bong.
  17. Hwy420

    Discontinued herbalAire

    I recently tried this little trick fore the first time. I think it makes my vapour thicker and it get me medicated faster. Interesting! Do those dosing capsules fit into an HA crucible?
  18. Hwy420

    Discontinued herbalAire

    Been using an HA Elite for 7 months now; had been choosing between a few models; FC folks here helped me out, now I'm an HE Elite proud owner and happy user. My thoughts--- UNHAPPY :( Concentrates: tried shatter and hash — almost no use. But I admit though that I have little experience and...
  19. Hwy420

    VIsiting Washington, DC. Any tips?

    Thank you :(
  20. Hwy420

    VIsiting Washington, DC. Any tips?

    Hi, I'm going to Washington, DC, and of course I'm going to enjoy some legal stuff there. Is there anything I need to know before I buy cannabis there? is it available to everyone? I'm interested in edibles/tinctures/capsules — anything to digest (I'm not going to light up in the hotel!)...
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