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  1. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Thanks for the fast reply. I will definitely get in contact with underdogette so I can have you guys fix it up. I am going to be able to partake again within the next couple days so I don't want to have to send it in right now and be forced to combust, but I definitely will send it in ASAP...
  2. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I've had it since around September 2015. I wouldn't want it to be made into an air core, I like the way it works currently. And I love the body it has now so I wouldn't want a new one of those either. I don't think the shakiness affects actual performance I was just wondering if it could be...
  3. cameronuu

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I've had ~18 inch straight tube that I used with my underdog vape for a while. More recently it was used for combustion and so I am looking for something new. I know the d020 and d022 are very popular but I was wondering if you guys have any other favorites for use with a log vape? Thanks!
  4. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Hello! Haven't posted here in almost a year. Life happened and so sadly my dog hasn't been used in many months. It still heats up fine but I do notice that the internals kind of jiggle around if shake it around or tap the sides of my dog. Is this normal? Can this be fixed by sending it in for...
  5. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Been really busy with school recently but just thought I would drop in and say I am now a couple oz's into my dog since getting it over a month ago and haven't looked back since. Thanks for everything
  6. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Don't see the post yet. Hope I don't end up missing my chance to snag a cheap vvps or the parts to build one because I'm in class tomorrow :0
  7. cameronuu

    Custom 3D printed Widgets - Delta 3D Studios

    Did the test organizer finish printing? How did it come out?
  8. cameronuu

    Custom 3D printed Widgets - Delta 3D Studios

    Looks awesome! If it comes out okay that would be exactly what I need!
  9. cameronuu

    micro bubs

    Is it too late to get in on one?
  10. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I do it around once a day, usually at night.
  11. cameronuu

    Custom 3D printed Widgets - Delta 3D Studios

    Is there anyway you could make the ring of 6 hexagons on the small honeycomb organizer each fit a classic jyarz just like the jyarz holder does? So that way it would be like a 6 slot jyarz organizer but also with the 3 wider outer slots. The honeycomb organizer is perfect but I would hate to...
  12. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Woke up today and my dog is begging for a friend to play with. Now all we have to do is convince the misses...don't know how that is gonna work.
  13. cameronuu

    JoDa Glassworks

    So I skimmed through a couple pages of this thread and your glass looks awesome! Are you doing customs right now or are you backed up?
  14. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I love that black and white ebony
  15. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    A nice soft, cloth, braided cable would make me so happy.
  16. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    This is becoming very obvious after quite a few stems.
  17. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Will definitely try a finer grind today like you are suggesting. Once I get more meds after my last class I can't wait to see how a different strain reacts. For now though I guess I'll be programming and working my way through this avb to see if it worth vaping twice.
  18. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Love to hear about the creation of my dog!! I do probably need to grind finer even though I grind it in my sharpstone upside down (I need a SCS!!!) but I don't mind how my avb is turning out tbh. I usually put the tiniest amount in the stem (because I read that was the way to go) and it works...
  19. cameronuu

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Dammit! Now I am going to end up spending $40 on jyarz and this!! Only for classic or is one planned for the Chico?
  20. cameronuu

    Underdog Log Vapes

    So I have used my dog for three full days and wow :love: I have only been able to use the NonG stems because I don't have a 14/18 GonG adapter so I can only speak for them but wow!!! I was combusting almost 2 grams a day before and after only a 4 day t-break (with one flowermate sesh when a...
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