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  1. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    I much prefer the O.pen stlye cartridges to the CE3, but i can tell you they vary WILDLY in consistency from retailer to retailer. My guess is more than half of the "o.pen" style carts are actually knockoffs from a completely different manufacturer with much lower standards. I can off channel...
  2. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    with the cheapo carts you should let it sit for at least an hour before even tasting it. The wicks need to get saturated and the coil needs to have oil on it. You were likely tasting burnt wick. Even when given time to steep, however, you can't really rip the cheap ones just a little puff...
  3. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    You know I've been noticing that the darker stuff does indeed start to separate at about 1/3 remaining as well. Usually good to pulse a bit and turn upside and back a couple times and it can remix and saturate the wick a bit better (and look a bit more homogenized , though definitely darker)...
  4. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    yeah i mean agree with @Happy Jack and @trichome_renaissance if every tank you try is leaking it aint the tanks, it's the oil. Maybe your mix is resulting in a viscosity that is too thin? A lot of these canna-carts are built for thicker stuff now than they used to be previously (as they were...
  5. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    @randomtoker actually put out two of the way cooler links I've seen thus yet on the topic about two pages back. have a look below: Really great info and...
  6. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    what is the viscosity of your mix looking like? Thicker or thinner than honey? if thicker you may need to add more EJ, if much thinner you may have added too much and diluted it more than you may have wanted... I think thats what Otto was getting at too...
  7. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    are they (atomizers) not firing at all or your not satisfied with the amount of vapor or level of medication? Is this the first time you've tried o.pen style THC vaping? If so it is (to me anyway) a great deal more mellow and less stunningly potent than combusting fine herb...
  8. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    So you'd recommend making the bho work over the crumble as well it sounds like...
  9. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    you can and will definitely find quality flower in Jamaica. How thick is your BHO? Sometimes you can drop it into a disposable O pen style cartridge as is and just massage it a bit with a hair dryer in the AM on low and hit it using the pulse technique. I've had to do it in a pinch if my...
  10. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    believe my favorite concentrate pure gold by tetra labs uses 5% limonene to cut their concentrate and that is it. no glycols or anything else, and while it's not quite thin enough to be perfect, it'll work in a standard pen... might be a good place to start?
  11. zebra

    spliffin Oil Cart

    thanks man yes that is them... they appear to be discontinued though what a shame! was a pretty solid little cart never gave burnt taste just had to work it a little to get those last bits of oil to holes...
  12. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Hopefully sooner rather than later... anybody here with any clues about other manufacturers than buddy making these O.pen style carts please drop that info here!
  13. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    I called and they are in fact using carts that are not direct from buddy tech. They weren't super forthcoming about where they are getting their carts but they are different somehow. As I said the small changes I saw indicated is in fact different or modified from the standard bud510 just...
  14. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    They work better I don't know what to tell you. I appreciate your info but it doesn't answer my question. You also seem to be confused by the premise. I don't know what makes them so much better than the other carte I'm not saying it's the difference in plugs I'm just saying that is one visible...
  15. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    This doesn't appear to be an Ocitytimes product if that's what you're trying to say. Don't see it anywhere on any of their product lines, just the shitty regular old buddy style with the non-recessed outtie plug or the dex with the red band. Both of which are shit... Did you read my whole...
  16. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    I have been seeing the O-pen style cartridges around now that are much improved. They moved back to a standard tip as opposed to the rounded ones that you see everywhere now. They went back to silver instead of the red band. It basically resembles the O.pen design from the original days, but...
  17. zebra

    My secret to THC E-Cig PG-Liquid... Potent, Effective, Cheap, Easy!!!

    Nice just got the K1 with those same BVC coils as well... i may be 1.6 though instead of 1.8 I can't really remember. anyway, my question to you was how hard is it to fill while avoiding that middle tube? with a more honey like oil coming from an ampule rather than a syringe (talking about...
  18. zebra

    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    i spend like 80 for the pure gold (which is nearly double what it actually costs in california) and i spend anywhere from 40-60 for whatever other carts I can get... was getting eurekas for a while for 60 then those went away... got some dank tanks for 40 then those went away.... got some...
  19. zebra

    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    Yeah I am in same boat. Very curious how the K1 handles Pure Gold from Tetra labs specifically which is the exact same consistency as honey... heck we're in the pure gold thread lol.... so if anybody here can confirm a k1 has the ability to wick these super thick honey oils it would be...
  20. zebra

    Gear Best Clearo for Pure Gold?

    Cool I'll let you know. I actually can't do your trick with the 4 holes because i get my pure gold in the ampule, not a syringe (not sure if tetra sells syringes), so i don't have the precision to drop them into the holes. But I will definitely do the push-button-priming of a couple soft...
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