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  1. sanyasboy

    New Vaper DH man

    40 years of smokin', LSD 5 times lots of Peyote............'Today I have settled on the best new pot and the new way of smoking' it. OK so far ? I just got the thing from China, Pioneer-GS ? Yes I never ran across it but Dry herb smokin' is not always advertised.,exception those stupid PENNS ...
  2. sanyasboy

    Put your Vap one section at a time

    Newbe here, after 40 years of joints an past 14 years spliffs. Now I have a vaporizer. I have made costly mistakes because I didn’t know the Items and how to call them out. Had the heaviest most gorgeous hand held, I didn’t know It didn’t come apart so they gave me the $75,, back. I just got...
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