First world problems... whats yours today?


Well-Known Member
Here is my cobbled together solution to a first world problem -- how to keep squirrels and raccoons away from the bird feeder.


My sister-in-law is from a third world country.
Soon after her arrival, she curiously watched me in the kitchen with a measuring cup boil up 1 part sugar to 4 parts water. Then I climb up a step stool to take down the hummingbird feeder, clean it out with sponge, then use Macbill's ELB brushes to clean feeding holes, refill with cooled sugar water, then climb back up to rehang it.
I explained the process but she became rather quiet. Later learned from her husband that she thought I was actually nuts, and she was frightened of me. Why was I putting in so much effort? What do the birds do for you in return? she asked.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I had a bat just fly in the house. I had to get my husband out of bed to capture it to get it back outside. We must live in an area with lots of bats. This has happened before when I've opened the door to do something and didn't shut it right away. I ran in the bathroom and shut the door. I'm an animal lover but I can't handle that.

Egyptian Fruit Bats flying

Joel W.

Deplorable Basement Dweller
Accessory Maker
I want to know how something works but there is no information available on it yet.

Nothing from the maker or the internet.

Do I resort to my youthful habit of disassembly and probable destruction in the quest for knowledge or just appreciate the magic of the machine?

I never did get that typewriter to work again.
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