Medical uses

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Well-Known Member
Ive noticed that some of you use MJ for medical reasons - I know it may be a personal question but what exactly ?
Also - how does a MMJ card work - how do you get one ? and can you smoke / vape anywhere without fear of getting arrested ?

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Well-Known Member
Laws varies depending on your state, even then it can still be sketchy, and medical issues and reasons are widely varied.

The most common illness people have that I helped with vaping are Cancer, Chronic Pain, AIDS. I got into helping people by being vocal about using weed in a support group for terminally ill people I was part of. Helped a few acquaintances and now I am known as the vape guy. All I do is introduce the concept of vaping and how it is healthier than smoking. I do not push the concept of using cannabis, they already are in essence doing that though there was an instance where an older gentleman was anti weed but his sons, all adults, talked him trying weed, he uses it today for relief as far as I know.

State by state laws:

Active states with Medical weed laws


god of nerds
I vape to treat my epilepsy. I've cut my rx dosage in half, and all of it's prior side effects are gone. And yeah, it's still illegal in nebraska, so i'm a common criminal for doing so. fuck 'em.


word up I like that posting^

some say that vaping cuts out the of my boys could eat down a whole fridge after he domes an E bag so the theory isnt always accurate.


edit/// oh yea.... Fuck the system ,we are slaves like the old? days .the kings must fall

Acolyte of Zinglon

i use it to treat my bipolar disorder, it lifts my spirits and helps me keep going when im depressed, reduces stress levels, and acts as an antipsychotic when i go manic

i was on antidepressants from an early age but they never really helped me, i started smoking weed at 17 and noticed that i was much more chill all the time and i wasnt as prone to get on peoples nerves. i then dropped the antidepressants and now im only using weed and it keeps both phases of the bipolar disorder in check
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
I vape mj because of glaucoma.... the other side effects are just a bonus for me beyond regulating my eye pressure.


Well-Known Member
I vape purely for medical purposes. Had Arnold Chiari Malformation (missed connection between spinal cord and skull, resulting in a piece of plastic screwed to one and having the other attached to it) when I was really young, and that caused complications, one of which is near-constant migraine headaches. Cannabis is simply the best medicine you can take for that.

For me, at least, it's instant relief. Also helps with stiff neck and sore throat indicative of symptoms of those who have/had ACM.


Well-Known Member
i currently take 8 10mg methadone a day to aid my back. i was in a motorcycle wreck and it was bad. but i would much rather have a vape! it helps enough i dont even need any of my meds. i just cant ask my doc about it because i live in nc, NOW IM A COMMON CRIMINAL fuck em lol. i would much rather have the natural shit


Chief Vapor Officer
I use mmj primarily for insomnia and generating an appetite. It is also great for helping me relax after an intense training session.


Well-Known Member
I use MMJ to help with appetite as a Stage IV cancer type. Am getting ready to try THC hemp oil as an adjunct treatment for said cancer. Fingers crossed!



Well-Known Member
Good luck to you all (stonemonkeys appetite included). May the (MJ) force be with you.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty much like Melizzard. I use it for appetite as a Stage IV breast cancer type, as well. I am in a state with VERY strict laws, and I am also a common criminal. I also am never able to find decent quality stuff, so the effects can be hit and miss. It is the ONLY thing that works for me, though, and it works fast. Without it, I stop eating, start puking, and land in the hospital for dehydration.

However, I also love to get high recreationally, so there you go.


Well-Known Member
Does a medical MJ card mean you can vape / smoke anywhere or are there restricted places ?
Is there a limit to the amount you can carry ?
Do you ever get strange looks in public or cops asking for your card ?
How much do the dispensaries charge per gram ?
Questions, questions :|


Chief Vapor Officer
Evil1 - if you have a mmj card, they still want you to vape/smoke discreetly, meaning that hardly anyone I know ever does it in plain view. Something like the iolite really helps me when I am on the go, if you've seen a picture of me, I am really, really skinny and the iolite is great for stimulating my appetite when i go to a restaurant.

The dispensaries vary in the prices they charge but most follow the rule that there are none or very little price breaks with quantity to discourage re-distribution.


Well-Known Member
The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) kicked off a TV ad campaign aimed at gaining support for a California marijuana legalization bill in the legislature on Wednesday, but ran into problems with several TV stations around the state, which either rejected the ad outright or just ignored MPP efforts to place it. Still, the spots are up and running on other Golden State stations. (

Even though national opinion polling shows that more than 80 million American adults believe that marijuana should be made "legal" for adult use, only 27,000 people have ever donated to MPP.

If every person using marijuana had the initiative, foresight, and personal commitment to actually do something about our country's failed marijuana policies, we would live in a better world.


Harry Mooseknuckle
Here in MD If you have a doctors recommendation you can have up to an ounce for personal use but it still gets confiscated and carries a $100 fine. The problem here is finding a doc to write the recommendation theres still alot of stigma here. I've had migraines for years. I recently resumed messing with weed a few months ago and it's been a few months since I've had a migraine. My doc wont write a recommendation but he says if it works keep using it. I think it probably also helps with anxiety. I'm just so much more laid back now that its a daily thing. The only time I get stressed is when i'm running low cause I have really shitty connections.

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