How many TRUE combustion-fuckers?

How many TRUE combustion-fuckers?

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7th Floor: Engineer & Designer
Company Rep
Yeah I fucked combustion completely around 2 years ago. I have been vaping for 4 years or so but only switched to full time vaping 2 yrs ago. It was so worth it, my lungs are so much healthier from switching to vaping only.

I'm planning on never smoking again.

Can i ask where you got those figures from?

The reason i ask is that i have a few studies here that contradict this and state that combustion actually can deliver up to 80% while destroying the remaining 20%. Whereas vaporization (in this case the Volcano with controlled variables) resulted in a 60% delivery with the remainder of actives still in the sample and a much smaller part of that re-condensed on the surrounding surfaces (tested with ethanol bath).

(also, to clarify the studies compared joints to pipe/bongs and used a bong to represent combustion - it was found up to 60% of THC can be lost in a joint though side-smoke)

Thus the study posited vaporization to be in fact more efficient, though in some cases less effective in terms of rate of delivery. Even though in this study the vaporizer delivered only 60% compared to 80% with combustion, no actives were destroyed and could still be collected for use.

Also, this was with all sparkling clean equipment - i imagine if your pipe gets dirty then the 80% max delivery will drop off a significant portion.


Well-Known Member
Can i ask where you got those figures from?

The reason i ask is that i have a few studies here that contradict this and state that combustion actually can deliver up to 80% while destroying the remaining 20%. Whereas vaporization (in this case the Volcano with controlled variables) resulted in a 60% delivery with the remainder of actives still in the sample and a much smaller part of that re-condensed on the surrounding surfaces (tested with ethanol bath).

(also, to clarify the studies compared joints to pipe/bongs and used a bong to represent combustion - it was found up to 60% of THC can be lost in a joint though side-smoke)

Thus the study posited vaporization to be in fact more efficient, though in some cases less effective in terms of rate of delivery. Even though in this study the vaporizer delivered only 60% compared to 80% with combustion, no actives were destroyed and could still be collected for use.

Also, this was with all sparkling clean equipment - i imagine if your pipe gets dirty then the 80% max delivery will drop off a significant portion.

Hi there, the graph comes from this thread -

Sorry mods if that is not allowed, if not pls edit.


7th Floor: Engineer & Designer
Company Rep
Cant see any sources, let me link these studies i speak of.

Here is one evaluating the Volcano, they asses extraction efficiency for flower and concentrate, the re-condensation of actives in the bag over time and also on the vapour path. Absorption is also discussed and stated that almost half of inhaled actives are exhaled - hold your hits people, don't be proud of clouds!

This one compares vaporisation to combustion, comparing it to pipes and joints. Also has some HLPC-DAD-MS analysis of both vapour and smoke if i remember correctly. Again the tested device is a Volcano for obvious reasons (minimized confounding variables due to automated extraction).

The first study may be available to those with a peg-leg and eye-patch with a some Google searching.

If someone wants to go ahead and graph out all the data in those two studies (and any referenced or in the bibliographies) you may struggle to do it graphically due to the complex nature of all the variables involved. Basically... i'm not giving it a shot :lol:.

Hope the info is helpful


taste buds
I'm combustion free. I quit smoking tobacco a few years ago. That was hard but I smoked a lot of flowers to soften the blow lol.

As far as MJ I actually purchased an Iolite a year or so before I quit tobacco. I enjoyed that but not to the exclusion of combustion. It was more like vape in the day and smoke at night.

Anyway after that I quit MJ for a while for various reasons. I got rid of the Iolite. When I started hanging out with MJ again I didn't miss vaping as it was a novelty in a way. I should mention I've been combusting for over 20 years.

Two weeks ago I was going to quit MJ again even though I knew deep down inside it wasn't the problem. The problem was combustion (among other unrelated things, nobody is perfect, etc etc). I decided to go vape only and so far I'm so glad I did. I have a portable which is the only thing I use for consumption. I plan on getting a second unit soon, either another portable or maybe a home unit. I don't feel this thread is the place to name products so I'll refrain. As a beginner, albeit a fairly educated one, there are a lot of exciting options, but the specific model is beside the point.

The point is that vaping is a vastly superior delivery method, and I'm excited to be beginning this journey. This is just the start too, vaporizer technology is advancing at a rapid pace. It's the way of the future lol.

All of that said, I will probably lose some points here but I admit that there is a good chance I will combust at some point in the future for social reasons. It will have to be quite important as I plan on always having a portable (or two) handy. A tiny bit of brief health risk is acceptable if it can advance you further in other areas. At the same time, having high standards and sticking to your principles can be flattering to your character too, it all depends on the situation.


Every time I see this thread pop up, I think:

"I am the truest of Combustion Fuckers, I fucked combustion right in its ass."

Going on several pilgrimages in the next year to very friendly states, I wont break. I will bring portables, I will bring desktops, I will bring oil rigs, I will eat edibles, I will bhomb like crazy, but I will not Fucking combust!

Combustion tastes like someone put vomit and shit in a zip lock bag, put the bag in the microwave, then left it in the back seat of a car parked in the hot summer sun, then poured it into a bowling shoe... You know that taste? .....that is combustion.



Well-Known Member
So far i've had a little over two weeks of vaping only (and a bout of flu inbetween the two weeks :ugh:).

Vaping exclusively has been surprisingly easy - it somehow felt 'right' straight away. I haven't missed combusting at all...and i really thought i would.

My cough has gone, i had the flu without an accompanying chest infection (first time in decades!) and i've been very, very stoned. I see no reason to combust again, ever...:rofl:


Trichome Technician
The further along I venture through the journey of being completely combustion free, I almost feel like a snob.

It is not my intention, and I've never been a snooty person in any regard....
But when it comes to lighting beautiful cannabis on fire..

I can't help but scoff and shake my head in disapproval.

It almost feels like an insult when I see my friends light my flowers on fire... I die inside a little every

What is hard for me to comprehend, is the fact that I'm desperately trying to get everyone I know to at least give Vaporization a chance, spend a couple hundred bucks, and I promise it will pay for itself in about a month.

A gram a day vs a gram a week is my main argument, with the added benefits of epic flavor, and the most important, no combustion = healthier consumption, Carcinogenic becomes Anti-Carcinogenic...and you get super high!

Essentially Cannabis becomes not only a medical beneficiary, but an anti-cancer "vitamin" and a supplement for a plethora of various properties.

I got a Niece that is now a Manager at a local dispensary, and I've almost got her convinced to start Vaping and quit the damn blunts.
-God, that makes me feel so old, I remember holding her when she was newborn when I first met my wife over 20 years ago.:myday:

I thought about lending her one of my DBVs ... But, I think it'll be more likely for her to make the switch with guidance while she is learning.

Because I myself borrowed a SSV years ago, since I had nobody guiding me, and had no knowledge of FC... I tried a few times with no success and just continued to combust.
If I would have had someone to tell me about draw speed and temp settings... I know I would of started Vaping at that point in time.

I am on mission... Vaporization needs more exposure , and I'm determined to get everyone I come in contact with at least interested in Vapor.

I have converted 2 people so far...
One got a Solo, the other is rocking a black DBV.

I want the whole world to FuckCombustion!:nod:
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Well-Known Member
On friday i will have been vape-only for two months.

@Hashtag46&2 i too am spreading the vaporiser-love.
One friend has bought a mflb and plans to be vape-only by xmas.
Another friend wants a vape but is still deciding which one to get.
I had my uncle (79yrs old) around last week and i taught him how to use my ha - he wants to use cannabis for pain but hasn't done so because he didn't want to smoke. He couldn't believe that vapes even existed (i remember that feeling, lol)
I'm like a cult's ambassador...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Almost a month without combustion of herb.
Unless you want to count one puff off an e-cig no tobacco in two years
Two years ago I tried a hookah with the hookah style tobbaco mixed with herbs a few times.
Pure tobbaco like a cigar or cigarette it's been four or five years. Lost interest once I got into flowers
Regular tobbacco smoking it's been 15 or so years.


Well-Known Member
Smoke? Bleh. Since going to e-liquids and dry herb vapes, I have my taste buds back. Dry herb vaping took me about 2 weeks to get used to, you know, before i could really feel the effects and how much greater they were.

If someone has smoked a cigarette (Used to smoke for 7 years), I can now smell it on them 8' away. If I hit a bowl or a blunt now a days, It just tastes kinda nasty and doesn't get me nearly as lifted as vaping does. Its such a shame so many people still combust.

Plus, I make a shitload of edibles with what I have leftover from my vapes.

I'll combust if nothing is around and I'm really Jonesing or something, otherwise fuck combustion. Thats why I have multiple portable vapes, man.

Post #100, and I'll say it again: Fuck Combustion!


Old & In the Way
I love it! Here's my odyssey.

I smoked cigarettes for over 40 years, rarely even tried to stop. About 1/3 of that time was non-filters, and I'd also say that about 1/4 of the time I rolled my own by hand. Subjected my wife and kids to all this without discretion about indoors/outdoors, whatever, daddy's gonna do this. Generally about 1-1/4 packs a day would be a good rough estimate. You do the math!

I smoked cannabis for the same number of years, and I could almost count on my fingers and toes the number of days that I have not consumed cannabis in some form or degree. Primarily rolled joints, though I have seen and tried lots of delivery methods. Wife has joined in this endeavor all along.

For several years I projected that I would stop the tobacco somehow on or before my 60th birthday. Three months prior to that birthday I came down with pneumonia (first and only time). Not bad enough to be hospitalized, but enough to be miserable for a few weeks. Even had to taper my cigarette intake down to 4 or 5 a day! so that became a pretty good jumping off point. So as I coughed and wheezed, my can of tobacco slowly emptied and my resolve firmed; the time was obviously at hand.

One detail that became very important to me was that I not call it "quitting", rather "stopping", smoking. This is because for me, the word "quitting" implies that there was some original intent to undertake or start some venture or pursuit. Therefore, quitting might connote "failure" or abandonment of that undertaking. Sounds a bit odd when I attempt explain! but the idea of stopping a behavior had much more appeal than the thought of having failed at something.

At that point, I was not familiar at all with vaping, except the relatively new-to-me e-cigs that people were finding like, at the mall. My daughter loaned me one she had used, and I did suck on that thing a few times a day after the tobacco ran out, but only for about a week, after that I stuck with Hall's menthol cough drops if I had a temporary urge.

Then I was finished, and I've not had any tobacco for over 5 years. I believe that a degree of the old behavior is eliminated, and some degree has transferred to cannabis behavior, which has marginally increased. :nod:

I don't recall how vaping of cannabis came into my sights, but wife and I were getting so we'd be coughing a fair amount, smoking jays of what was available/affordable to us, very commercial semi-bricked obviously(?) imported standard stuff. Strong enough. Even when we might get some of the high grade, we'd still be irritated by smoking it. But then I caught wind of things like the Volcano and started poking around. Soon I had ordered a popular portable vape, and got so excited with the anticipation of this thing people were saying was like an Apple product and a game changer, an so cool looking. At the same time, wife and I were both very weirded out by the idea of a DEVICE, some apparatus coming into our lives and somehow displacing our joint and the sharing and our time together and all that......and then it arrived.

And in an hour this thing eliminated combustion of cannabis from our lives completely. It was mid 2013, and since then we've tried joints about three times. Tastes awful. And though we have totally upgraded our flowers (and vapes!) still, when combusted, it tastes like sucking straight out of the fireplace ashes.

Fuck that. Fuck Combustion. :clap:

Having become more aware of the dangers of ingesting nicotine, I don't, in any way.

Also, senses of taste and smell have improved. Air tastes fucking great! I mean it!
Downside? gained 25 pounds...


Enter the Dragon
It has been quite the odyssey for me but this is the first time I have been completely combustion free (for 8 weeks anyways :)) in well over 20 years! I was smoking 15 cigarettes a day by age 12 & at least 30 a day from age 15-36. I also started smoking cannabis at 12 & was smoking at least 10g a week from age 15-28 & then weekend smoking 2g from 28-33. From 33-36 I was combusting at least 14g a week. Not ridiculously huge amounts but very consistent habitual use over the years.

Because I have always smoked a 70/30 mix of weed & tobacco it was a extremely hard habit to break. I ordered a Extreme Q in Jan 2013 & gave it a go intermittently but it was not as gratifying as ripping huge cones through my bongs. In April 2015 I decided to put together a plan to quit smoking. Having always failed at quitting smoking due to my cannabis use I decided to break that one first.

I ordered a Flowermate Pro as a back up & reupped on my broken EQ parts so that way I would have no excuse not to vape. It was fucking hard work to stop & I remembered how I used to hook up the EQ to a bong. What that meant was I could vape 2 EQ elbows & smoke a big fat bowl & gradually reduced my bowl size & started to learn to enjoy the vape high :science:. I will add that was through separate watertools.

By May I had stopped combusting my cannabis/tobacco mix & was exclusively vaping weed :rockon:. I have not smoked cannabis since then & have rejected offers of smoking multiple times when out & about. I was still smoking cigarettes like a chimney though & quitting them was the reason I started vaping in the first place! One day I decided enough was enough & purchased nicotine replacement therapy to use.

After a week of not smoking I purchased a reasonable Ecig as I was struggling with the habit of not puffing away on something. I did not use nicotine in the ejuice & still used the nicotine strips in conjunction with the ecig. That way I could better wean myself of nicotine. I have not used a nicotine strip in 3 days & my ecig in 10. I am really starting to feel like I have fucked combustion finally :rip:.

Cigarettes here cost between $20-25 for a pack of 25 & I was smoking a minimum of 8 packs a week. By comparison I was spending between $160-180 a week on a 1/2 of good buds & something had to give!


Arizer Air Aficionado
Love reading others experiences as do I love sharing my own, so here goes. :)

I had smoked cigarettes (most days) and joints rolled with a tiny amount of tobacco (basically every day) from the age of around 17, this continued till I had just turned 20. I went on holiday and had no access to herb so smoked many many cigarettes, much more than I would normally do. When I got back I felt sick about the amount I had smoked, it repulsed me so decided to kick the fags. It worked for 3 weeks till I smoked one again, the day after when I woke up I felt immensely guilty about it, so much so I have not smoked another fag since! And that is where my combustion free journey all began, I forget many things in my life but will never forget that date of that last fag, January 20th 2014.

Of course I was still combusting joints with a small amount of tobacco at the time and it it wasn't till nearly a year later when I was celebrating 1 year cigarette free that things changed again. Throughout the year smoking had begun to disgust me, the fact I had done it for so long, the fact it stunk and the million other bad things about it. I also have asthma, and whilst although I was fit and active and it didn't give me any problems I knew smoking hadn't helped. I wondered if I had never smoked anything would I still have asthma, would I still be sucking these pumps every morning and every night. It was really really bugging me that although I quit smoking, and was so proud of it that I still used tobacco.

I had heard of vapes in Amsterdam and used the Volcano, I enjoyed it but saw it as a novelty. In the previous year I had also tried a friends puffit v1 and was disappointed. I think I was watching a review on vapefiend's Youtube channel, I didn't have a vape nor intend on getting one but I watch a load of random shit on youtube.

So it had just been my 1 year fag free anniversary and I got a place to run my first marathon in London. I thought now is the time to consider getting a vape. So I start doing research, I like to look into new products very thoroughly so this takes a while sometimes, no rushed decisions. At this point I hadn't decided to definitely buy one, or quit combustion. I just liked the idea of replacing some smoking with using a vape. Whilst browsing I thought if I was to buy one I would buy the Solo or the Inhalater, was probably going to go Inhalater because portability to me is key and I liked the form factor. The next day Arizer releases the Air! I think though vapefiend. Now I gather it was already known to the world, but to someone barley scratching the surface of vapes I didn't know it was coming.

Come to think of it maybe I have to thank Arizer. There is a good chance I never would have ended up buying a vape, could have been another of those good ideas that never happen haa. I love having the latest tech and the Air looked slick and in a form factor I liked, that persuaded me. I knew the Solo was a respected vape so I pull the trigger and get one on the first day of UK release.

I smoked my last joint the 23rd of Jan 2015 a Friday night, woke up with a package Saturday and have not had a joint since. Like I said I didn't intend to completely quit smoking joints, at the time that seemed impossible! Massively daunting. Over the next few days I grew to love the vape it also allowed me to cut down from daily to mostly Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Initially I still thought I will still smoke a joint sometimes, but as the weeks went on I didn't. I didn't want to and didn't need to. I feel no temptation to smoke a joint, even when a friend is smoking around me and I don't have the vape. Smoking just isn't an option.

I don't think I found FC until a few days after getting the Air. I can't exactly remember how I stumbled across this forum, can I check my first post? FC encouraged the fact to not just use a vape, but completely fuck combustion. The community here is amazing, I have learnt so much.

3 points to end on:
1) The marathon went well. Raised nearly £1600 for charity and finished in 4:27, I am sure vaping helped!
2) The running and vaping has cured my Astmah. For the last 3 months or so I probably take one puff of my inhaler every 3 weeks on average!
3) I am coming up to 1 year completely having fucked combustion and that feels amazing!
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Well-Known Member
Interesting reads, thanks for sharing. I seem to be in the minority who still combust at times (around once a month). To me, combustion with activated carbon isn't nearly as nasty, gives a high more similar to vaping, yet I enjoy it because it's still different.

Also fun fact: you never COMBUST weed. Why. You smoke a bowl, the green is actually SMOLDERING, not combusting. Think of the difference between a smoldering campfire and a lit one. Basically, this whole forum is named wrong :p


Grasshopper Backer
Interesting reads, thanks for sharing. I seem to be in the minority who still combust at times (around once a month). To me, combustion with activated carbon isn't nearly as nasty, gives a high more similar to vaping, yet I enjoy it because it's still different.

Also fun fact: you never COMBUST weed. Why. You smoke a bowl, the green is actually SMOLDERING, not combusting. Think of the difference between a smoldering campfire and a lit one. Basically, this whole forum is named wrong :p
There was a forum that determined smoldering is a form of combustion, I believe.

I'll post my story since I've found this :) Skip halfway if you don't want to read how I started, and just how I ended.

I was relatively anti-smoking anything (in my knowledge it was tobacco, weed, and harder drugs that were smoked ((obviously I was against hard drugs that weren't smoked xP)). In my freshman year of high school, I started hanging out with some of my friends from elementary school again, two of my closest ones. In middle school, we all ended up going to different schools altogether. It was generally pretty tough to get together, even though we all lived close.

Fast-forward to sophomore year, we are all hanging out regularly again. One of my friends talks about how he smokes weed with his dad, as his friends grow and etc. My other friend and myself are curious, but not too curious. About halfway through the year, my girlfriend broke up with me (it was devastating :shrug:).

Down, for quite a while, I tried getting my mind off of things in lots of ways. Our band was Green Day, and it had been my favorite band for so many years. Any song played :whoa: I just couldn't! My buddy who smoked invited me over to his house to spend the night.

Among other things, we talked. This was my first night getting high. But I didn't smoke. No, I didn't eat or vape either haha. I wasn't too down with smoking still, especially because I never wanted to use marijuana as an escape or to fight against (non-chemically imbalanced) depression. My buddy hotboxed the fuck out of his room, and with my consent blew most of the smoke in my direction. After about an hour or two, I was certain I was high. Pretty crazy, considering it was only a hotbox.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I was on my ass at the /r/tree[7-10] scale. Nah, I was happy. Relaxed. Not thinking about her. Well fuck me then.

A couple weekends later, the three of us elementary school friends see that one of our favorite bands Authority Zero were playing a show at Slims in San Francisco, only an hour BART ride away. We were all deadset on going, and our parents were cool with it. My dad had work, but said he'd drive us when we got back.


That didn't happen. That night, instead, when he got back he apologized and said he was too tired. It would have been nice to know, 2 hours earlier, so that we could have taken the BART. We were unable to go to the show. Our other friend went home, and instead I stayed the night at my stoner friends house. :disgust::cuss::rant: are just a few good examples of how the two of us felt. He packed a big bowl in his bong and handed it to me with a lighter.

I said, "Please." and proceeded to light half of the bowl. Inhaling, watching it smolder down (:p), I pulled the slide and inhaled the whole hit and held it for a good 10 seconds. I just took my first bong rip. No cough. No choke. It was like I was created to rip massive clouds.

My buddy looked at me in awe, I remember his face so clearly gaping wide open. "Holy shit you've never smoked weed before? That was a power hit of fucking champions and you just took that thing like a tank."

"Well.... I have now!"

And he starts dying laughing. He takes the other half and packs another. I'm stoned as fuck, so I pass for a little while. We draw, write, headband to Pantera. After a little while, I ask if I can smoke some more.
He hands me the bong, and tells me about cornering, since you don't want to be an ass/take that huge of hits every time.

I light it, cornered, and pretty much right when the smoke hits my throat :o I cough hard! For a solid 10 minutes. And this was maybe 1/3rd if even the size. My throat was not happy! Heh. I slept on his floor, so comfortable.
And that's when I knew. :leaf: at 15. Later, the 3 of us found out we all played instruments and became a band of stoners. Music, smoke, music. Weekly-ish.


Grasshopper Backer
Part 2: When I actually fucked combustion.

Now that the intro is out of the way :brow: :lol:

Fast-forward again to November 2013. Halfway through my senior year in highschool, I'm smoking every day, for pretty much the last 2 years with only a couple of 3-7 day breaks when I travelled. To counter the effects smoking would have on me, I made sure to run a lot (often on the weed :ko:) for cardio. But, even then I'm coughing up some black stuff now and then, and generally feel shorter of breathe. The way I smoked, I power hit bongs. So almost always upwards of 30 second hits. I'd maybe only take 1-3 bowls a day though, so I wasn't overdoing it too much. I started using hemp wick, and saw the Grasshopper vaporizer on Indiegogo. It looked amazing and perfect. It was going to be my first vaporizer, I just knew.

Later that month, I back the Grasshopper vape on November 23rd, 2013. :love:

I tell a lot of my close friends about it, none of them are really interested in the idea of vapes. Ahhh batteries, not instant etc bullshit. It's also our last year, and the ETA for the Grasshopper was February of '14 so at most they'd get to try it over the summer (heh). In college, I found a good group of stoners who were just trying to be on the DL and get their shit done. Smoke mad bowlz, son. Right? Yeah...

As you probably know, college is not easy like high school usually is. No more time for me to be running around parks. Study, sleep, eat, try and clean, all while studying. :bowdown: No, I'm whacking my face on the floor.

Halfway through freshman year, I get kind worried about the black stuff I'm coughing up. I changed my habits to smoke less, and try and never use lighters (hemp wick) when possible. There was a point where I was only smoking keif as well, which actually helped a lot. But, I still knew that I should stop. By this time, I had forgotten about the Grasshopper because of how busy I was. I didn't even see some of the updates for a while. Freshman year ends, and over the summer, the 3 elementary amigos get their medical cards together. Legal weed, holy fuck. My MMJ doctor asked about habits and uses. I have insomnia, which stems from major joint pain in my knees, elbows, and hands (yay technological millennials...). He suggests smoking with some melatonin and bits of edible, and if I can to stop smoking over time.

My sophomore year I was still stupid and combusted the whole year. I'm pretty sure I developed bronchial infections from smoking a lot, and was getting sick often. And it wasn't all the weed, but for sure it was not helping. And when I was sick, I didn't really want to not smoke... cause you know... get high right? It helps everything. :( Over the final term, I took mushrooms and LSD (separately).

When the semester ended, I had a pretty life changing experience. It's very personal, but essentially I could never look at the world the same way. The drugs helped that, but really it was the event.

Over the summer, I made a point to smoke a lot less. I couldn't start vaping because how can I justify spending another $100 when I have the Grasshopper coming in months? Well. At the end of the summer, my girlfriend bought me a FMV5.0S. One day I just found it in my mail.

Charge it, clean it, try it. :rip:

5 sessions in a row and I was amazed... and choking :tup: I went to my buddies house, and he wasn't too sure about it. We knew that we should be vaping, as getting our cards renewed the doctor suggested that we really should. I told him I had one on the way (well I did haha). Few weeks later, I get that surprise gift.

But, some of you may know that FM are good starters, but not exactly... top notch in a few ways. Well, those few ways really bugged my friend, and granted were downsides for me too. Strong draw resistance, heavy cleaning necessary often. It's better now since I also know how to use it (though, haven't in a number of weeks). My buddies are still combusting... Which I don't actually want to do... or even like.. The smell of smoked weed is gross now, and the taste... meh why! In a way, switching to vaping sucked because of how it makes your body view smoke after (personally). I don't know it's to the point where if I vape out of a smoked from bong, I can tell it's been smoked from. I'm sure many of you know what that's like. I try and jerry rig it to a couple of my pieces, but it doesn't really work out (yet ;P).

I brought my glass and vape back to school with me, and vaped only occasionally smoking because literally nobody around me wanted or liked vaping :argh: I eventually said screw 'em, and would say no I'm not going to smoke, I've stopped. Many of my friends respected my choice, and would vape with me instead of smoke.

One person in particular, who at many points mooched from us and was often disrespectful to women around us... But it's "okay because he's gay". He essentially came to hang out, talk trash, and smoke my weed. Or vape it, he didn't care as long as he was using my stash and not his. After many conversations amongst the girls, and many awful interactions they had with him, I made a clear point to send him a message. Our building was having a rather large party, and our floor was hosting. He came, and stalked (I wish I were kidding), 2 of my friends and myself at this kissing party (college :love:). The night before, he asked my girlfriend if "He would be able to make out with her tomorrow at the party, because he's made out with all of his other straight girlfriends". She was appalled, disgusted, and genuinely felt unsafe and uncomfortable around him.

The moment he saw her, he shouted her name and spread his arms out for a hug. I stepped in front of her, put my hand on his chest, to which he replied, "Oh fuck off, I just want a hug."

I said, "No. She doesn't want a hug. She is not your "girlfriend" and you are not going to come around any of us anymore. Fuck off." :nope: It was about damn time I manned up.

Since that night, I haven't combusted marijuana. I don't plan to either. My good friend from home has lots of glass, but wanted to stop smoking for a few reasons. I told him all of the benefits, downsides (charging, not instant), and which ones I think he would really like (also ones I wanted hehe). Just yesterday, he told me it was between the Rise and the Evo. I told him do NOT get the Rise (sorry) and go with the Evo. They're also having a holiday sale, which has the hydratube for free for the standard package.

He's been unlucky with the Grasshopper, as it broke 2 days before he showed up, visiting literally to try it. So that was unfortunate, but he understands the health benefits to it.

I have fucked combustion, and gotten a couple of others to do the same as well :luv:

Edit: Sorry for the double post, I know it isn't appreciated. But, there's a 10000 character limit...
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Arizer Air Aficionado
And he starts dying laughing. He takes the other half and packs another. I'm stoned as fuck, so I pass for a little while. We draw, write, headband to Pantera. After a little while, I ask if I can smoke some more.
He hands me the bong, and tells me about cornering, since you don't want to be an ass/take that huge of hits every time.

I light it, cornered, and pretty much right when the smoke hits my throat :o I cough hard! For a solid 10 minutes. And this was maybe 1/3rd if even the size. My throat was not happy! Heh. I slept on his floor, so comfortable.

Interesting story I read both parts :)

Just out of interest what do you mean by "cornering"? Not heard that term before.

If it's specifically related to bongs that would make sense being from the UK and not having the same bong culture as you guys have.

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