Help me save my 10 grams of budder


Well-Known Member
Upon purchasing 10 grams of budder, I bought myself a new platinum cured medical grade silicone container for storage.

I know alcohol can dry out/ degrade silicone, but I cleaned the silicone container with 99% ISO briefly, then left it by a fan for 3+ hours to evaporate.

After at least 3 hours, I foolishly filled the container with my budder thinking the ISO had evaporated, but a few hours later I smelled my budder and noticed a subtle alcohol smell.

At that point I took the lid off the silicone container (unsealed it), put the container inside a vented glass pyrex container hoping the excess alcohol might evaporate and the smell would be gone.

A few days later and the budder still smells of ISO.

The amount of 99% ISO in the budder would be very trace, but is it safe to smoke? Is there a way I can save my budder by purging or evaporating further? If the budder is not safe to smoke, Is it at least edible or has the ISO made it poisonous?

I'll thoroughly appreciate any/all help/input I can get, thank you.


Standing stone faced like a statue.
I have had budder that smelled of iso on its own, it was obviously not purged well(in my case)


Authorized Buyer
It sounds like it could use more purging. Keep the container it's in open (not partially covered), and introduce a fan blowing across. Just letting it sit to evap takes weeks.


Well-Known Member
Spread it out thin on that pyrex and heat it with an electric griddle at 120 a couple hours. If you decide to eat it you will have to decarb it, which would cook out all the iso. You dont have to eat it though, just purge like that then smoke. Good thing about iso is you can taste it in really small amounts. So, if you can't taste it, its safe to vape.
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Couldn't you heat it up on a griddle at low heat add a small amount of water to there is something to displace the alcohol. When the water is gone so is the alcohol.


Well-Known Member
Thats like making a bigger mess to clean up just so you can tell its cleaner after you clean up. Sorry for my rambling.
Alchol evaporates at a lower temperature than water. So it would be harder to get the water out than the alcohol.
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