Scott Walker wants you to pee in a cup


Plant Enthusiast
He can have it.....but he's going to have to come get it.

"I'll give you my pee when you pry it from my cold, dead hands."



Crohn's Warrior

State after state has tried this. Every time drug testing as a condition for receiving welfare benefits gets passed by a particular state, it quite rightly gets struck down as Unconstitutional. On top of that, it ends up costing more money that it would have saved because there are only ever a tiny amount of positive results...almost always significantly lower than the estimated "average" for the general population.

The Supreme Court ruled many years ago that the government, with very limited exceptions, does not have the right to drug test either potential employees, or to randomly test present government workers without probable cause of drug use. It all boils down to the 4th Amendment of the Constitution, which doesn't get nearly the support that the 2nd Amendment does among certain sectors of the population. Ironic, since it, rather than the 2nd Amendment, has been the one trampled upon in the last 15 years.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, BUT UPON PROBABLE CAUSE..." 4th Amendment, US Constitution

Since applying for welfare benefits is NOT "probable cause" of drug use, neither the Federal or State government have the right to require a drug test unless there is good reason to suspect the person is a drug user. Private employers don't have to abide by the 4th Amendment. This is why companies can drug test you whenever they want.
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