Why is marijuana totally legal in so few countries around the world?



Wow! What a heaven it must be (...):

« ...the country doesn’t consider marijuana to be a drug. »

Well the North Koreans may have got that bit tuned about right though there's some huge task awaiting to fix the rest!


In the meantime:

Please come back after their November 17 event with a few more "memes" when it's done madame Clinton!!

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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Cannabis actually grows wild in North Korea like the weed it is. It's probably unusable. They grow industrial hemp. Don't know if I would like to visit there though.

I'm sure Dennis and Kim shared a couple bowls together.
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M'well, it's still not available on YouTube (for more adequate convenience) but here's another UN video that might fill the gap:

This may come as a surprise to some: Hygiene is like "Harm Reduction" apparently, it's a matter of public health!


Meanwhile, on the land of Harper:

« Canada’s Shame: Parliament considers regressive drug policy bill »

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This is an article resulting from an invitation to the November 17 event, which appears to have been delivered by the UN representative pictured below:

James Cockayne, UN University at the UN Headquarters in NYC

Students for Liberty: Could Drug Legalization Policies Be a Tool for Peace? (2014-Nov-24)

« ...one of the speakers, James Cockayne, emphasized the case of legalization in California being the game-changer in the political debate. He warned that if the heads of states and NGOs fail to consider drug legalization policies more throughly, UNGASS 2016 is risking being seen by the global media as yet another useless UN summit, and confirming UN’s inability to rapidly respond to contemporary problems... »​

Companies/politicians want control, over health and what you do, and how you "think". MJ influences the mind in what I would say is a good way of expanding ones mind, they don't want this, also Big Phrama for sure does not want the health benefits that come along from it, weakens the grip.

I have suspected this myself for many years. After you smoke weed, you discover its not so bad. In fact its pretty good provided - like so many things - its not in excess. Than you begin to wonder what the big deal was all about. Exactly why is marijuana so illegal, and why are they parroting the same lies about it year after year? Then you begin to wonder about all the other bullshit "the man" has been feeding you. Once you figure out its all about money, power, and control you exit their sphere of influence. This is what they don't want. Let me put it differently, and I suspect some won't like this: If they can convince you the earth is getting warmer while you're huddling in your igloo shivering your nugs off, then you'll believe anything.
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