How much wax should I buy if only smoking once daily?

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New Member
From what I have read, THC degrades faster in pure form. So if my wax will lose it's potency, how much should I have at any one time? I have heard potency is considered degraded after 3 weeks.

Will be my first time using wax.
Usage will be once daily, 1-2 bowls per use.


Well-Known Member
whatever the minimum order quantity is. gram, or maybe a half g. I personally don't notice a drop in potency even after leaving oil out for a month+

If your tolerance is low you don't need very much; maybe .05g. It's generally considered more efficient to use oil out of a dab rig/pen. Most vapes don't work that well with straight oil anyway- you need cotton or a bed of herb to absorb the oil, otherwise it will just melt through the screen


Micro-Climate Mastermind
I am with Brother Bouldorado on this one. Buy a small quantity to see how you like it. Some people prefer flowers to oil.

I regularly store concentrates for 3 months or more and have never noticed a decline in quality. I do my long term storage in an airtight vessel like a mason jar. Then that's shelved in a dark place, if it's cool that's even better for preservation of more delicate compounds like aromatic terpenes.
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