Treating Epilepsy with Cannabis


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else here use cannabis to treat epilepsy or other seizure disorders? I have temporal lobe epilepsy, and I've found cannabis extremely helpful in stopping and preventing seizures. My seizures don't cause me to lose consciousness, but rather I get an uncanny sensation of deja vu, followed by a sense of doom, followed by fuzzy memory of the event. They came randomly, and happened to me about once every other week if I wasn't medicated.

I stopped getting the seizures when I smoked regularly, but when I smoked infrequently, or stopped smoking, I was likely to have them. I didn't notice a correlation until I took an entire summer off from smoking, and my seizures came back, and started happening frequently. Since then I got a vaporizer, and stopped smoking, but I still had the occasional seizure when I forget or was not able to medicate. It wasn't until recently that I realized I needed to be diagnosed in the event an accident happened, or something bad happened to me legally.

When I got diagnosed I was prescribed Keppra, and that effectively stopped the seizures for good. Still I found cannabis very helpful with dealing with the symptoms from taking keppra, so I got mmj certified. Being on the keppra is good in that I can take breaks from weed without worrying about seizing, and I need much less weed than I would have in the past. Still sometimes I wonder if I'd be better off getting off the keppra and just using MMj to treat the seizures.

I also wonder if the way I administer cannabis is best for treating seizures. I currently use high CBD high THC indica in a desktop vaporizer, 2 to 3 times a day. I've been considering switching to oils, as it seems easier to get high temperature actives all at once when using oils, rather than having to finish a vape bowl all the way to the end to get the deep temp actives. The two cannabinoids I've read about being most beneficial for epilepsy are CBD and the less researched, THCV. THCV has an especially high boiling point, which makes me think it might be easier to administer in the form of a concentrate.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I use cannabis for pain and anxiety. I found these CDB caps. I am going to try 2 tomorrow. Something like this would be worth a try. Where I live it's $12 for 4 caps. I took this pic with my iPad. It's a little fuzzy.


Well-Known Member
Very interested in how those work for you. I wonder what the how the added terpenes change the experience. I've tried CBD pills made from ABV, but since dispensaries have yet to open, I haven't tried any CBD pills yet.
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