Dangerous problem, weed effect gets lost. Detox day ?


New Member
You people are funny.

We talk about MJ as a medicine. We talk about its benefits, and how it helps people. We talk about how people's lives are bettered by it, each and every day. Hell, least night I watched that Gupta "Weed 2" special on CNN. All they did was talk about how MMJ helps people and changes lives.

Does anyone disagree with this characterization of (our corner of, at least) the MJ/MMJ community?



Now what do we take medicine for? Seizures, like those poor kids on that CNN special? Of course. People with chronic pain? Well, that's a no brainer. The person with cancer for any number of reasons? Duh.

How about the person with chronic depression?

Should they not manage their ailment with MJ? Should they load up on Rx MAOIs and SSRIs instead? Perhaps are we of the Scientology school of thought here, and anyone with depression can be treated with supplements and jogging? I suppose if that's the case, then we can ignore all the scientific data that shows MJ can help with depression as well as other mental afflictions (PTSD anyone?). What Would Tom Do?

Would you honestly tell someone suffering from depression that they simply need to "go get a better life", versus trying to help mitigate things by going to a doctor and getting medication?

It's interesting to see how quickly some of you can become hypocritical in this respect.

That being said, when I go to get my MMJ rec, the doctor tells you that you should abstain for a week every other month or so. Why? Because its been shown that heavy MJ use can cause negative side effects which can become hard to distinguish from what you are trying to treat, especially with non physical ailmetns (apathy, lack of energy, etc), as well as to help keep tolerance down (honestly, what doctor wants you to take more medication than what is necessary? A bad one.).

How is this any different than what our special friend the OP is suggesting?

Oh wait, its not.


People who have real depression medicate by taking one or two tokes per day. This guy is talking about getting high and how "boring" it becomes and compared it to heroin and cocaine and that becoming a bore too. Clearly he is blazing 99% for recreation... It's all clear in the way he speaks and what he says.


Well-Known Member
I'm convinced most "recreational" cannabis users are self-medicating for something, even if they aren't fully cognisant of it. I'm no one to judge.


stay true to yourselves
I forget not everyone is accustomed to his... ummm... writing style and interpretation of the English language (which definitely isn't his first and probably not his second language).

What the fuck just happened? I'm defending Mr 200% THC?

I need to reevaluate my life.
Don't reevaluate. I took what you said very seriously and believe that you are completely right. As far as we know; he is very badly depressed and has a terrible attitude to life that may be out of his control. It was wrong of us (and myself more specifically) to assume that he was simply abusing the substance.


Oil Painter
I forget not everyone is accustomed to his... ummm... writing style and interpretation of the English language (which definitely isn't his first and probably not his second language).

What the fuck just happened? I'm defending Mr 200% THC?

I need to reevaluate my life.
:cool: ... :tup:

You're fine, Cal... Not sure why the swoop in and attack the OP happened, but your heart is in the right place!



stay true to yourselves
It is a serious problem, that can lead to depressions, drug or alcohol abuse.

At what kind of situations, smoking weed can be extra pleasant.

When you had a little break ( even some hours or a morning without weed )
When you have trouble or serious problems
Extra good weed
Changing from sativa to indica strains. ( sativa nearly no cbd, indica more cbd & co. )
When your food and your digestion is well ( healthy )
Nice people
Nice day
Nice life
Good music
Good movies
Tasty food
Good neighbourhood
After sport
After work

All jokes aside (almost) I especially liked these parts of OP's post.

They are definately situations where weed can be extra pleasant. :lol:


I actually recanted in jest. None of us can say what an acceptable dose level is for anyone else. We aren't their doctor and we certainly don't have to live in their head.

I don't know, maybe I'm identifying too much here, however it seems somewhat wrong to assume that just because a few tokes helps your "depression", it's going to be the same for someone in a much more severe situation.

Case in point, a lot of clinically depressed people are on anti depressants 24/7. I fail to see how the same couldn't apply to MMJ. Perhaps someone ends up needing a specific constant dose in order to get right?

That's how a lot of pharmaceuticals work.

Factor in tolerance (ahem) and you can get pretty deep into the intake to get what you need with that level of consumption over extended periods.

I'm also very pilted and am probably rambling so I'll take my leave now.


Well-Known Member
the flipside of empathy is projecting my own problems on others

this thread does remind me of how my dad thought I was a drug addict. his argument was, if I needed to take drugs every day, I was a drug addict. furthermore, if I didn't have access to my drugs that day, and I didn't feel good or functional as a result, I was a drug addict.

he was not referring to cannabis, rather the various combinations of SSRI's and SNRI's I was put on in hopes of combating severe depression and general anxiety disorder.

to be honest if any of the pharma combos worked, I would still happily be on them.

cannabis helped me focus and be a functional human being. I had only discovered cannabis, however, when indulging in it as a recreational drug.

I started vaping a lot (made the extravagant decision to buy a volcano). it took me a long time to realize I wasn't just trying to get high for the sake of getting high. I knew I didn't enjoy getting stoned, so I just assumed I was indulging in the usual self harming behavior common of my people.

i was buying bud on the Black Market back then, so all I could get was stony weed. fast forward a few years, and I now have access to weed that does not get me stoned. my psychiatrist gave up on me, and dismissed me as treatment resistant. Fucking ass clown. Look at me now, so highly functional that I can support a family.


stay true to yourselves
Very interesting. Because of it's immediate onset it would be hard to find a regular recommended dosage for different mental ailments.. It would just be a 'take it when you need it' type of thing, which with the right level of self control IS an anti-depressant.


Just the opposite IMO Because of its immediate (relatively) onset and rather short duration it can become easier to dose for situation specific cases. Less in the calm quiet morning by yourself, quite a bit more after your boss lays into at work. Everything else is in the middle.

Dose too much and you may have to wait 15 minutes or so to level out, dose too little and it's readily apparent.

In my case no matter how medicated I get, I'm pretty sober within an hour (baring edibles, which may actually be a better option In some cases lime this).


stay true to yourselves
Just the opposite IMO Because of its immediate (relatively) onset and rather short duration it can become easier to dose for situation specific cases. Less in the calm quiet morning by yourself, quite a bit more after your boss lays into at work. Everything else is in the middle.

Dose too much and you may have to wait 15 minutes or so to level out, dose too little and it's readily apparent.

In my case no matter how medicated I get, I'm pretty sober within an hour (baring edibles, which may actually be a better option In some cases lime this).
Always sober within the hour also. I lose my perception of time a little bit so It's hard to say 100%, but I can always predict when I will be back to normal again. What a wonderful anti depressant haha


Solod out.
Just the opposite IMO Because of its immediate (relatively) onset and rather short duration it can become easier to dose for situation specific cases. Less in the calm quiet morning by yourself, quite a bit more after your boss lays into at work. Everything else is in the middle.

Dose too much and you may have to wait 15 minutes or so to level out, dose too little and it's readily apparent.

In my case no matter how medicated I get, I'm pretty sober within an hour (baring edibles, which may actually be a better option In some cases lime this).
Agreed, but for me its dose too much and grab a cookie.
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Well-Known Member
Caligula, I would like your post X1000. It's incredible how many people judge, yet have no idea what it's like to be in someone's shoes. I have recently been through alot, in which I couldn't sleep or work, and was directly related to excessive cannabis vaping, and then a cold turkey break/crash. Went to a few doctors and was given some interesting diagnoses....Mood disorder, anxiety disorder, panic attack, ADHD, and some form of biplolar. This has stemmed back from a severe trauma I had when I was 11 (watching father die) and I simply thought I was just normal (I wasn't!). Becuase of this, i've had the hard road in life no matter what decision I have made, and unknown to me I was self medicating to cope as best as I could.

By some sort of miracle and luck (and persistence I suppose) I have succeeded career wise and my personal life has leveled out perfectly. So basically, with support of smart open minded doctors, I have a choice:

I can down all these kinds of SSRI's and seroquell, lithium, paxil, and about a 1/2 dozen others that are anti-psychotic/anti-depress/mood stabilizer and be on them for life, and have worse withdrawal than from cannabis if I ever stopped suddenly.


I can fuck all the pharma crap and continue to use my precious vapour that helps me more than ANYTHING I have ever tried. I think my issue has been using too much sativa dominant during the day, whereas now i'm strictly utilizing indica dominant, and use as symtoms require. It's been working GREAT!

I was exactly in the same shoes as the OP.....couldn't feel the effects, it got boring, and I got despressed and hopeless.

As with everything, the poison is in the DOSE. Exceeding the dose causes me great problems, and just realizing this is a huge accomplishment.

Good thread.

I'm convinced most "recreational" cannabis users are self-medicating for something, even if they aren't fully cognisant of it. I'm no one to judge.

IMHO, if you are medicating, you are hurting. So I don't judge no matter what the ailment, even if it's recreational.

People who have real depression medicate by taking one or two tokes per day.

Oh really? Not my experience, or those that i've seen around me. But I respect your opinion.
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