Why we cannot jump to thread page number


Well-Known Member
The Arizer Solo tread is 1121 pages as of this moment. It would be nice to be able to navigate in big jumps (page 500 please) rather than two pages at a time (only 250 clicks, be there soon son).

Is there a way to navigate long threads quickly?
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Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
At this point, our software only allows you to jump 5 pages at a time. Sorry...
What the software lacks, you can make up for if you're an Aspie... or if you happen to have one handy... ;)

Take URL of said Thread... and change the page number to whatever page you wish...

Example, to go from page 1121, back to page 38 in one jump....

Take this....

And change it to this...

Then press Enter... and you're brought to page 38.

Hope that helps...



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