We really need to vote these guys out of office...

Papa Woody

"The vapor is strong with this one"-Obi Onda Woody

This is why I dropped Dish Network...

Colorado Attorney General backs firing of Medical Marijuana patient

The state attorney general's office says Coloradans do not have a right to use marijuana off the job, siding with a satellite television company in its firing of a medical-marijuana patient.

In a brief filed with the state Supreme Court last month, the Colorado attorney general's office argues that giving workers a right to use marijuana off duty "would have a profound and detrimental impact on employers in the state."

"Contrary to popular perception, Colorado has not simply legalized marijuana for medical and recreational purposes," state attorneys write in the brief. "Instead, its citizens have adopted narrowly drawn constitutional amendments that decriminalize small amounts of marijuana."

The Colorado Court of Appeals — the state's second-highest court — last year upheld Dish Network's firing of a quadriplegic medical-marijuana patient for a positive drug test. Although there is no allegation that Brandon Coats was stoned at work, the company said it has a zero-tolerance policy on marijuana.

Coats say his off-the-job marijuana use should be protected by Colorado's Lawful Off-Duty Activities Statute, which prevents companies from firing employees for doing things outside of work — like smoking cigarettes — that are legal. Dish Network argues that marijuana use can't be considered lawful while cannabis remains illegal federally.

In its brief supporting Dish Network, the state attorney general's office says zero-tolerance policies ensure that employees are able to perform their jobs competently. Requiring employers to prove that workers are stoned on the job before they can be fired would require companies to conduct "intrusive investigations into the personal life of an employee."

"Simply put, zero tolerance policies provide businesses with an efficient means of avoiding difficult employment decisions and even litigation," the attorney general's brief states.

Coats' case is the first time Colorado's highest court has taken up questions about the scope of marijuana legalization in the state, and it has drawn at least six outside groups filing briefs in support of Coats or Dish.

The Colorado Mining Association, the Colorado Defense Lawyers Association and the Colorado Civil Justice League — which claims an allegiance with several businesses and groups including the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce — have filed briefs on behalf of Dish. The Colorado Plaintiff Employment Lawyers Association and the Patient and Caregivers Rights Litigation Project have filed briefs supporting Coats.

The Supreme Court has not announced when it will hear the case.

John Ingold: 303-954-1068, jingold@denverpost.com or twitter.com/john_ingold
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Papa Woody

"The vapor is strong with this one"-Obi Onda Woody
Not only was he quadriplegic, he was a customer service representative, one of those "his job function could impact the safety of our customers and fellow employees" when he answers the phones. I'm frustrated with those who have never used cannabis but seem to be experts in how cannabis affects us and for how long the effects last.
I find it ironic that they feel that they don't want to create "intrusive investigations into the personal life of an employee." but they do want you to be jobless and homeless with no way of making a living. End of their problem so they can rest easy while sucking down their acceptable booze after a hard day oppressing us.
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Well-Known Member
"In its brief supporting Dish Network, the state attorney general's office says zero-tolerance policies ensure that employees are able to perform their jobs competently."

Not really. That should be done at the discretion of the managers/HR department.
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Vapor concierge
While I don't like this situation, I support the right of businesses to make whatever decisions they want. He doesn't have the right to work there. I know I won't be supporting Dish, though.


Ruler of all things person
I could understand this say if he had come in to work baked. Not that I think weed messes with you so much that you'd be unable to function, but still that's a big no-no.

Instead he got the shaft because he was an MMJ patient. Something which, arguably, law or no law, was his own decision and right.

Besides the tenth amendment and the supremacy clause of federal laws aren't in conflict when it comes to medical marijuana.

States can choose which drugs are acceptable for its citizens. The federal government has domain in interstate commerce and can choose to prevent the sale of marijuana from one state to another.

That's about it. Instead the issue is washed to the point of this. Where we have a national employer (are they international?) that believes there is a blanket supremacy cause. When the constitution states that the laws which are supreme are only in the areas where the constitution grants it power. Everything not mentioned is a reserved power.

I reiterate. Fuck Dish.

I feel for this man.



Lets swap cannabis vs alcohol positions, can you imagine an employee being discriminated i this manner for drinking beer at home? Or do we even have tests against gamblers, for that matter?...

So it's all a smoke-screen to me, the basic issue is bigot people using law to hurt others and make a living out of it (!): the sealots seem to think they're fighting a good cause while it's only about ideology and nearly religious convictions.

The North-American countries invest indecent amounts of money on people dedicated to destroy the lives of other persons, can't these resources be made to benefit our populations in a really constructive way?


Papa Woody

"The vapor is strong with this one"-Obi Onda Woody
Salutations Egzoset,

Yes, we spend way too much money fighting the "War on Drugs" and the "Drug-Free Workplace" when it's only really targeting a single drug, Cannabis.
This AG (and the many other like-minded politicians across the USA and other countries) that mindlessly support and prosecute based on 1930's propaganda know that this is their cash cow and will do anything to protect it.
For instance, here is another article where neighboring states to Colorado are "spending too much money fighting Cannabis brought over the border:


And they want to sue Colorado to pay for their increased "costs"...here's the solution...Legalize it nationally and focus on real crime.

If you take the profit motive away...
Papa Woody,
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Well-Known Member
So they fired this quadriplegic who was using medical marijuana on his own time, not because he had any problems doing the job but because they detected a substance they didn't like? First they violate his privacy and start unearthing his legal medical treatment details, then they throw him out, even though this has nothing to do with his job performance? I suppose employers are not prohibited from doing a great many things but is this a wise or compassionate course? The right thing to do?


Salutations Papa Woody,

...it's only really targeting a single drug, Cannabis.

Lets not forget it's also proven the anti-cannabic prohibition happens to have an awful RACIST component to it - which shouldn't come as a surprize considering the basis for such faithful crusade resides in nothing but obsure meanders of our shared destinies in North-American politics - which we have a duty to question, actually!


I'm not a conspirationist but i'm saying there's been way too much of a synergy in term of mass tendencies where cannabis was a convenient tool for opportunists, while it was serving too many purposes alien to Public Health & Safety, IMHO. Here goes the American dream i'm sorry to say...


That alone is solid ground for de-scheduling cannabis completely as i fail to see into such insanity any more justice & wisdom being promoted for the good of entire populations than there was in Europe around the '30s - a bit worse before and after, exactly.


But how can governements accuse themselves for their own crimes and not fear the legal + financial implications (!): at the rate citizens get their rights and property violated - if not just killed with some trivial excuse, euh... Which is no valid excuse at all. I mean politicians would cause our respective countries to go bankrupt for the monetary compensations alone, i imagine! Anyway, why are those in power still refusing to behave like decent humans do???


Perhaps if they opened their eyes then it would become necessary to face some flawed convictions of their own, instead of focussing on the "dangers" of cannabis and ultimately come to commit murder in the name of some twisted sociologically-toxic ideology!! After all, how does one explain a tragedy such as this:

And this was the killer's reward:

Public recognition, in North America!... Yes sir, the sky is the limit and nothing is too good for a brave soldier.


M'well, does it provide some hint(s) about what's SO WRONG with cannabis or what?!!

Lost lives don't suffice nonetheless, we continue to read about the "dangers" of cannabis; too bad the real victims don't get so much attention and comfort - not to mention support from those who pretend to protect our children and society...

Legalize it nationally and focus on real crime.

If you take the profit motive away...

I think laws are fashioned to seek a certain degree of coherence with international treaties, hence as far as i'm concerned it's UN-designed prohibition which has become a crime, including in Harper land, and hence this man could be one of those with power who suspiciously remain silent to the succession of destroyed lives.

Last but not least:

As Chief of Commonwealth i'm sure there would be influencial echoes in Ottawa all right...


The thing is those are powerful people who lack the political courage required to end it but they won't and that's how the war goes on. More will die because it's OKay to persecute individuals over their use of a cannabis plant i guess!! Like cows waiting to be served as hamburgers...


Anti-cannabic prohibition is a remnant of this old adage: absolute power corrupts absolutely. Anything goes when politicians are no longer guided by universal values, when bigotry is elevated to the rank of international law.

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