Vape Nicotine?


I am who I am and your approval isn't needed!
Won't be hard to just get tobacco flavored (or flavorless), and just add your own concentrated flavors (thats IF the powers that be get into this game ;) )
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I don´t like e cigarettes, because i don´t feel anything compared to smoked or vaped tobacco.

Tobacco contains more than nicotin, nornicotin and other alkaloids are in it.
Maybe that´s why a lot of people don´t like e cigarettes.

I already tried to smoke wet tobacco, so that it is vaped instead of smoked,
but thats not compfortable. Now i vape it with my homemade vapgenie ( smoked with 3 pipescreens above the weed ), and i only need 3 gramms of tobacco a day.
That´s not perfect but 100 times better and cleaner than smoking.

This liquids contain alcohol ( inhaled 10.000 times more harmful than drunk ), and one day some drops were on my fingers but i forgot to wash my hands.
My fingers felt numb for month, i never had something like this before.
1 Year later it became much better, but still 5 % numbness left in my fingers.
It´s neurotoxic, and when it is pure, it might be much more dangerous.
Deadly overdose or other sideeffects.

I think the future will be vaped tobacco, in vapgenies or vapes, where you can just take a short puff after another.


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