Tales from a Former Undercover Narc


Salutations Jambi619,

The problems of drug use and addiction are real, but the policies of prohibition don’t get rid of them and end up creating a whole bunch of other problems.

If i'm not mistaking, in North America the resources mobilized to fight alcohol and tobacco addictions appear to focus on education (via TV ads, etc.) these days. Correct me if i'm wrong but "stoner" parents fear for their liberty, property and even their children (!) while alcoholics and/or gamblers, etc., seem relatively immune. The addiction issues caused by alcohol and lottery (etc...) happen to be even more real and yet those still don't justify the sort of abusive treatment observed in our cannabic world - all this in the name of our children's safety, so they said in the '30s.


Liars! In fact addiction to money & power explains it all, forget the moral outfit as it was just a screen of smoke starting from day one: we're facing collective persecution rendered socially acceptable by our respective justice systems, actually legalized bigotry is tied to some UN treaty signed by more than a hundred countries...

The problems associated with THC intoxication have nothing to do with opium and whatnot, so lets first revise this sick "schedule" system where alcohol and tobacco should rank high in the danger zone while cannabis has no business showing up on that same biased chart, contrary to what's the case today!



Cannabis Crusader
Yeah man it's all about social control. First it was keep down the minorities, then Nixon went after the war protesters and civil rights movement. After that, mofos in the CIA DEA and even local law enforcement found they could make a shit load of money selling drugs, selling protection, and essentially robbing people vis-á-vis civil asset forfeiture.

Anyone who actually looks at the National Survey on Drug Abuse and Health can plainly see that rates of drug use haven't changed in the last 30 years, even while the number of drug arrests, incarcerations, and interdictions has increased exponentially.

So the war on drugs isn't about drugs, it's about money and power, and it's taking a free society and transforming it into a police state.


well-worn member
Now it's all about the status quo,
which is hopelessly warped and needs to be changed as mentioned above and elsewhere.
But this change will take a lot of livelihoods and power structures down with it,
so it's not going down voluntarily that's for sure.


Salutations Jambi619,
Salutations Grokit,

...minorities... ...it's taking a free society and transforming it into a police state.

Ah yes, lets not forget the minorities within the minority: there's evidence of racism in the way justice works and i believe USA's president himself acknowledged this fact.

...change will take a lot of livelihoods and power structures down with it, so it's not going down voluntarily that's for sure.

Those who once pretended to promote social progress through anti-cannabic prohibition have become an even worst nuisance.

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