Dab Essentials 18mm Domeless Titanium Nail

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Pacific NW
Up for grabs is an 18mm Dab Essentials Domeless Ti nail. Has less than 100 dabs on it. I love it and the only reason I'm selling is to get a 14mm for my new Toro!

Price is set at $130 shipped.

Talk to you soon! :peace:
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Pacific NW
No sir but I can include the 18:18 male-male adapter shown in the picture for free if you don't have a DI piece. The adapter was only $10 at a local headshop :).


Sith I care
Does this "feel" like a solid nail? I have a HE InfiniTi and the head turns really easily on the shaft. You can't stir a dab without rotating the bowl most of the time, which also moves it up and down the shaft. Annoying for a $150 product. Starting to think I should have tried DE instead.

I do worry about the curved skillet shape and pooling, though.


Pacific NW
Yeah I've been playing with it while it's cold and it's really solid. But you still get the feeling that it's a three-piece setup. InfiniTi is really lame in my humble opinion, HE makes really sick products but I just wasn't feeling it with the InfiniTi. As for pooling, it hasn't pooled on me unless I underheat the nail by a lot. Just getting it a little glowing red transfers enough heat throughout the nail head and prevents any pooling. I realized the design also helps with dabbing outside which is usually impossible with domeless nails.


I have both InfiniTi, and the vortex and this sleeved DE domeless nails...
I love my infiniTi for its versatility and the ability to fit any rig/bong/gong but the DE Ti quality and conception is umpaired IMO... Mine hasn't even started to oxidize even a bit (though it has been stressed), and the enormous cup + lateral ventury air intake holes is much better IMO vs. the donut cup + central shaft! :2c:
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Well-Known Member
I will buy this from you if it's still available this friday ( 7/5/2013 ) and are willing to ship to Louisiana
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