

What a guy!
@Midnight Toker Welcome to the world of the CRZ. It was my 2nd and last (for now) vape. I used it every day, in fact hold on a sec. Mmmm Sweet and smooth. Post pics when she arrives. And good timing on picking up the Myrtle, I got a Cherry one a while back but have bee on the look out for a Myrtle one!


Vapeosaurus Rex
Thanks for taking care of me Rick, I appreciate it. Sorry I had to have the first faulty VV :/
It's time for me to clean out my stems and am planning to use ISO to do so. I'm wondering, though, if it's worth it to save the "contaminated" iso to use later when I do qwiso with my ABV. For example, I could soak my stems/screens in a small glass jar of iso to make it convenient to save the iso until I've used it several times and am ready to do qwiso with my ABV.

Or should I just toss the iso?


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone,

Let me start off with some background here: I got an AromaZap a few months ago from Blisssville--Chestnut #1 is noted on the bottom leather. It's quite beautiful and so useful! I love it. It has "waves" or rings (i.e. looking at it in profile it has a scalloped edge) I love the feel of that; it guides my fingers into the right place so my fingers feel like part of the log.

I thought I had noticed a variability in performance and attributed that to my imagination. Then when I recently went to FC I saw the discussion on vv power sources I realized what was probably going on. So I'm in the middle of placing my order to Rick's site for the screamin' yellow one and decided to order some stems also which has led me to asking the following.

Question: On the stems I found that I had a choice to make for a vent hole. Tell me, please. what the use(s) for the vent hole are. When I uncover the vent does that introduce cooler outside air thereby cooling the vapor? I have wimpy lungs and need to avoid too hard of a hit so maybe the vent would be useful to me. And I guess I can just easily keep the vent hole closed in case it doesn't turn out to be useful, right. Please help me decide!

And, thanks for all the comments, ideas and information you have been sharing. It helped me find the perfect partner for my wonderful MFLB.:)
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vapor accessory addict
Hi ckannaSr. :)

The vent hole, also know as a carb, is something that I enjoy. It is a way of clearing the stem and introducing cool air without lifting the stem out of the heatport. Not everyone likes them, however.

And, I think you will find that the VV will help you find the right temperature for your CRZ. ;)
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Damn, I thought I was going to come on today and brag about how cool the USPS is after shipping many packages Tuesday. They should have been delivered Thursday but every one of them is late. Some will be delivered today but some of them just got out of Spokane today.
Maybe they are getting a short timers attitude?
We prefer stems and glass stems with no vent. Just a preference. You do not have to always cover a hole up to get the full pull, whether sucking up herb in the tip or sucking vapor out of the Zap.
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al bundy

Damn, I thought I was going to come on today and brag about how cool the USPS is after shipping many packages Tuesday. They should have been delivered Thursday but every one of them is late. Some will be delivered today but some of them just got out of Spokane today.
Maybe they are getting a short timers attitude?

The holiday messed things up...
the inevitable has finely happened.....where is my mini screwdrivers.


What you see above is no longer a problem as I mentioned a page or two ago.
We now supply a black VV power cord with a factory installed Zap plug. I just ordered more yesterday as I have already been through 50 of them.
Anybody out there with an old VV power cord(white with green/black plug) who would like to replace it with our current bullet proof VV power cord, please Email me.

The problem shown above was short lived as we began tinning the wire ends right away which minimized the problem on the white wire. Our current black VV power cord is the final version and is as good as they get.


What a guy!
Welcome ckannaSr
I wanted to weigh in on the pro-vent hole side of things. I have the Glass Tooty with the carb, I find I like it much better then without. Mostly because it allows me to control the airflow and thus the amount of vapor I am getting. Sometimes I just cover part of the hole with my finger or flute it.

Either way though the Glass Tooty is the way to go.

Of course you could always vape with your CRZ through a small bubbler. I also find this helps control the vapor I am getting, plus now the vapor is cooled and humidified. :nod:
I am keeping my original cord until i can't use it anymore. I love the fact that when and if the wire breaks I can strip a small piece and screw it back in tight... if the other one (like the wall wart plug)
gets weak from flipping your out of luck.


Well-Known Member
Another vote for the carb. I like to tap it during a hit to mix some cool air in, otherwise the vapor can get a little too thick for me.


Website has been down since yesterday afternoon. I think I have a clue why and have notified the person who can do something about it. Now we wait.
No new units going up for a few days anyway. We have been very busy on the farm getting our final irrigation systems plumbed. Getting up to 100 today and will be in the high 90s at least as far as we can see.
Anything over 90 is very rare for our area, even late in the summer.
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Well-Known Member
Can anyone take a wild shot in the dark as to what could have possibly removed the two of the four little rubber feet on the SS Spartan VVPS?

It's the darnedest thing...

I had brought over the vvps & rockzap to a party, but had to leave @ about 9pm and didn't get back til 4am (was kind of an emergency so I didn't pack up any my equipment, everything left on & plugged in)
When I got back, I found the power supply on the table unplugged, and then found the two rubber feet 7 feet from the power supply, strewn on the floor. :whoa:

My friends I can ask all went to sleep early and apparently the party kept going well into the night

Really boggles the mind...even when imagining someone had tripped over the cord sending the power supply flying... those feet seem to be held in really tightly and would only come out if someone manually did it with their hands.

Unless, has feet popping off ever showed up in anyone else's experience?
(dunno if the stealth model has the same type of little rubber insert feet)

It certainly turns on fine, seems to heat up normal. So if it did get knocked around big time it certainly survived well.


Well-Known Member
Idk but i had that problem with my blender, has 4 little feet on the bottom and one came out once and it was stuck to something that maybe got warm or was just really sticky, the rest of the feet were very firmly in place. I havent held a VV power supply in my hands but maybe its possible it got stuck to something and came off when someone tried to pick it up? Just my :2c: :p

but then again, its possible someone fucked with it i suppose. ya never know :shrug:

Brother Brigham

King, Priest and Ruler over Israel on Earth
Wanted to check-in here as a proud owner of one the current stock of CRZ's, and thus my first post within this community.
I just got mine yesterday and have had a day to experience it.
The CRZ with the Spartan SS VV PS

Performance: The CRZ blew away any other of the last generation of log vaporizer (MyrtleZap, Purple-Days, and Woodeez) I had extended experience with all of them and was/am a fan-boy of PD (hopefully it can come back to life with the 3 machined internal retaining clips that I ordered alongside my new CRZ...thanks Rick).
Anyway, the variable temperature is where it is at...makes for a controlled ride all while being as efficient as is possible. Perhaps adding such a powerful VV PS to a log vape is in itself an incredible enough adaptation for the vaporizing experience; two generations above my '08 PD?

Look/feel: I prefer the less polished, more "natural" texture, of my PD. I will give this buffed look a try for a while, may as well see if it grows on me...sure is beautiful...but may hand sand it down a little bit to my preferred texture.
I prefer the size and weight of this particular CRZ. I love the stability of the new heating core, the tighter fit of the commonly connected convection male and female union (I had a hard time not making the sentence dirty for some reason).
The 5.5. X 2.1mm plug has a more firm and sturdy connection and is of higher quality (the new VV PS Cord) that the 12v Jameco gem.

Price: Fair and equitable, further, it is enhanced by Rick's known customer service. High quality product by touch and feel and inspection of the (pressed?) heating core.

That's about it I guess. I have some questions, and I'm seeking tips and tricks if you're willing to share with someone that admittedly won't likely get around to reading the this entire thread, and thus, earning the secrets of the insiders.
I read once, wondering if anyone has any newer info, that the CRZ can "live forever," 24/7, in a voltage range of 13.5-14.3. From there, anything up 15V is considered operating temperatures, just leave it below 14.3 when not in use (it has been suggested that 10v is a good night-time voltage). I don't have my provided instructions for the VV PS with me right now, but those figures seem to jell in my mind.

What voltages are you kids running with these days? I've been leaving it at 13.5 and then cranking it as the session ensues...ramping out around 14.8v in about ten minutes. The ABV seems lighter in color then that of my PD, but it seems to be getting at least the same efficiency...seems weird, maybe placebo.


Well-Known Member
I have been running mine at 13.9 and it does everything I want it to. Once in a while i bump it up to 14+ but it is too much for everyday use.
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