Underdog Log Vapes


shade-tree vapor engineer
@ Dorkus - thanks dude, guess the Dog really is mans best friend. :cool:

@ MikeHunt - hey man glad you like the pieces.. there is definitely some that goes into making a high-end piece I can tell you that! Glad you like them, have you had a chance to try one yet?


Well-Known Member
After several days use, I can confidently state that the UD is as fantastic as everyone has said. I've been using an SSV for a couple of years now with great success, and I have a MFLB for portable use (thinking of changing over to TermoVape, based on the discussions here on FC). While I enjoy my SSV, the UD has won me over.

I love the way it looks, the way it feels in my hand, and the way it performs. It's very efficient (and I thought the SSV was pretty darn good), and Dave obviously takes pride in what he creates (not to mention the excellent customer service). It's also an excellent aromatherapy dispenser, and I've been enjoying some essential oils when the UD isn't otherwise engaged. My living room smells fantastic right now. :)

As an aside, this is a great forum and community. I've been lurking for years now, and have learned a ton. Reminds me of the community around hand-carved tobacco pipes and pipe collecting, which is also a relatively small community where the manufacturers/producers are as involved in the discussions as the users.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Just got a phat session with my UD involving damiana,lots of abv qwet and some dry sift .. Believe it or not i manage to vaporize it all to dust in 3 lungbursting bongrips ..
All i can say now is that other vapes molest your herb with heat in order to release what you want.. but the UD is different.. that's why it is superb..
When i am in need i call the warm spirit inside the UD heart with my breath and on its way to my lungs it passes trough my load and makes friends with only the coolest compounds and brings them to a pool party in my bong and they like it so much that even followed it trough a joyful percolation ride and some sliding trough an hyper icecube maze to the main stage Brain :).


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I'll be receiving my Purpleheart uberTwig here very shortly and i'm getting excited! I plan on pairing it with a sovereignty inverted 4arm water pipe. I was wondering what the easiest stem/method is for using my UD with my WP. Is there a whip sold anywhere online that connects the 3/8" UD core (and screen obviously) to a 18MM slide joint?? I would love to make the process of connecting these two together as easy and simple as possible, as simplicity and easy of use was my number one reason for getting the UD.

Does anyone have any suggestions for making this happen?

Just got a phat session with my UD involving damiana,lots of abv qwet and some dry sift .. Believe it or not i manage to vaporize it all to dust in 3 lungbursting bongrips ..
All i can say now is that other vapes molest your herb with heat in order to release what you want.. but the UD is different.. that's why it is superb..
When i am in need i call the warm spirit inside the UD heart with my breath and on its way to my lungs it passes trough my load and makes friends with only the coolest compounds and brings them to a pool party in my bong and they like it so much that even followed it trough a joyful percolation ride and some sliding trough an hyper icecube maze to the main stage Brain :).

I'll have what your having!


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I'll be receiving my Purpleheart uberTwig here very shortly and i'm getting excited! I plan on pairing it with a sovereignty inverted 4arm water pipe. I was wondering what the easiest stem/method is for using my UD with my WP. Is there a whip sold anywhere online that connects the 3/8" UD core (and screen obviously) to a 18MM slide joint?? I would love to make the process of connecting these two together as easy and simple as possible, as simplicity and easy of use was my number one reason for getting the UD.

Does anyone have any suggestions for making this happen?


Hey there - I have a six arm bubbler with an 18mm joint that I was looking to connect up to whip tubing/UD stems. I was using an 18-14mm reducer and sticking my whip tube into that (kinda wedging it in there) for my SSV, and it worked fine. Then I broke the reducer...d'oh. For my UD, I wanted to connect the stem to the water piece directly. I found a thread on FC for 18mm whip tube adapters, which I'm using with great results. I don't remember the thread, but here's the piece:


There's also the the elbow adapter for whip tubing that the 7th Floor guys sell (19mm - should work) which would work with the UD stem as well, though I think would work better with a traditional whip:


Hopefully that's what you're looking for. I'm still new to water pieces, so apologies in advance if I misread your question.
I don't know if anyone else uses a Q elbow as their WPA, but I've found it works great, acting as an ideal spacer for the screen, giving it something to back up against so it'll stay in place, and giving a mostly glass airpath.


This is what I use and like very much. Extreme Q elbows can be had for about 8 bucks shipped on ebay so it's an effective, inexpensive route.


shade-tree vapor engineer
@ CDS - I like those.. I'll have to see if I can get them in bulk for the UD site, thanks.

So what have all you UDs been up to, it's suspiciously quiet around these parts.. :uhoh:

I've been working my tail off in the shop, getting pieces finished and ready for a bunch of custom orders and also pieces to add to the website. Also busy buying and setting up new equipment but that will remain under wraps until it's all setup..

I'm finally getting caught back up on emails and whatnot again, amazing how far behind I get just taking a day or two off. For now I'm back to the shop to finish up a couple projects. :peace:


Well-Known Member
This is what I use and like very much. Extreme Q elbows can be had for about 8 bucks shipped on ebay so it's an effective, inexpensive route.
my bad if this has been mentioned & I missed it, but if the gong in this pic is 18mm then 7th floor DBV/SSV tubing will create an airtight seal when inserted for those who want a whipped doggie like I have.

EDIT-whoops- the pic above from CDS


here for the chicks
@ CDS - I like those.. I'll have to see if I can get them in bulk for the UD site, thanks.

So what have all you UDs been up to, it's suspiciously quiet around these parts.. :uhoh:

I've been working my tail off in the shop, getting pieces finished and ready for a bunch of custom orders and also pieces to add to the website. Also busy buying and setting up new equipment but that will remain under wraps until it's all setup..

I'm finally getting caught back up on emails and whatnot again, amazing how far behind I get just taking a day or two off. For now I'm back to the shop to finish up a couple projects. :peace:

Yeah, it was way to quiet here. I think this thread needs some more pretty UD pics to keep people talking ;)

As for me, I finally found a small-ish variable PSU and ordered one: ebay

The 13,8V will still come in handy for portable use I guess.

Also, if you're going to stock those adapters please add these as well if possible (and reserve me a 14mm one for my next shipment if you do please): 14mm and 18mm.

I prefer the straight ones, they just feel much more ergonomic to me even though it's probably just what one's used to.

And to the people that want to mate their UDs with 18mm GonG connections: You could also get yourself a 18 to 14mm reducer instead of a waterpipe adapter. They cost about the same as one of those hose adapters but will probably come in handy at one point or another. So far all my vapes mated with a 14mm GonG connection without any accessories. I just cut a little tapered end to my shorty UD stems and voila, you got a prefect seal right there.

I'm working on getting you an email together with everything I have on glass stems Dave. Oh, and I have a new idea for a docking-station that might fit more UDs that are out already as well.


I don't know if anyone else uses a Q elbow as their WPA, but I've found it works great, acting as an ideal spacer for the screen, giving it something to back up against so it'll stay in place, and giving a mostly glass airpath.


cds, what size tube will fit into the glass part 14 or 18mm? thx!


Well-Known Member
yesterday was the first day since I got my UD that it hasn't been on all day, was pretty busy, only did some quick combustion(some abv), so I only got a shortlasting high at the end of the day, one time during a break and the 2nd time when everything I had to do was finally done.
but now it's weekend again, and the UD is warming up again, ready to be adored for another day

was pretty weird btw, having a cold dog standing next to me

the appearance f my dog has changed over time btw so maybe I should make a picture soon to show it's new look, he bottom is still the brightyellow it was at first but especially in the middle it has darkened and is more orange
also funy to see that some spots on that middle ring have darkened more than others.

sometimes I also get the idea the temp of my dog changes over the course of a day, it feels hotter to the touch at night. but I'm not sure of it's actually a tad warmer or if it's that I'm sensing it as warmer, for example when I'm just dome doing the dishes, and so have been in warm water with my hands for a while, it feels less hot.


Student of Vapor
i thought it has been a bit quiet around here too. truthfully i usually check in here at night when im done for the day but for the past week my UD has been getting me so vaked i forget to do so. i've still been running around campus with my UD cause now the friends who i've showed it to want to keep having vape sessions with me! :lol:

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
sometimes I also get the idea the temp of my dog changes over the course of a day, it feels hotter to the touch at night

I notice the same thing.. i think it is due to less people using electricity . For example our network is rated for 220-240 V .. Which IMO means that it varies between these borders ,and i,may be it is dependent on the overall power consumption.
Abysmal Vapor,


Well-Known Member
yes, I was thinking the same, but also my heating is out at night so it coud just as well be that that makes the dog feel hotter(since the nerve-ends, or whatever it are, in your hands detect temperature not absolute, but relative, like when after having my hands in the hot dishwater for a while my dog feels less warm)
and it could even be more local, at night I also have less electronics running(by day I sometimes hook up my laptop to the tv, stereo to laptop and I have my own home cinema, but at night because of neighboors my stereo is always out, also I have a terrarium, with only plants in it, legal plants btw, a philodendron for example, a begonia schulzei, a spathyphyllum etc, and the lights for that are on a timer that shuts off somewhere around 11, altough now with summertime it's probably closer to 12)

btw, something is bugging me a bit lately..just happened again. the plug on the adaptor I'm usng is a little longer as the hole in the dog(it fits fine, same inner+outer diameter just is a bit longer), so it sticks out a bit. and therefor it stays in a little less well, and lately often when I pick up the dog from the table next to me to take a hit, the cable falls out and I have to pick it up from the floor and plug it in again.
maybe someone has an easy solution for that?

maybe I should just glue it in place, lightly enough to be easily removed again(and glue that can be scraped away easiy), but just enough to not let it slide out every time. but then I have to think of what kind of glue first.

also one time it had slipped out halfway or so without me noticing it, and then a while later I wanted to take a hit and got a shock when it felt cold when I touched it, luckily just the plug(as I mentioned before, I also have a PD, wch had some issues since it was a secondhand pandora kit, and with that PD it also happened it was suddenly cold but in that case I had to repair it again, so cold when I expect warm has still the connection with 'broken' in my head, I did now fix that PD tough and this time probably forgood, thanks to dave for suplying me with a new resistor together with my dog, but since I now have the dog I haven't really given the PD a good test yet, did take it to the bar with me once but that night not so many friends showed up, so didn't come around to actually plugging it in)

and I got some nepal again, it's like meeting an old friend again, and I notice I just keep adding things to this post with edit :p
a symptom with some sativa's among wich nepal, I can't shut up :D


here for the chicks
I've also noticed the difference in temps at night that you guys mention. I've already tested if it's the appliances in my house that have anything to do with that or not and I'm pretty sure I can rule out that cause, so it must have something to do with out power grid. I wonder if it's just us 220V guys or that some Canadians or American users also notice this?

Djonko, you can use a sharp nail or something similar (I use my magic SSV pick) and bend the two little prongs next to the center of the hole of the plug that goes in the UD to make it fit a little tighter. The plug on my 13,8V adapter matches the depth of the UD socket better btw, it actually has the correct length for the socket. These plugs really are the weakest links in the log-vape design imo, I've tried toking on a cold UD a couple of times now because of the loose fit :( I wonder if there isn't a better solution instead of these type of plugs?

Dave already knows this but I haven't reported it in this thread yet, but my UD core is starting to come loose. This most likely is caused by my rape-like use with my couch and pillow stuffing, overheating the entire unit constantly, but I'm pretty sure this started when I turned my UD off for the first time after it had been on for weeks since it got here. Do with it what you want, but if my new pup gets here I'm never turning it off again just in case.

K, this day has been long enough, time for my first toke :tup:

Enjoy your weekend Underdogs!


Great Scott!
yes, I was thinking the same, but also my heating is out at night so it coud just as well be that that makes the dog feel hotter(since the nerve-ends, or whatever it are, in your hands detect temperature not absolute, but relative, like when after having my hands in the hot dishwater for a while my dog feels less warm)
and it could even be more local, at night I also have less electronics running(by day I sometimes hook up my laptop to the tv, stereo to laptop and I have my own home cinema, but at night because of neighboors my stereo is always out, also I have a terrarium, with only plants in it, legal plants btw, a philodendron for example, a begonia schulzei, a spathyphyllum etc, and the lights for that are on a timer that shuts off somewhere around 11, altough now with summertime it's probably closer to 12)

btw, something is bugging me a bit lately..just happened again. the plug on the adaptor I'm usng is a little longer as the hole in the dog(it fits fine, same inner+outer diameter just is a bit longer), so it sticks out a bit. and therefor it stays in a little less well, and lately often when I pick up the dog from the table next to me to take a hit, the cable falls out and I have to pick it up from the floor and plug it in again.
maybe someone has an easy solution for that?

maybe I should just glue it in place, lightly enough to be easily removed again(and glue that can be scraped away easiy), but just enough to not let it slide out every time. but then I have to think of what kind of glue first.

also one time it had slipped out halfway or so without me noticing it, and then a while later I wanted to take a hit and got a shock when it felt cold when I touched it, luckily just the plug(as I mentioned before, I also have a PD, wch had some issues since it was a secondhand pandora kit, and with that PD it also happened it was suddenly cold but in that case I had to repair it again, so cold when I expect warm has still the connection with 'broken' in my head, I did now fix that PD tough and this time probably forgood, thanks to dave for suplying me with a new resistor together with my dog, but since I now have the dog I haven't really given the PD a good test yet, did take it to the bar with me once but that night not so many friends showed up, so didn't come around to actually plugging it in)

and I got some nepal again, it's like meeting an old friend again, and I notice I just keep adding things to this post with edit :p
a symptom with some sativa's among wich nepal, I can't shut up :D

Tape. Just use electrical tape


Well-Known Member
Also, if you're going to stock those adapters please add these as well if possible (and reserve me a 14mm one for my next shipment if you do please): 14mm and 18mm.

I prefer the straight ones, they just feel much more ergonomic to me even though it's probably just what one's used to.

I think the straight ones allow you to let the UD "sit" without being held. The angled ones can be useful because they act as a sorta ash/particle-catcher more than the straight ones, but they don't accomodate the UD "sitting" very well with no hands. Just my :2c:



Great Scott!
Just sitting back having a good old time with my underdog and my aquavape, indica in bowl just feeling good. Only 1 choice when instant gratification is needed, UNDERDOG.
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Well-Known Member
Tape. Just use electrical tape
how were you imagining I'd use the tape? I don't want a lot of visible tape.

also I'm using tape(duct tape) for my LAN-cable in my laptop too, since those nooks that usually keep it in place broke off, but I have to replace that every few days when it starts coming loose again. and the shape of my laptop suits tape better as the UD

wich tape is electricaltape btw?

@OTA: I just looked if I could do that method with the nooks/things in the plug you mentioned, but I can't find what you're referring too... the inside of the plug looks smooth/solid all around as far as I can see


here for the chicks
Oh, than you must have the other type of plug, like the ones on the extension chord I got from Dave. Those are a bit problematic indeed. I thought you were still using the original PSU that came with the UD? They sell the plugs with the prongs you can bend at Boonstra for around 1,50 I think, or you could just cut it of your original PSU of course.

These are the dimensions if you want to change it:


Not that the other plugs are a big improvement, but it may just be enough.

edit: I thought my UD was mainly changing color because I stuffed and overheat it to much. One way or another, I would love to see some rl pics of yours and the way it looks now.

And another edit: Hazy, you were the one who recommended me these, right?
I'm still waiting for them to arrive, but do you know if they are prong-less or not perhaps?


combustion fucker
Not sure what you mean... I've never seen any plugs with prongs. There might be prongs in the socket part though.


here for the chicks
That may not be what they're called, I think that's what HI/TT-Alan called them anyways.

The plugs with the prongs I'm talking about look like these:


Inside the two slits besides the round hole in the center (forgive me my poor description please, this kinda stuff is hard to explain in another language) are two metal plates/pins that make contact with another pin when the plugs inserted to it's socket, those are what I'm referring to. Unfortunately I can't find a picture that shows the actual metal parts I'm talking about :bang:


Well-Known Member
I'm using a 12 volt adaptor I bought(at boonstra), it's just slightly warmer as the original one, but not that much.
my PD also changed color after a while, so I think it's normal for logvapes to get some colorchangw, maybe depending on the wood
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