Iv'e just gone back to smoking...


Well-Known Member
So long story short vaping is the better method but simply delivers too much actives so much so that I can no longer do it multiple times a day. I like to get high before work, sometimes on lunch, after work, and all day when I'm off. I wish I could vape that much but it is simply so much stronger than smoking IMO, let me explain.

With vaping your getting about 2-4 times as many actives as if you where to combust the same amount. Yes but also much less carcinogens. Unscientifically I would guess vaporizing extracts 80% of the goodies and less than 20% of the carcinogens. And smoking up to 30% of the goodies while probably always getting 70% plus of the carcinogens.(I believe only invisible vapor is 100% pure vapor, the more white the more benzene and who knows what else.)

So why then does vaping the same amount of herb(.1)(as if I were to smoke it) 3 times a day make my heat nearly beat out of my chest, make me extremley tired/depleted feeling by night, and always wake up so blazed over/lethargic, make me very unable to concentrate at work, and make me pretty anxious, not to mention vapor is harsher to me than smoke. I feel so much back to normal since I starting smoking during the day and only vaping at night, if even. Does anyone else feel similar side effects of vaping, or is this a personal problem?

I'm not against vaping or anything now, I'll always have a vape, I'm just starting to think vaping exclusively is a little extreme, well at least for my situation and age.
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What's happening is that with vaping, your THC to CBD/CBN ratio is much higher than with smoking. CBD/CBN's level out the psychoactive properties of THC so it's understandable that if you are sensitive to the effects that THC provides, you would experience what you are experiencing by not getting the full compliment of CBD/CBN's that you would get with smoke.

We're all a bit different in how we react to these properties. I would think that most of us will not experience what you are experiencing, but I would also think that there are some that do and you just have to weigh the risk/reward ratio of going back to combustion part time. It's all about balance. ;)


Well-Known Member
I've made the opposite transition, lately I found myself smoking more often(since all my friends combust in the form of joints with tobacco added, I like vaping better but like the feeling of passing a joint in a circle of friends), but after a while I felt it on my throat and hadn't had a really good high in a while, just decent buzzes, so I switched back to vaping more and finally I get high again(and high instead of just a stoney buzz), I taste weed now and then again, and my throat feels better(while before health was never a factor in ,y vaping, I started vaping due the superior high from vaping, vaping got me into getting high daily instead of weekly)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm sure your right on lwien, its also the THC to CBD/CBN ratio, and balance between each is best I suppose. I know after a while of only smoking it gets very boring and I can feel my lungs suffering, I think the power to switch between both is what most users underestimate.


Active Member
you're correct on thc vapor, thc itself is colorless and odorless (tasteless too I believe but I could be mistaken on that).

Iwien is spot on with CBD/CBN to THC ratio's. Vaping hotter might help. Alternatively you could vape lower when you want to get blitzed on higher THC ratio's, then revape hotter (maybe mix with fresh to a proper ratio) to increase the ratio of CB* to THC.


Well-Known Member
Thats true, I just can't wait for the VXC so I can manipulate temps again and hopefully get what i need, less THC and more CBD/CBN.


The Cloud Conductor
Im the antisocial pothead now. All of my friends combust and even when I chill with them I break out the No2 for solo duty. It's only been 2 weeks since I last combusted but I'm not going back that route. The vapor high is much more entertaining IMO. I used to smoke before and during work but it seems wasteful to me as work isn't a relaxing environment for me.
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Active Member
Guys, I'm not sure about pure THC being completely invisible. Think about water vapor. H20 is colorless also, and under some conditions it is often invisible. But when you get large amounts of it, like steam or even clouds in the sky, it becomes quite visible.


Well-Known Member
DrPiff said:
All of my friends combust and even when I chill with them I break out the No2 for solo duty.

i know that feel ;)

One reason I got the supreme, converts smokers very well with fat vapor rips :D


Well-Known Member
Not to mention I feel it made me very anti social. Not just because everyone else smokes but the high itself makes me not want to talk. While a bowl smoked and I'm extra social with no anxiety. Now its very rare to get that with vaping, maybe if I only take 2 hits, and dont hold them in, but then I'm usually not satisfied high wise. The final factor is I have only been vaping with the Epic vpae the last 3 months, which seems to extract VERY well...


Active Member
It's a shame you feel the need to go back to smoking Nos.Maybe just cutback on the herb alltogether.I used to smoke pipes all day long.Before,during and after work.As I got older I realised I just couldn't handle it anymore,I just felt too fuzzy all the time and wasn't really enjoying being stoned all day.I decided to ration myself each day by stopping the early smokes and not even touching herb until evening time and I feel that it helped.I've only just joined the ranks of the vaporisers and I love it.My main reason for swapping to vapes was the health aspect as I was a bit paranoid about the cancer thing having recently lost 2 grandparents to it.I must admit when I first got my SSV I was going a bit crazy with it and vaping all the time as I thought it was better for me than smoking so why not?.However I found myself getting a bit lethargic again and I felt stoned all the time almost.Now I only do 1 bowl at night on a work day and at weekends I allow myself 3 bowls spread out over an evening though even that is a bit much sometimes.So I don't think it's the vape so much as the weed and the fact you are getting older (no offence).


Well-Known Member
Why not just use less herb so you will be taking in less cannabinoids?. If you are getting less actives when smoking and it's good for you lowering the amount you use is achieving the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm actually going back to vaping actually. Justgot 30 grams of some nice outdoor for $100 so it should be pretty mellow out of the vape. :D
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luchiano said:
Why not just use less herb so you will be taking in less cannabinoids?. If you are getting less actives when smoking and it's good for you lowering the amount you use is achieving the same thing.

I understand that concept but the problem is most vapes require more to produce satisfying hits, so I'm sorta left in a flubergust.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what you mean by "most vapes require more to produce satisfying hits". If you are getting large clouds and you say this is too potent then just put in a little, inhale REALLY slow to where air is not really moving through your wand, it is just ultra slow, so the hot air can saturate the herb and extract what you want instead of diluting the vapor with a lot of air(maybe this is what you mean. The large bowl allows a lot of herb to stay in contact with hot air) and then just take in a rush of fresh air to push the little vapor deep into the lungs. You can use the tip of your tongue as a guideline to how fast the air is moving.

The large bowls are just so you can add more if needed in once session instead of constantly reloading.


Well-Known Member
Just vaped some of that outdoor and I confirm I could not do this during the day and go to work. Doesnt mean I should smoke, I should just cut down to nights only maybe.. And I tried what you said luchiano, I always vape that way, its probably a Psychological thing bothering me about it... :uhoh:


Account Closed
Nos, cut back on toking for a little while. Also ensure you are vaping indicas. vape indicas at night when the day is done and work is over. Relax, enjoy, smile. Perhaps consider a T break.

As people say vaping seems to get more THC than the CBD/CBN which regulate some of the effects of THC. So that fact along with a sativa is gonna get your nogin goin'.

Vape a nice indica at night at a high temp, see if ya like it.


The only issue I have had with vaping late (indicas especially) is that I, too, wake up feeling horribly lethargic and out of it for a while. The only ways I am sure I can avoid this are if I re-vape vaped herb, which gives a good calm and doesn't last long enough to affect me in the morning.


when i first started vaping i was very careful to stop as the herb got a light brown color evenly, would stash it away for a later date when i got low or was out. its enjoyable and sometimes what im after, but i know (i can tell) im missing some of it.

now, i vape very near the point of combustion and thus far i really like the effect...i feel as if im getting the best of both (vape and combustion) but without the absolute harshness (both taste and health wise) of burning plant material entering my lungs. so my herbs are very dark (almost black, but not quite) when im done.

since i use a flame based vape its a bit of an art form and sometimes each bowl can differ in how i need to hit it to reach that point without breaking over into flame, but thus far its been quite worthwhile to take the time to learn it. the times it flames up, well....heh. :brow: oops. :lol:

im guessing in 6 months time i will have a new story. :peace:


Nos, sometimes I think i feel the same way. I feel more energized with smoking then vaping, or like you said a more "full" high. But who knows, it might have to do with my mood, setting etc. I am on a break right now until i find a new job.(I was a temporary electrical apprentice for over a year) Its been a few weeks and i seriously cant wait to start up again and then i will experiment.


Vapes Hard
I feel more energized with smoking then vaping

Really? It's the exact opposite for me. Smoking makes me feel tired/drowsy/unmotivated as well as cloudily high, while vaping seems to give me that energetic, uplifting high that I'm usually after. I also tended to dissociate myself from others when smoking heavily, but when I vape I just want to socialize (up to an extent). But I have friends who are like you in their preferences, and would much rather just smoke... to each their own :)

Tyler Durden

I Am Jack's Avatar
I wouldn't ever go back to combusting, even if it meant having to give up the hobby. I just think it's so fowl and gross, and am soooo appreciative for the present day technology vaporizers. If anything, i'd dabble with edibles here and there.

My advice to NOS would be to use lower grade herbs for vaping, outdoor can be pretty strong too, depending. Maybe a 4 piece grinder to separate the kief, and use it only at night, or once in a while as a treat. Otherwise, you have some efficient vapes so either vape less, or use less potent grade flowers.

Vaping does deliver a tonne more actives, I remember when my tolerance was up there, I tried smoking 2 massive joints with another buddy just to "switch it up", and thought that the CO and extra chemicals would floor me....nope. Barely felt the buzz, and it was the shortest lived buzz ever. That's when I programmed my mind to never allow the smoking of anything ever again. It's vape or bust in my eyes. My :2c:
Tyler Durden,


Vape all the way especially when u dont like ur house to smell like a coffee-shop!! :p
But I cant say no to a Joint take turns in a cycle and i am not even a smoker my self, but the other day my lungs are fucked up!!
Just try to addoupt the hits you take from the vaporizer.. start with 1-2 hits wait some time and then think If u want to get higher!!
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