Collecting fresh rosin and dabbing with VapCap?


Well-Known Member
What is best temp/method to gather fresh rosin from parchment? CBD rosin is sticky.
? While still slightly above room temp, dab tool and roll thru the rosin lines seems to work best??

Transfer glob to parchment: freezer or refrigerator and squeeze off the rosin?

Most in need of help on dabbing with VapCap with the Ti conc insert, coiled ribbon with hundreds of sharp points facing up:
I use spear shaped dab tool, heat the head in Herbalizer, warm VapCap head without clicker cover in Herbie, slice into rosin with warm spear melting thru the glob, transfer rosin to warm conc pad so it melts off/into Ti.
Dab tool spear is left with thin coating of rosin—-just leave it there .

What is best way to handle the sticky rosin from collecting to dabbing?
Thanks for any tips!!
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Well-Known Member
It depends on the rosin. Some comes up easy, some doesn't. If its too oily it helps to cool it off in the fridge or freezer. If its too stiff, then gently warm it up.

For tools I use dental tools I bought off amazon. But now days there are lots of rosin specific tools. Look on eBay.


An aluminium clipboard popped in the fridge or freezer for a moment makes a good hard, cold surface to hold your paper and to help collection.

And this tool is on my shopping list, got it from another thread. I will buy it eventually, as it looks incredibly useful.

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Oh and dabbing with the vapcap, I have not heard particularly good reports about the dynavap concentrate coil but I dont hang out in that thread ever.

I know I used cotton very successfully in the vapcap tho.
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