I love college! Where you went, some stories, or rant about the pot!

I currently am an English undergrad attending a school near philadelphia. I never really experienced a good variety till I moved to the city. Yet, I still can't even dream of the product in a medicinal state. Is it true that people who go to a university like Boulder, Colorado actually get more fucked up because of the elavation of the school? Any one ever experience a different high smoking at different altitudes?

What about you?


At school here in Alberta, Canada, I'm an undergrad studying Recording Arts through the music program at my university. It's fun being able to get high before class and get away with it :D Shit, sometimes we even get high with the teachers... they're all gigging jazz musicians who were basically like us 40 years ago


Well-Known Member
Also at a school in Alberta and in a music program, but mine is for classical voice :) Sadly none of my fellow classical artists vape, so I try to be better friends with the jazz kids :lol:


Well-Known Member
im in my second year for electrician, one more semester and im done! we got our little group of smokers in our class and all go smoke during our breaks.
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