what type of hash is best?


Well-Known Member
really i think it just come down to preference...

its all the same shit.

they only way i fell you say one is better is if you tried all threee and they were different strains. if it was the same strain, it would come down to preference on how you like it.


Proud MMJ Patient
Honestly, I think pressed hash (conventional hash) is the best...but that is simply because its easier to handle and is more common. The gooey types can get a little hard to work with and the kief is easily disturbed and lost in transportation and stuff.


Combustion Fucker
tough to compare, some people say you lose some water soluble terpenoids making bubble. but in a thought experiment i'd take the highest grade bubble over pressed, which is all the trichomes mixed together.
73 microns FTW (although best size depends on strain), course if you're getting multiple grades of the other stuff....


Well-Known Member
not that much exp with hash myself, but from what I've heard bubble would rate highest in potency, but sief/hand hasj better at taste
ok so i sat down and compared the presssed and blonde, and concluded that i love them both. the pressed is much harder to work with however it lasts much longer. in the end i would say that i prefer the pressed cause of the time it takes to use it. However, best thing i have tried yet is mixing the two :lol:


Well-Known Member
I would like ice water hash(I think thats called bubble hash, correct?) since it has no other solvents, and it could be used in food, too(not saying I would def want to use it in edibles). I imagine seeing the hash melt and bubble is pretty fucking cool, too!


Combustion Fucker
they're all potentially awesome / less awesome. Any of them can be bungled or made better depending on the person making it knowing what they are doing, even if you actually have the exact same starting materials.

One plus for bho is just that you can take ginormous rips. But i might still go for bubble or dry sift, mainly for lack of solvents.


Well-Known Member
I say drysift personally, and it is definitely the easiest to vape.


Proud MMJ Patient
Last night, I smoked a fresh baby disc of some drysift/pressed of hash on top of a bowl with a buddy. We BOTH agreed it was successful. We are both seasoned, so when he says shit is good or bad, I take his word for it. I really liked it...very up positive feeling. Basically just made the bowl extra good and potent. It cherried very nicely for 4-5 hits before it turned to white ash and this is what I think made it good. When kief is spinkled, I really don't think it works is good...but compressed it seems to smoke better. You get more out of it, I think. I'll definitely try and make some more...it was easy and I used trim. I might pop for a low grade strain (1/8) at the clinic next time and use that solely for sifting.
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