Help me pick between Tetrax, Herbalizer, Da Buddha, Apollo 3, and Venus

Which vape?

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I currently have the Dynavap, MFLB, FF2, and the Mighty. I am trying to sell the FF2 and the Mighty. The MFLB would be perfect if I didn't have to shake. The FF2, would be perfect if I didn't have to stir. The Mighty would be perfect if it wasn't session. The Dynavap looks weird if you're torching in public.

I mostly prefer on-demand. Discreteness doesn't matter to me at all because I live in a legal state where cops don't care. I use my vapes with other people about 50% of the time, and I vape daily. The dynavap is kinda hard to share.

I can buy a Da Buddha for $50 off of craigslist. But I really wanted a Herbalizer so I didn't buy that. Then I found out about the Apollo 3 and the Venus.

My most wanted vape is the Apollo 3 and the Venus. Venus over the Apollo 3. But I haven't read much about the Venus as there isn't much to read about!

So, Herbalizer vs Da Buddha vs Venus for group sesh with 2-15 people. I don't really mind refilling it and dumping it so bowl size is whatever.

Tetrax vs Apollo 3 for portable? I vape while hiking, walking to school, biking to school, in the car as a passenger, walking around town while shopping, skiing.

I hate stirring!!!!!!! Let me know if these need to be stirred more than once per bowl.

Thought about building an induction heater for the Dynavap and I feel like that would make it the portable I want.

I mostly want the Venus or Apollo 3 tho
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With so few usage reports and feedback out there, what has you so attracted toward the Venus and Apollo vapes?

I own the first edition of the Apollo. Such a neat vape in concept, but there are too many drawbacks to it so it never sees use. I was at one point looking to get the Apollo 2 as it advertised as a better experience but too many people were having issues getting responses from the manufacturer (this is not an attack on @villekille2 at all, I want to see successes for him) and enough people were having issues with their units that I decided to step back.

unless the vape size has been drastically reduced, I would recommend that you don’t view the Apollo as a portable vape for out and about and consider it as more of a battery powered home unit. I wouldn’t take mine (if it were seeing active use) on a hike or while biking or skiing. It’s not pocket friendly enough and doesn’t fit the profile.

I do own the Herbalizer and it’s a really good desktop, but I would think that you can get great results from a Da Buddha and maybe take a look at @ddave’s shop, I believe he has some tools that can help ramp up the performance. I’ve not used them, but I’ve bought from Dave for other devices and Have been super satisfied.

Honestly, if I were in your shoes I would just buy the TetraX. It is 100% convection (if the Apollo III is anything like the previous 2 versions you will get a lot of conduction heat as well cooking your herb). Though I haven’t used the TetraX I have used it’s older brothers the Tubo and TuboX extensively, and they are both easily capable of being desktop replacements.

Hell, I will go as far to say that the Tubo can service a crowd better than the Herbalizer. And the Tetra-X is even more powerful than the tubo.

now, I don’t know if he is still building them, but @funkyjunky is able to build a power supply unit that can connect to the mod box for the tubo that would eliminate the need for batteries at home. I weighed having one made many times over!

But my initial recommendation would be to start with the Tetra-X and a few batteries, then see if you think you need a separate desktop at all.

I have never had to stir my herb with the tubo or tubo-x, they always fully extracted my herb without issue. The same goes for my Herbalizer.

I have to be honest, I don’t know if my Apollo ever required stirring. My gut says no. And even if it could have benefitted from it that wasn’t going to happen because the herb chamber would get ridiculous hot and definitely caused a few accidental burns. I know the Apollo 2 had a chamber that was supposed to eliminate the risk but I believe there were some issues there as well, but I’m not sure if it was a supply issue or a performance issue with the chamber.
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Well-Known Member
With so few usage reports and feedback out there, what has you so attracted toward the Venus and Apollo vapes?

I own the first edition of the Apollo. Such a neat vape in concept, but there are too many drawbacks to it so it never sees use. I was at one point looking to get the Apollo 2 as it advertised as a better experience but too many people were having issues getting responses from the manufacturer (this is not an attack on @villekille2 at all, I want to see successes for him) and enough people were having issues with their units that I decided to step back.

unless the vape size has been drastically reduced, I would recommend that you don’t view the Apollo as a portable vape for out and about and consider it as more of a battery powered home unit. I wouldn’t take mine (if it were seeing active use) on a hike or while biking or skiing. It’s not pocket friendly enough and doesn’t fit the profile.

I do own the Herbalizer and it’s a really good desktop, but I would think that you can get great results from a Da Buddha and maybe take a look at @ddave’s shop, I believe he has some tools that can help ramp up the performance. I’ve not used them, but I’ve bought from Dave for other devices and Have been super satisfied.

Honestly, if I were in your shoes I would just buy the TetraX. It is 100% convection (if the Apollo III is anything like the previous 2 versions you will get a lot of conduction heat as well cooking your herb). Though I haven’t used the TetraX I have used it’s older brothers the Tubo and TuboX extensively, and they are both easily capable of being desktop replacements.

Hell, I will go as far to say that the Tubo can service a crowd better than the Herbalizer. And the Tetra-X is even more powerful than the tubo.

now, I don’t know if he is still building them, but @funkyjunky is able to build a power supply unit that can connect to the mod box for the tubo that would eliminate the need for batteries at home. I weighed having one made many times over!

But my initial recommendation would be to start with the Tetra-X and a few batteries, then see if you think you need a separate desktop at all.

I have never had to stir my herb with the tubo or tubo-x, they always fully extracted my herb without issue. The same goes for my Herbalizer.

I have to be honest, I don’t know if my Apollo ever required stirring. My gut says no. And even if it could have benefitted from it that wasn’t going to happen because the herb chamber would get ridiculous hot and definitely caused a few accidental burns. I know the Apollo 2 had a chamber that was supposed to eliminate the risk but I believe there were some issues there as well, but I’m not sure if it was a supply issue or a performance issue with the chamber.

I was literally 2 minutes away from buying an Apollo 2. I think that I'm gonna buy a
With so few usage reports and feedback out there, what has you so attracted toward the Venus and Apollo vapes?

I own the first edition of the Apollo. Such a neat vape in concept, but there are too many drawbacks to it so it never sees use. I was at one point looking to get the Apollo 2 as it advertised as a better experience but too many people were having issues getting responses from the manufacturer (this is not an attack on @villekille2 at all, I want to see successes for him) and enough people were having issues with their units that I decided to step back.

unless the vape size has been drastically reduced, I would recommend that you don’t view the Apollo as a portable vape for out and about and consider it as more of a battery powered home unit. I wouldn’t take mine (if it were seeing active use) on a hike or while biking or skiing. It’s not pocket friendly enough and doesn’t fit the profile.

I do own the Herbalizer and it’s a really good desktop, but I would think that you can get great results from a Da Buddha and maybe take a look at @ddave’s shop, I believe he has some tools that can help ramp up the performance. I’ve not used them, but I’ve bought from Dave for other devices and Have been super satisfied.

Honestly, if I were in your shoes I would just buy the TetraX. It is 100% convection (if the Apollo III is anything like the previous 2 versions you will get a lot of conduction heat as well cooking your herb). Though I haven’t used the TetraX I have used it’s older brothers the Tubo and TuboX extensively, and they are both easily capable of being desktop replacements.

Hell, I will go as far to say that the Tubo can service a crowd better than the Herbalizer. And the Tetra-X is even more powerful than the tubo.

now, I don’t know if he is still building them, but @funkyjunky is able to build a power supply unit that can connect to the mod box for the tubo that would eliminate the need for batteries at home. I weighed having one made many times over!

But my initial recommendation would be to start with the Tetra-X and a few batteries, then see if you think you need a separate desktop at all.

I have never had to stir my herb with the tubo or tubo-x, they always fully extracted my herb without issue. The same goes for my Herbalizer.

I have to be honest, I don’t know if my Apollo ever required stirring. My gut says no. And even if it could have benefitted from it that wasn’t going to happen because the herb chamber would get ridiculous hot and definitely caused a few accidental burns. I know the Apollo 2 had a chamber that was supposed to eliminate the risk but I believe there were some issues there as well, but I’m not sure if it was a supply issue or a performance issue with the chamber.

I did some studying and now I'm lost between the TetraX and the Sidekick v2.

I mostly want the sidekick because it extracts within 4-5 hits and that's what I want. Was also thinking of trading my ff2 for a davinci iq. The Sidekick also has the extreme cooling for which I can take fat rips and not die. But I also want the TetraX so bad because it's convection, on demand, and can do sessions. I'm just curious how fast I can clear .25g with the TetraX. Sidekick bowl size is .25g.


Well-Known Member
I’m not sure where/what you read about the Sidekick, but there are probably reasons it hasn’t got any real attention here...

If you really want to take one for the team and report back on it that would help other people here who run into a Sidekick, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you were disappointed. If you want something from your list that a lot of people here would confidently recommend, you should go with the TetraX.


Accessory Maker
I would assume lol. How fast can the TetraX clear a bowl? Can I just turn it max temp and rip on it and it’ll be clear?

The Tubo heats in about ~30 sec and there are only few vapes that will provide such a great, even, fast extraction. It's comparable to the Flowerpot imho, due it's nearly complete free airflow.
The Tetra should even be better. On the downside, the Tubo needs quite some energy. And the heater is build with glass around the wire as far as I know, what makes it fragile. So I wouldn't really call it a portable for on the go, more a portable for home use.


Well-Known Member
I was literally 2 minutes away from buying an Apollo 2. I think that I'm gonna buy a

I did some studying and now I'm lost between the TetraX and the Sidekick v2.

I mostly want the sidekick because it extracts within 4-5 hits and that's what I want. Was also thinking of trading my ff2 for a davinci iq. The Sidekick also has the extreme cooling for which I can take fat rips and not die. But I also want the TetraX so bad because it's convection, on demand, and can do sessions. I'm just curious how fast I can clear .25g with the TetraX. Sidekick bowl size is .25g.

I hope I was helpful in some fashion.

regarding the sidekick; that’s another one that I don’t have experience with. I was excited at the concept when the original was released but the reviews that I found weren’t anything that pulled me to make it happen. Apparently the vapor truly is pretty cool but i think there’s way too many things I don’t like.

-it uses 18350 batteries, most vapes tend to use 18650s. Now the 18350s may be a great battery, that’s not my area of expertise, but I gravitate towards vapes with 18650s because I’d rather just use 1 type and be done with it (well, I do own a grasshopper, but that is largely what brought me to form this preference).

-this devices favors a more session based experience from what it seems, if you try to use it on demand you are probably going to find that your flavor suffers quite a bit.

the tubo and tubo-x are both capable of crushing large amounts of herb without struggle, I think it’s safe to say the Tetra-X will handle a large bowl without breaking a sweat.

I saw a review by @ohmygodimsohigh, however he was using it through a bubbler along with the tubo. Troy, I wasn’t able to watch the video entirely, is there any footage of you crushing a bowl with the Tetra alone?

Either way, I’m going to go ahead and say that you’ll have no trouble handling large loads with the Tetra-X in rapid fashion. Don’t forget that @funkyjunky also makes a number of cooling stems. I have only used his OG tubo stems (and found them quite cool), but my understanding is that his cooling stems really step it up a notch

The tubo-x and tetra-x form factor might make it a challenge to use while actively hiking, I wonder if anyone has devised a real secure way to affix the x for single hand operation


Well-Known Member
The tubo-x and tetra-x form factor might make it a challenge to use while actively hiking, I wonder if anyone has devised a real secure way to affix the x for single hand operation
I think it is possible to attach the mod to the tetrax by the same magnets sticky brick labs use for their bricks to be connected, taking 4 magnets and some metal each side for making it 1 unit. also the cable need some fix, probably a mini magnet somehow on the cable to attach the mod/the wood? lol

**maybe not such a good idea because the mod weights like 2x or 3x than the heater so you can't grab the unit by the tetrax holding only ..


Well-Known Member
I think it is possible to attach the mod to the tetrax by the same magnets sticky brick labs use for their bricks to be connected, taking 4 magnets and some metal each side for making it 1 unit. also the cable need some fix, probably a mini magnet somehow on the cable to attach the mod/the wood? lol

**maybe not such a good idea because the mod weights like 2x or 3x than the heater so you can't grab the unit by the tetrax holding only ..

I think there's an option to buy a band to keep them together for $1.

For all who read this, what's a decent mod? I saw the cuboid 200 and it only has 3 batteries compared to the rx300 4 batteries. And the rx300 only costs a tiny fraction more.

So is the rx300 the best mod?


Well-Known Member
I think there's an option to buy a band to keep them together for $1.

For all who read this, what's a decent mod? I saw the cuboid 200 and it only has 3 batteries compared to the rx300 4 batteries. And the rx300 only costs a tiny fraction more.

So is the rx300 the best mod?
The best mod for tetrax WITHOUT autofire is a DNA mod. But if u need autofire then maybe cuboid 200 or so


Accessory Maker
I would only suggest a mod which can run funkyjunkys firmware. Otherwise you'll loose some of the great advantages of the Tetrax.


Well-Known Member
I’m not sure where/what you read about the Sidekick, but there are probably reasons it hasn’t got any real attention here...

If you really want to take one for the team and report back on it that would help other people here who run into a Sidekick, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you were disappointed. If you want something from your list that a lot of people here would confidently recommend, you should go with the TetraX.

I owned the original Sidekick and it is the worst portable vape I have ever used, it is really inefficient with the flower.


Well-Known Member
Preheat, cruise, all TCR related stuff. Using the Tetra without the great firmware and only in wattage mode would make no sense for me :)
Not in Wattage, DNA in TC mode. considered to be very accurate.


Accessory Maker
Wouldn't be as accurate as a mod using funkyjunkys firmware I think. DNA uses another way/algorithm to handle TCR. Simply I don't see any advantages in an expensive DNA mod here.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't be as accurate as a mod using funkyjunkys firmware I think. DNA uses another way/algorithm to handle TCR. Simply I don't see any advantages in an expensive DNA mod here.
Ok i see you got DNA75 in 60$ HCIGAR from aliexpress , @funkyjunky you ever tried X with DNA? lol ;D


Well-Known Member
Which ones? Except cruise


Regarding the Rx300 someone askeded about I had problems with the RX300 eating one cell way way faster than the rest, even if the mod was off. I killed two cells trying that thing. I know other people have had the same result, but I am not sure it is a problem with all of the Rx300's.


Accessory Maker
Beside of the great heater, the improved firmware makes the Tubo what it is. With another mod it runs, but you're missing the best features. Simply makes no sense for me to pair a TuboX with an expensive DNA mod, that would lack all features of an much cheaper Evic compatible mod.
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Well-Known Member
Okay an update to all. I didn’t get any of these at all. I upgraded to the simrell vortex and I’m trading my FF for The Beast.
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I just got the Simrell Vortx and I love it! Let me know how that Beast works. Right now I’m getting great results with my Dr Dabber Switch as a induction heater.

I’m really interested in the Beast because it’s so much smaller than the Switch.

Okay an update to all. I didn’t get any of these at all. I upgraded to the simrell vortex and I’m trading my FF for The Beast.


Well-Known Member
I just got the Simrell Vortx and I love it! Let me know how that Beast works. Right now I’m getting great results with my Dr Dabber Switch as a induction heater.

I’m really interested in the Beast because it’s so much smaller than the Switch.
I have been using the beast and it truly is a beast. I have never used an induction heater before BTW. The beast can be used up to 46 watts I believe. Kanthal coils, so no temp control.

If you heat it at 20-30 watts, you get a big really hot draw. You want to pull it out at the first click also. You can finish a full in two hits, or hit it while it's heating then hit it after the click, and keep hitting it after the click while heating to really rip it.

30-40, you get the top really roasted, but not really the bottom. I don't like going this high because it's not really that much better.

Titanium heats up extremely (too) quick I highly recommend using the stainless steel. It retains heat so that your herb stays warm. SS makes it way more even.

I noticed that the air from the dynavap is way hotter than if you heated it up with a torch. I have two stems, a 14mm glass adaptor from ddave, and a vortex. A closed hole will give you huuuuuuuuuge clouds. If you hit it closed, it feels exactly like a hot nail dab. I prefer the vortex with the hole all the way open.
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