Best way to make a sleep tincture


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I was curious what the best way to make a concentrated tincture to help with sleep.

I was thinking about putting some fresh ground bud plus alot of ground ABV into maybe a cup or 2 of Everclear for a week or so then straining out the leaves and storing in a dark bottle in the fridge. Then I can mix a few drops of this tincture with chamomile tea to hopefully help with insomnia.

Does anyone have any better suggestions?

It needs to be able to last a long time without going bad.
It needs to be a concentrate.
It also needs to help with sleep, not get me all energetic and thinking (like vaping does!)

ANY input is greatly appreciated!!!!



Well-Known Member
I tried combusting ABV which sorta works but its so harsh and defeats the purpose of vaping :[


Well-Known Member
I myself will try this soon. Both with Everclear and Olive Oil. I've heard varying stories with Olive Oil, but supposedly it can extract the key items we are looking to extract. I know there's a thread here on this exact subject, but it's quite short. Anyone ever tried this method?


Unconscious Objector

[Edit; this is not a tincture, sorry. But it does cause sleep]

What I do is store up the abv/avb until I have an ounce or so.

I use 4 1/4 lb sticks of butter

1. Get a double boiler.
2. Set it up, put the butter in the top pan, let it melt and start to boil/bubble. The temperature is self regulating at 100C as long as you have water in te bottom pot.
3. When boiling/bubbling, add in 1 oz finely ground abv/avb plus whatever else you want (fresh weed, bit of oil, what have you).
4. Cook for 1 hour, remove from heat and filter through a cheesecloth fitted over a mesh colander over a bowl. Squeeze the cheesecloth without breaking it to get every drop of butter you can.
5. Add 1 cup warm water to the butter, gently swirl and let come to room temperature. You're extracting a lot of the water soluble components that you dont want (chlorophylls, plant cell walls and others), and you could wash it a few times if you had the proper gear.
6. Put in fridge until solid (I always go overnight).
7. Poke 1 hole in each end of butter slab and drain water out.
8. Lightly pat the butter dry and store in tupperware in freezer until used in whatever recipe you want.

If you use abv/avb instead of fresh weed, oil or hash you get a very sedative buzz. Very much a body effect. Kinda like an indica.

Vaping on top of this is not a good idea. I felt compelled to move and very much wanted to do things, but it just seemed like such an effort. End of evening only.



Well-Known Member
hopandstop said:
I myself will try this soon. Both with Everclear and Olive Oil. I've heard varying stories with Olive Oil, but supposedly it can extract the key items we are looking to extract. I know there's a thread here on this exact subject, but it's quite short. Anyone ever tried this method?
I read that olive oil should be used within 1 that wouldnt be useful for me.


Well-Known Member
Im considering buying organic grain alcohol:

Then adding organic ground chamomile flower & Valerian root for a hour or so in a small batch of alcohol, then straining with a coffee filter.
Then adding ground ABV + fresh greens to a fresh batch of alcohol, straining then i would mix the two tinctures into one.

I have been making everclear-based tincture from ABV since I started vaping in January and it is effective for me.

I evaporate it down until it is almost black, then a dropperful in a glass of something with a strong flavor (believe me you will need it!) like Dr. Pepper or Sunkist Orange does the trick. Just be sure to do it 1/2 hour (or more) before bed. Of course I have also done a few stems in the MyrtleZap before this anyway.:D

(Don't use a coffee filter, it absorbs way too much. Either an emptied-out family-size teabag in a funnel or a really fine sieve is much better.)
Howie Feltersnatch,


Well-Known Member
i made it this weekend, i heated the everclear on my stove then added ground bud plus a little abv. I tried vapping some of the bud after i dried it out and didn't really get much off of it, nor did i get i guess it removed all the thc. The tincture seems a little weak though, sorta helped with sleep...not great though. Smoking that abv really helps with sleep though.


Lost in Thought
You can always try to make some ABV brownies. I know when I have made them in the past I have been mellloooooooowwwww.

Here are the cliff notes I have gathered on the way -
Grind ABV and throw it in the mix - dont worry about 'cooking it' before cooking it. (You can add a lil more oil if you like to compensate)
USE NUTS - they will help disguise the ABV as you expect a crunch
Creme De Menthe chips - Also help mask the ABV
They are yum and will lock you down :)


Amongst the corn
There are several tincture/golden dragon (very nice) & swampwater threads on here- you should check them out, it will give you some real step by steps. Also the ethnobotanical thread just turned me on to some seriously sedating plants I'm reading up on before I order some.

Everclear tinctures work great. For a specific sleep remedy- I actually am working on this one myself. I have about 1/4oz fresh stuff that has been stored very well for 4 years. The last year or two in the fridge. It is very well cured.

It wasn't the most pleasant smoke- but was strong. I'd forgotten about it because we always had nicer stuff.. Anyway- so we decided to vape it. Hmm tastes ok. Not bad.. got a definite stoning buzz. All of a sudden it was like the life just got sucked out of us through our asses. Could. Not. Move. Naptime.

I'm going to make a tincture from this stuff and evaporate it down a bit so I can use it by the dropperful as needed. I may end up combining with teas or other tinctures. You can certainly do this with ABV.

Word of caution- don't heat Everclear with an open flame. You mentioned heating it on the stove. Use an electric stove or better yet- crockpot. Alcohol boils at a lower temp than water. You can extract just fine with a slow-cooker. Open flame + almost pure alcohol can easily = hospital trip or fire engine.


Amongst the corn
rabican said:
Im considering buying organic grain alcohol:

Then adding organic ground chamomile flower & Valerian root for a hour or so in a small batch of alcohol, then straining with a coffee filter.
Then adding ground ABV + fresh greens to a fresh batch of alcohol, straining then i would mix the two tinctures into one.

Valerian works pretty ok as a relaxant for me in a strong tincture (not homemade), hate the smell- but can't do anything about that. I usually buy a bottle of "herbal tincture sleep formula" from the health food store once a year.

If I'm really not sleeping well, I take half an ambien- the plain herbal tinctures aren't that sedating when I really need it. I'm hoping with some strong green added, the two combined would work good.


Vapor Fan
I know there are plenty of dispensaries in California that are taking ABV, crumbling it further and filling gel-tabs with it. From my understanding, since abv has already been heat activated and the low end cbd and cbns have already been removed, all that is left is the heavier cbds which will put you to sleep. Take two of these and call me in the morning.


Loves Me Some MMJ
^^^This is intriguing -- has anyone tried this?

I haven't seen them at the dispensaries I've been to yet. Will keep my eyes open.

I've just dumped the dry lot of ABV into a batch of brownies -- definitely got me plenty medicated. I'd say 80% as potent as cannabudder batch. But have not tried eating it straight up.


Lost in Thought
Bruce@Zephyr said:
I know there are plenty of dispensaries in California that are taking ABV, crumbling it further and filling gel-tabs with it. From my understanding, since abv has already been heat activated and the low end cbd and cbns have already been removed, all that is left is the heavier cbds which will put you to sleep. Take two of these and call me in the morning.

Hmmmm, interesting I think I might actually try this with some of my ABV in the future.
Last I read though, you still needed to 'extract' the actives in a coconut (or other) oil before filling the capsules. I wonder if just powered ABV would work as well...


Vapor Fan
AGBeer said:
Bruce@Zephyr said:
I know there are plenty of dispensaries in California that are taking ABV, crumbling it further and filling gel-tabs with it. From my understanding, since abv has already been heat activated and the low end cbd and cbns have already been removed, all that is left is the heavier cbds which will put you to sleep. Take two of these and call me in the morning.

Hmmmm, interesting I think I might actually try this with some of my ABV in the future.
Last I read though, you still needed to 'extract' the actives in a coconut (or other) oil before filling the capsules. I wonder if just powered ABV would work as well...

It has been awhile since I posted in here and I have done some experimenting since.

I take two bowls, a large one and a small one and use them together like a mortar and pestle with the abv in between to crush my abv into a fine(ish) powder.
Then I fill size 000 gel capsules. (The capsules are a bit large imho, 4 = a teaspoon)
I take 2 capsules when I feel like taking a nice nap.

I will attest that this works for me and I am a fairly avid consumer.

Since the ABV has been heat activated I do not think you need to add a suspension such as coconut or sesame oil although this may still aid in digestion.


cannabis aromatherapist
I was wondering about this, whether the abv should be mixed with oil or something before capping.

i think i'll give it a shot with just the powdered abv. will sure as hell be easier as i can just use my handy dandy cap-m-quik and have it done in 10 minutes instead of taking the time and making a mess in the kitchen.
Bruce@Zephyr said:
I know there are plenty of dispensaries in California that are taking ABV, crumbling it further and filling gel-tabs with it. From my understanding, since abv has already been heat activated and the low end cbd and cbns have already been removed, all that is left is the heavier cbds which will put you to sleep. Take two of these and call me in the morning.

What brick and mortar store does one hit up for empty gel tablets?


cannabis aromatherapist
I've seen the gelcaps at health food stores (usually behind a counter, ya know, because you know we are stuffing these things with crack :rolleyes:). make sure you get a size that you will be able to swallow. i like the 00 size.

the best deals i've seen are online, but i buy mine by the thousand because i use them to cap my custom herbal blends as well.


Well-Known Member
This is genius. I will post back with results if this works for me or not. I could really use something like this for when vaping is not possible.
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