How to know when you need to change the weed?

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Well-Known Member
Hello dear community!

I have a simple question. How to know when you need to change the weed? For example, if the weed is now all brown/dark, does this mean you need to change it or you might still have some good puffs inside?

I'm out of weed atm, and I'm vaporizing my ABV, and I found out I was getting stoned without problems with it, looks like there is still thc to vaporize in this.


Well-Known Member
JeffVapo said:
Hello dear community!

I have a simple question. How to know when you need to change the weed? For example, if the weed is now all brown/dark, does this mean you need to change it or you might still have some good puffs inside?

I'm out of weed atm, and I'm vaporizing my ABV, and I found out I was getting stoned without problems with it, looks like there is still thc to vaporize in this.
I've been wondering this, myself. I'm new to vaporizing and so far I've been loading a fresh bowl for each session (even though I only use 2-3 bags from my Volcano each session). I noticed that the ABV was still partly green when I was done, so last night I reused the ABV for another 2-3 bags at the same temp (~350) and found that it was still plenty good. From what I've read, once the ABV doesn't do anything at that temp, I can turn it up to release some of the higher temp chemicals (which include another set of euphoriants and more sedatives) and keep using it.


Well-Known Member
Hard to give a definitive answer on this being that we all like to take our abv to different levels for different affects. Also, some really like to cook or make tincture or qwiso from their ABV, so they like to leave some of the good stuff in.

For me, I'll vape till there's nothing left (abv ends up a dark brown and begins to start tasting and smelling like burnt popcorn). I'll vape in my PD till it's producing no more vapor, then store the ABV in a jar. If I then ever want to get really couch locked or go to sleep right away, I'll vape the ABV in my Ion at 380f. When no more vapor is being released at 380, it's time to retire the remaining ABV for edibles (which I haven't done yet, so I have no idea of how much cannaboids are really left in there, but I would imagine, not much)


Well-Known Member
I vape until I get no more vapor. I reuse my abv into swamp water so I do not try to get every drop off goodness left in it now.

If you want to drain your abv more, when you think your done vaping a wand, crush it up and then you will likely one good draw, which wont taste like you to anything but you did, and then maybe a small draw and thats it. That is what I used to do early in my vaporizing life hehe.


Well-Known Member
Beezleb said:
If you want to drain your abv more, when you think your done vaping a wand, crush it up and then you will likely one good draw, which wont taste like you to anything but you did, and then maybe a small draw and thats it. That is what I used to do early in my vaporizing life hehe.
Early in your vaping life? I still do that. 3 hits from a PD stem. Empty in hand and crush. 2 more hits.


When the herb becomes too dark brown and it releases no vapor, it's time to change.
I have noticed that the last hits release vapor, sometimes consistent, but it hasn't any effect on me.


Well-Known Member
lwien said:
Beezleb said:
If you want to drain your abv more, when you think your done vaping a wand, crush it up and then you will likely one good draw, which wont taste like you to anything but you did, and then maybe a small draw and thats it. That is what I used to do early in my vaporizing life hehe.
Early in your vaping life? I still do that. 3 hits from a PD stem. Empty in hand and crush. 2 more hits.
I now do not do the last part as I like making my swamp water better so I now purposely do not drain the abv like I once did. This had helped much in making my swamp water better.


Serial vapist
When it tastes bad usually, unless it wasn't evenly vaped, in which case the parts that got vaped too fast will taste bad but there may still be some parts that havent been thoroughly vaped. Just go by taste and look. Try to stir and vape evenly. Well vaped ABV will be a consistent tan or brown, no green or black.


Well-Known Member
Get yourself a bright LED flashlight and turn off the lights when you are filling the bag. Shine the light in the bag and you'll see the vapor flooding in. Depending on how much you use, check again when filling around the 3rd-4th bag and you'll see if there is no vapor flooding in. Conversely, if you dont have a bag setup, just shine the flashlight horizontally in front of your mouth when you exhale and you'll see clearly if any vapor is coming out.

Best fail proof method IMHO.
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