My Great Vape Experiment - Exercise and Vaping


Well-Known Member
Since vaping my lungs feel very loose and flexible. I can inhale fully a la
mike phelps :lol: , and all physical activity is much more enjoyable even
a little weight training like pappy does. Pass those chilled heinies this
Oh yeah, my friend who is asthmatic finds the mflb way to harsh ; he
can tolerate the bags from the volcano much better. Most times he just
combusts. :uhoh: I guess he is use to the old school methods.


since vaping (and cutting down on my joints) i do not huff and puff when i exercise, so i definitely feel the positive difference. reading all the stuff here reinforces my belief that vaping & exercise can go hand in hand! great stuff!!!


Vapeosaurus Rex
I can take long vapor rips, hold them in very deep for as long as I can hold my breath, and I rarely ever experience any pain or lung issues with using that method. If I let it heat up really hot and inhale for a long time, that is a different story (the the vapor gets "spicy" <-- thats what i like to call it)


I've loved intense exercise since long before I ever tried the herb. Once I realized the latter was going to be as much a part of my life as the former, it seemed only natural to experiment by combining the two. The results have been good and sometimes great, though not always in the ways I would have expected. The first time, I lightly hit the VG a couple of times before lifting weights at the gym. Typically, a good sober weightlifting session for me is characterized by a slowly building sense of barely-contained aggression--correlated, I'm sure, with a rise in testosterone--which reaches its crescendo in about an hour. My slight buzz severely dampened my animal anger, which you might think would decrease my ability to perform--but that wasn't the case. I counted reps, and I did at least as well on every exercise as I had previously done sober.

Here's my analysis: Though I was deprived of aggression, I was more than compensated with the gift of presence. (Incidentally, I think the gift of presence is one of the core joys of cannabis itself.) For the first time in my life, I began to experience resistance training meditatively. I no longer thought, even fleetingly, of how proud I was for getting the weights up the previous few reps, or how nice it would be once the pain was over and I could grab a protein shake. Instead, I simply existed in what I was doing. I believe I literally forgot that I had the ability to set the weights down before I'd reached exhaustion if I really wanted to. (Gives new meaning to "failure is not an option.") Later, I did many more reps of an abdominal exercise than I had previously thought possible.

The last time I worked out while buzzed, it was late at night and I was alone in my dark house. I entered the same meditative state while doing pull-ups, and was having such a good time when I reached failure that I continued the set by doing negatives, hopping to the top position and lowering myself as slowly as I could, again and again, until I was so exhausted that I couldn't even do that without immediately dropping, as if my arms were ropes.

In addition to inducing a meditative state, the herb has a way of giving a person permission to do what he'd really enjoy most--what would satisfy his deepest soul. If you honestly, deep-down *like* punishing workouts, then the herb kicks that door wide open! (It's for this reason that, although it has certainly been a boon to *my* workouts, I would not guess that it has any intrinsic workout-enhancing property. If you loathe exercise--and I don't think anyone should feel obligated to like it--then being high will probably only remind you of how much you'd rather be doing something that better speaks to *your* passions.)

Someone might have already mentioned this, but I'd be interested to hear about any perceived differences between indica workouts and sativa workouts. So far, I've had no way of knowing which strain I'm getting. I'm inclined to think that a pure sativa would rock.
I really started hitting the gym last year, and definitely saw a huge difference when I was only vaping vs smoking. It really sold me on the idea of vaping all the time and giving up smoking (with a few small exceptions :).


Well-Known Member
I used to almost always use my volcano before working out at home, which is a combination of using my elliptical and some basic free weights. I probably spend about 4 hours a week on it spread across maybe 5 days. I think vaporizing initially helped me get into the groove of working out but now that I'm working out harder I've begun working out without smoking first more often. It could be some combination of over optimism from the positive effect combined with some amount of numbness but it makes me more likely to overdo it. I strained my left knee a few months ago and took a couple of weeks off, I had it looked at just to be safe and the physician complimented me on my heart rate and asked me if I worked out during the initial examination so the volcano hasn't seemed to have had any negative impact there.


Well-Known Member
Herb has a positive effect on my BP. Considering the side effects of BP drugs(and the unlikelyhood of getting independence from them) the difference is noteworthy.
Maybe slightly OT, but all I can say is I booted cigs three months ago and never coughed up a thing (like horrible lungbutter, usually a sign your lungs are clearning shop). I was stillk combusting weed (mixwd with tabac, in the Euro/Anglo way), but I credit this with helping me boot cigs as I just got blazed on weed when I got home and ended up taking in one cig's worth of gunk rather than seven or eight. Never felt like cigs when I was high. Anyhow, I booted bongs as well after bing diganosed with asthma and now, less than a week later, I'm getting some pretty funky action going on down there with all sorts of horrible gunk. Also, I have a constant drip on my throat (swallow twice, three times a minute) and now I know that sh*t's tarry gunk.

Slightly disgusting, but all good. Can't wait for it to clear out and begin enjoying the cardio benefits!


Vapeosaurus Rex
Okay guys listen up. I have been getting vaked and then running for about 6 miles everyday and it is AMAZING. The herb ignites this fire in me to want to push myself and take it to the limit and not get tired or give up. I am going to be testing the difference between running with indica and sativa strains to see if I get a difference, but I'm pretty sure indica has been better for running for me cuz when I did sativa i felt too head hot and it made me a little uneasy. Try it! Or even hitting the gym on the herb, you penetrate through every repitition, going to your maximum and feeling amazing intrinsic muscular connections and blood flow all over your body, it tingles!

ahh <3 :ninja:
@ Elluzion... shhhhhh... :ninja:

You're right... but we don't want anyone else knowing that. I run farther, faster and with less pain when vaked. Hell, before vaping I'd even hit bongs an hour before sometimes, even though it made my lungs feel like a teabag with a knot in it. The THC puts you in tune with your body, as you say. I turn into an oxygen combustion machine when running vaked - bellows up top, pump in the middle and a big old fire right there at the bottom. One, two, three. It's easy to get into good breathing rhythms too. I like in for four, out for four, then in for two, our for two for more strenuous sections. THC lets you really exploit the rhythm and it carries over into 'straight' running.

I'm coughing up still more nasty soot and can't wait for my lungs to start getting with the goods even more. God bless vaping! :)
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Hey everyone! First post here on fc, i was recruited by some cool guys on grass city, any way, i have a bit of experience when it comes to vaping before a work out, i do love vaping before hitting the gym, but something that no one should have to go through is vaping before a swim practice. I have been swimming for 8+ years and been playing waterpolo for about 5 years, i just comitted to redlands university in cali on a full ride waterpolo scholarship (yay!) But the reason im posting is to say that i do NOT recomend going to a very tough swim practice after vaping, i even vaped a pretty strong sativa (casey jones) but it was just miserable, not something you should do, but a basketball practice or in my case a waterpolo practice high can be very fun, great thread and hope you enjoy this expirement! Sorry for ranting on my first post :p

Dudeson 1882

Active Member
Not read the entire thread but for me there has always been a positive aspect to MJ for recovery after intense physical activity (muscular, cardio vascular & mental). Plus I also found it to be a very good natural pain reliever.

I played 2 sports professionally & discovered vapeing in the mid 90's to aid my training & recovery as I couldn't justify smoking because of the effect on health & performance. Essentially I used it to help recover from training & matches faster which meant I could train harder earlier & for longer than my competitors. It also meant I could reach peak condition earlier in the season & maintain it for longer throughout the season.

It started with me smoking J's after games as a teenager & eventually evolved into something pretty complex & scientific when I met some very cool sports scientists in the early 2000's around the time a lot of research was being published on optimal heart rates & the like.

I must say though that I personally wouldn't recommend doing any MJ before a match or training (especially a match lol) its all about recovery. First of all for me it took the edge off my performance as though I was a few nano seconds off the pace of the game but also to train to that level of fitness close to your limits you need real focus on what you are doing.

I get hyper if I vape early in the day & have often ended up in my workout room but its never a good workout. I felt that I didn't have as good a workout if I was stoned & this was later proven when hooked up to various performance measuring devices.
Dudeson 1882,
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