Firecracker potency


New Member
I'm planning on trying this method to see if its something that will work for me. Since making a firecracker seems like an easy thing to do, will try this first. Just one question for the experts here: Can I expect a similar high for the same amount of weed I put on the firecracker versus had I smoked it instead? Since I smoked in the past I have a good idea what the potency will be like. I'm just concerned that once I've eaten the firecracker the high will be way more than I expected and start hallucinating or some shit. I also read that it can take up to an hour for it to take effect.


Well-Known Member
are you using ABV (already been vaped) material?

Edibles are very tough to predict as one's liver converts the THC into a more potent form.
AND, be sure to start LOW and SLOW.

- LOW dosage to see how your body/mind react. You can up the dosage later or next time but you cannot reduce after you take it.
- SLOW It can take up to 2 hours or more to kick in so do not eat and then an hour later take more cuz you don't feel it yet. Many run into trouble by taking more, too soon, and then it kicks in too strong!

Dose is tough. Like I said ABV material?
It takes me a lot more via ABV edibles for me, BUT mine is all ABV and it's all been "wrung out at 445 F" so most of the actives were already vaporized out.

On first edibles day---plan to stay home etc and maybe enlist an edibles pal who has done it before...


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on trying this method to see if its something that will work for me. Since making a firecracker seems like an easy thing to do, will try this first. Just one question for the experts here: Can I expect a similar high for the same amount of weed I put on the firecracker versus had I smoked it instead? Since I smoked in the past I have a good idea what the potency will be like. I'm just concerned that once I've eaten the firecracker the high will be way more than I expected and start hallucinating or some shit. I also read that it can take up to an hour for it to take effect.

Its entirely different. Your liver converts the THC to a different drug, 11 Hydroxy, which has a longer duration. Think several hours. Figuring out the proper dose to get where you want can take some experimentation.


New Member
I was planning on using non-vaped material. Apparently ABV can be used as well, didn't know that. Thanks for the Low and Slow advice. I will eventually experiment and make sure I'm chillin at home for the day.


Well-Known Member
Do you understand "decarboxylation" of non-vaped materail?
Without this step, raw bud has almost no effect.

Vaporized herb is already "decarbed" so not necessary but critical need for raw buds.
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New Member
This is all new to me. ABV seems like the easiest and convenient method. I imagine there is a way to decarb raw bud without going the ABV route?


Well-Known Member
Is there a Firecracker recipe thread? Mine is Choco Graham crackers with some Hazelnut Choco spread. You can add a slather of LuAnna Coconut oil on one cracker and put enough ABV to stick to both sides. A small glass of warm milk helps wash it down and you sleep well and your innards get some healing.
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