Occasional Hot Hits From Dynavap


New Member
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, the Dynavap thread seems intended for advanced topics, but here goes. I'm pretty new to vaping. I've been looking into new vaporizers, but for now I have been using the Dynavap M 2018 with a little bubbler. Normally I get pretty smooth hits from it, but every once in a while I'll get a rough hit that is very uncomfortable and irritates my throat for a long time after. The other night I vaped medical bud I picked up for the first time. I heated it up for only one cycle and took two great hits. I couldn't even tell I had gotten any vapor until it came pouring out of my mouth. I let the Dynavap sit for about an hour and a half before coming back to it again. The herb was still pretty green. The next hit I took from it was absolutely terrible and the herb looked pretty used up afterward. It irritated my throat badly and I got almost no vapor from it. I checked the AVB for combustion, but I'm not really sure how to tell. It didn't smell or look radically different from the rest of my AVB. I'm actually taking a break today to give my throat a chance to heal, which sucks because I'm eager to vape this new super high quality herb I recently picked up. It's purple kush if anyone is curious.

I'm having trouble identifying exactly what I did differently. I know that the position of the flame on the cap can produce different temperatures and that bud can get a little harsher if it has already been vaped. I use a single flame torch and I normally aim it straight for the center of the cap. I've managed to get pretty consistent results this way. I normally notice it is slightly harsher on the last cycle. This time I went a little lower with the flame both times. The first cycle was great. The second, which was over an hour later, was horrible. I typically fill the cap about 1/4th full and heat it for three cycles, which are pretty spaced out. I don't heat it up more than once per session. For this reason I try to get the cap pretty hot on the first shot. I've heard the second cycle in a session is hotter, but I've already had my fill at that point. I'm thinking the error was a combination of already vaped bud and putting the flame just a little too low the second time around. I think it's possible I may have heated up the area below the bowl by mistake, the part intended to cool the vapor down. Are there any experienced vaporists out there that can bestow any Vapcap wisdom on me? I've been trying to get my Vapcap up to 392 F in one shot consistently with a single flame torch. Maybe this is too much to expect?

Thanks to everyone on here who has already given me great advice in my previous thread. I can tell you all took time to consider what I wrote. This community is awesome :D


Well-Known Member
From my experience, coming back to a un fresh load is always less desirable than a fresh load that continues to vape, no matter which vape. I usually only go to the first click and stop on my vapcaps, any more longer and you risk that harsh vapor that can be produced that can induce coughing fits.


New Member
From my experience, coming back to a un fresh load is always less desirable than a fresh load that continues to vape, no matter which vape. I usually only go to the first click and stop on my vapcaps, any more longer and you risk that harsh vapor that can be produced that can induce coughing fits.

Come to think of it, this has only ever happened with unfresh loads. Maybe I'll use less bud and finish the bowl in one session from now on.

Occasional hot hits? Every hit was hot that's why I got rid of it....
Did you use it with a water piece?

"Hot" is quite subjective.
Regardless of the adjective used to describe it, I don't think anyone would want to take a hit like this again. It was worse than any combustion hit I've ever taken and produced almost no vapor. The one before it was so smooth I wasn't even sure I got a hit but it produced clouds.
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Well-Known Member
"Hot" is quite subjective.

Compared to any other vaporizer made, dynavaps--at least when heated with a torch as designed--produce hot ass vapor.

There's a question about using with water. Obviously, if you use it, or any vape, with water it won't be hot.

But if I'm going to use water with a vape, I'll roll a plug in like a cloud evo and get cooler better tasting vapor (not that dynavap has bad flavor, its actually quite ok, just way too hot.... burns your throat...)


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Compared to any other vaporizer made, dynavaps--at least when heated with a torch as designed--produce hot ass vapor.

None of mine do...and I prefer a torch when using natively, without water. I'm more likely to use an induction heater with water, but when I want that perfect dry hit only a torch allows me to coax it out.

I use my IH when brute-force and speed are more important to me than quality of vapor, like when I'm up doing things, cleaning house, etc.
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