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One of American History's most unlikable losers has chimed in again.

This dummy:

1) Voted for the Iraq War. I'm sure she thought the college kids protesting against that war back then were dumb too. They were 100% right and she was disastrously wrong.

2) Personally spearheaded America stabbing Gaddafi in the back with a violent coup. Her exact quote was "We came, we saw, he died [villainous, cackling laughter]". Libya is now a humanitarian disaster with open slave markets in the 21st century.

3) Lost a layup election to an absolute clown, plunging America into a bizarre dark age we may never escape from. Her only job ever has been Politics, a pursuit she is insanely bad at.

If this was my humiliating and atrocious résumé, I would at least have enough shame and self-awareness to go away and shut the fuck up forever :shrug:


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and to think in an alternate universe biden could have been the democratic nominee

I don't remember the exact palace intrigue, but he was going to run. And he would've won in a landslide! 2016 was before his brain turned to soup.

For all the sexism allegations he put up with, Bernie begged Elizabeth Warren to run in 2016 too. He only threw his hat in because she refused. I also think she would've won. IMO, Democrats went with maybe the only person in their party capable of losing to that dipshit game show host. And now the whole world has to keep suffering the consequences.


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We're basically in a situation where every astronomer on earth is saying that a comet is about to hit the Earth. Best case scenario, life will be significantly worse for every human being. There is also a very real chance it could end human civilization as we know it. And no one really seems to give a shit.



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A severe solar storm is bringing an incredible aurora forecast for Friday tonight! go Canada 👍


:peace: :leaf:


Well-Known Member

We're basically in a situation where every astronomer on earth is saying that a comet is about to hit the Earth. Best case scenario, life will be significantly worse for every human being. There is also a very real chance it could end human civilization as we know it. And no one really seems to give a shit.

Ever wonder what the Great Filter looks like? We're looking at it.


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Louisiana Court Blocks Congressional Map That Fixed Racial Discrimination Against Black Voters After White Voters Sue, Claiming It Damaged Their ‘Personal Dignity’​

:peace: :leaf:
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