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  1. GetLeft

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Somehow my gong slipped through my fingers as I was in the process of loading a stem and as it fell all I could think of was @ataxian. Didn't break :tup:
  2. GetLeft

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    To whom is this addressed, really? I know no one who happily supports the BA.
  3. GetLeft

    Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects

    All these conditions lead to results that are quite subjective to the point that any observations based upon them end up being completely anecdotal. I'm no scientist and I do indeed heed anecdotal evidence when it's pertinent to my particular situation. But what you indicate here, with your test...
  4. GetLeft

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    So for conservatives when it comes to pornography its the porn makers who are the problem while with guns its not the gun makers its the users who are the problem :| Let's lock the gov outside for a few hours and see how he holds up. My guess is he's counting on being in DC in soon anyway.
  5. GetLeft

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    and to think in an alternate universe biden could have been the democratic nominee lest we forget billie boy whose tryst with an intern plunged America into a prior dark age x 10
  6. GetLeft

    E-Nano from Epickai

    getting high and talking nano. and doing some flow charts.
  7. GetLeft

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Nice work, @cannasoor. My nano is the easiest vaporizer to clean that I own. Instead of tissue, I use paper towel because it holds up better than tissue when moistened with iso. I also soak my screens in iso for a little while to get them clean. I have half a dozen screens from way back. They've...
  8. GetLeft

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    Republican platform is an oxymoron. Doesn’t matter what they say. If their candidate wins he’ll do whatever he wants. Each day a new platform.
  9. GetLeft

    Holding in hits, and long convection hits.

    FC is an encyclopedia on steroids for sure but also a great place to ask questions anew. Anecdotally, I can say that vaping is not the best thing for my lungs. Hot and dry are not conditions that my lungs thrive in. Preferable to introducing carcinogens into my body? I've thought so since...
  10. GetLeft

    Enano help

    Is your E-nano second hand or did you buy it directly from Epicvape? I haven't purchased oodles of items from Epicvape because the stuff I've gotten from them has been real good stuff and lasted a long time, mostly care free. I say this just because I haven't needed to reach out much to them...
  11. GetLeft

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    "The Justice Department will not tolerate the theft of artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies that could put our national security at risk," Love how the JD is looking out for us.
  12. GetLeft

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    Why Bicycle Deaths in New York City Are at a 23-Year High
  13. GetLeft

    E-Nano from Epickai

    My first and only plug was the e-nano, years ago. It's been plugged in ever since I got it and to this day pumps me out a powerful hit whenever I'm ready for one. I guess I'm microdosing but my nano is the most potent vape I have. A single hit on it (which is my norm) delivers more of a punch...
  14. GetLeft

    Puffco wax pen

    New Plus? Other than the silicone grip what's new?
  15. GetLeft

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    “The forces will use the minimum sufficient force, which will be graduated in proportion to the degree of resistance.” Yepper. Argentina. Watch the fascists crawl out of the woodwork. Graffiti (Julio Cortázar) Graffiti (Julio Cortázar, Eng.) (Narrations in second person typically serve to make...
  16. GetLeft

    Puffco Proxy

    I've been a minimalist with my Proxy purchases even after having gotten a reasonable deal on mine. I added a well suited bubbler form Sneaky Pete and that's it. Didn't even really need that tbh since the stock glass surprisingly cools things pretty well and is comfortable to use (as funky as it...
  17. GetLeft

    Puffco Proxy

    Yea ok ok I'm a dumb a**. Although to my credit I did try to turn the chamber out and it wouldn't come easily so I didn't force things. Finally watched a video, pulled up my sleeves, gave a good twist and got it out. Loads of golden goop under there. Cleaned it all up and now it's charging...
  18. GetLeft

    Puffco Proxy

    I think I've purused the thread enough not to see complaints about a Proxy just pooping out. Went to use mine the other day and it was dead (three red blinks). Charged a few hrs., same thing. Charged over night, same thing. Charged again over night with a different cable, same thing. Sent in the...
  19. GetLeft

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I used adjustable screen gongs forever then briefly tried the glass screen gong out of curiosity then went back to the adjustable and stayed there. With the adjustable I don't get the debris in my water piece the way I do with the glass version. I tend to load my gong with enough for a good hit...
  20. GetLeft

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    Sadly, times have been hard for Argentina for 60+ yrs. thanks in large part to U.S. meddling and the World Bank. Not saying it doesn't take two to tango but when you're tangoing with the U.S. best to be paying attention to your open step (and your back).
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