Recent content by vapmin

  1. V

    Camouflet Convector XL

    Good. I don't like stirring. Up until now I've predominantly been using a DV-style heating method (with the standard-size Convector) by holding the vape horizontally, perpendicular to the flame which I hold vertically, and spinning the device. However, I've just watched the section of the Kraut...
  2. V

    Camouflet Convector XL

    Thank you. I assume 'swirl it' as in stir the contents. Would you say it works well without swirling?
  3. V

    Camouflet Convector XL

    Thank you for the response, I really appreciate it. I would be interested to hear from others if anyone has any thoughts but I am also satisfied with this response. One more thing: out of curiosity, can you explain the decision to move away from the single-bore inner tube for this device? Was...
  4. V

    Camouflet Convector XL

    1) Does the Convector XL work well with a smaller* amount of (plant) material in the chamber? 2) Is it suitable for use with a jet lighter?** *If unsure how to interpret 'smaller', I suggest 'less than 50% full'. With a regular Convector or DynaVap M (though I haven't tried the latest one...
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