Recent content by Smokey McVape

  1. Smokey McVape

    Arizer Solo 3

    I doubt that the manufacturer got this data wrong. The on demand mode performance proves it too as the glass is cold but it still pumps out massive clouds. There is a lot more conduction in session mode after 3 or so minutes once the glass has fully heated up due to the load just sitting there...
  2. Smokey McVape

    Dynavap VapCap

    Vong with a B tip, paired with a quality water piece is amazing. I have more than 10 Dynas but they don't get used as the combo above just beats them all in my experience. YMMV.
  3. Smokey McVape

    Dynavap VapCap

    Try using small whole nugs. Better flavour on consecutive heat cycles compared to grinding. Alternatively use the steel CCD from Dynavap. Never tried a torch? IMO you are missing out because the hit is different. More potent and just as tasty. Could be because I'm an ex smoker but give me a...
  4. Smokey McVape

    Arizer Solo 3

    Arizer say 80% convection and 20% conduction on the new model and the videos show no issues with the on demand feature. Try being positive.
  5. Smokey McVape

    Dynavap VapCap

    A little trick for removing/replacing O-Rings - I use a toothpick. Put the point under the o-ring and just roll it off.
  6. Smokey McVape

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    Just tried the triple technique on the OG. Hits almost as hard as a dab!!!!! Bowl done in 2 heat cycles, no scorching. I am so f***ed right now!!!!
  7. Smokey McVape

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    I see what you mean @Monk Debate - triple flame + restrictor + bent intake + tamped bowl = totally baked! Much more even heat distribution it would seem as there is no hot spotting or scorching and the AVB is darker compared to the single flame indicating further extraction. Now to try the same...
  8. Smokey McVape

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    Just received my Dynavap B starter kit that includes a shiny new triple flame torch - I will be try this technique later today for sure.
  9. Smokey McVape

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    I have all of the main lineup and would rate the main 3 like this - temp rating 1= lowest, 10 = hottest O.G Brick - Coolest vapor (2/10) and best flavour. Runt - 2nd coolest vapor (5/10) and great flavour. Junior - Hottest (7.5/10) and great flavour. If I had to choose out of the Runt and...
  10. Smokey McVape

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    Try some fine sandpaper say 2000 grit, wrap a piece around a pen and go at it - less aggressive than drilling and NO risk of the wood splitting.
  11. Smokey McVape

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    ☝️This is the way.
  12. Smokey McVape

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    I don't like it, purely because it's metal. I think I will knock up a couple of wooden ones or see if I can find glass tubing of the same size.
  13. Smokey McVape

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    To all the OG's out there - do you leave your metal connector in the bottom of your brick or remove it?
  14. Smokey McVape

    Sticky Brick Junior by Sticky Brick Labs

    Been playing around with Jr. and found that the bent Arizer Solo stems fit perfectly and sits almost as high as the Runt mouthpiece.
  15. Smokey McVape

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    Just arrived!!!!
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