rowbam's latest activity

  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to Garybuchanen's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    Got back home yesterday ..less then two minutes to heat up ,probably more like <1 but I let it sit a min longer…this vape is the truth ...
  • rowbam
    rowbam replied to the thread Phase3 Vaporizers.
    Not super long. Most was around 400-500F for 5 minutes, but very perceptible.
  • rowbam
    rowbam replied to the thread Phase3 Vaporizers.
    ZX landed! Some first sesh thoughts: Burn off was real Damn this thing is tiny Amazing efficiency from small amounts Flavor is real...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to invertedisdead's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    Most parcels shipped out today, sorry for the delays, I was hoping to get them sent out on Friday or Saturday when you received the...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to pxl_jockey's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    Guess I should feel spoiled in the UK with 220v because I hit the Auber before making a coffee and in less than two minutes, it’s ready...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to lukepat's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    Can't wait to receive that shipping e-mail. First ball vape and I am excited!
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to invertedisdead's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    Getting everything assembled and ready to go, still expecting to ship these out later this week. Thanks everyone for your patience and...
  • rowbam
    rowbam replied to the thread Phase3 Vaporizers.
    So stoked my ZX will be here soon. Really appreciate the updates on that Ryan :bowdown:
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to invertedisdead's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    Greetings friends, A bunch of new PHASE3 designs are on order and coming in for evaluation and testing within a week or two - MAKO2...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to RedZep's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    How are there fragility concerns. I've read this whole thread and found not a single instance of anyone having issues.
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to madhockeydad's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    EXACTLY!! There are none. That’s what some of us have been saying. Zero issues with Phase 3 products. These are not fragile nor have...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to pxl_jockey's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    Proud owner of a Z8, Ryan’s first iteration in ZC so its design is a bit different and it’s older than the ZX. I’ve taken the heater off...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to SmokeyDope's post in the thread The Extreme-Q Vaporizer with Like Like.
    Hello everyone, I found a cool way to make the ExtremeQ portable and thought some of you might be interested. I do a lot of offgrid...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to invertedisdead's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    ZXXL UPDATE We’re currently at 16 or 17 units sold. I’m trying to decide what will happen if we get close but don’t quite hit the...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to MennilTossFlykune's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
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