noobvaperct's latest activity

  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct replied to the thread Anvil by Vestratto.
    For those of you who have the Reload Gen 2 from Madheaters - is it really for those who go back to back bowls with the Anvil? I love how...
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct replied to the thread Anvil by Vestratto.
    Awesome, thank you!
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct reacted to Electrofever's post in the thread Anvil by Vestratto with Like Like.
    Every part of the Anvil can go in Iso except the heat shield, that has a non Iso o-ring. Caps can go in Iso too, but you must dry them...
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct replied to the thread Anvil by Vestratto.
    Thank you! Last dumb question. Since I was first a dynavap and Simrell user in the past, I believe I read that you were not supposed to...
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct replied to the thread Anvil by Vestratto.
    My own personal short and sweet review of the WPA Kit: it’s awesome. It definitely packs a punch for having such a tiny bowl (I bought...
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct reacted to Gdash's post in the thread Anvil by Vestratto with Like Like.
    Yeah, that part does come off but it just snaps back into place so no biggie in taking it off.
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct reacted to Gdash's post in the thread Anvil by Vestratto with Like Like.
    I remove the bowl and hold the wpa and pull on the heater which comes out with the condenser. The condenser will then be lose to just...
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct replied to the thread Anvil by Vestratto.
    Okay, so to confirm, the body part that has the rubber disc around it doesn’t come apart, the disc is fixed and that whole part cannot...
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct replied to the thread Anvil by Vestratto.
    So my WPA kit finally came in today (yay), but I have the dumbest question to ask. How do I disassemble to clean it? I don’t want to...
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct replied to the thread Anvil by Vestratto.
    I did create an account ahead of purchasing and I haven't thought to check it yet. I just did and the status still says "unfulfilled"...
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct reacted to leanpubpackage's post in the thread Anvil by Vestratto with Like Like.
    Vestratto provides decently good response for all matters EXCEPT shipping estimates. Radio silence if you ask about ship status. Not...
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct reacted to KindBuddyBud's post in the thread Anvil by Vestratto with Like Like.
    Did you create an account on vestrattos website? I think you can go back and sign up with the email you used when you made your...
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct replied to the thread Anvil by Vestratto.
    Want to know what you all would do if you were me as I have not experienced this before. I ordered the WPA Kit on 4/22 (2 weeks ago)...
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct reacted to David Root's post in the thread Anvil by Vestratto with Like Like.
    NO one has said it yet, XL mouth piece fits 14mm and 10 mm tapers great. No o ring needed. David
  • noobvaperct
    noobvaperct reacted to Texus's post in the thread Anvil by Vestratto with Like Like.
    That feels like it describes Vestratto perfectly to me. And they dropped a lot of stuff for 4/20. New, restocks AND packages. I can see...
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