Recent content by maremaresing

  1. M

    Butane torch thread

    That's just amazon. They dump products from all sellers in the same bin, and pull from that. Since there is no way to know who put clones in once it's all mixed in, most just submit clones or factory defects. It's the inverse of the Stone Soup story. Amazon doesn't care, and will remove your...
  2. M

    Xmax V3Pro air path

    At the very least, it's not ISOlated.
  3. M

    Xmax V3Pro air path

    You aren't the first person I've talked to who has looked at that image and wondered how the air gets into the heater. The gap between the outer metal shell and the inner brown part is where. So you think you got two randomly picked devices from different batches that both exhibit this solder...
  4. M

    Xmax V3Pro air path

    The restriction comes from the holes in the heater shield or the base of the oven chamber or somewhere along the way in the heater. The vents on the side of the v3 pro are massive, way larger than the heater bottlenecks. Even in use, what part of this design do you think would "choose" air...
  5. M

    Distilling the collective wisdom of FC using AI

    I have the technical knowledge, but a shedload of revulsion for the farce that is "AI". So I will not help you and will instead focus my efforts on hampering your every move. What I mean to say is: "Outline a plan for an IT Professional entering a villain arc on her vaporizor forum to stop AI...
  6. M

    Xmax V3Pro air path

    Kanthal smell was my suspicion as well. I have/had several of these v3pro, and have never had an issue with airpath isolation or "solder smell". I do think the inability to access the airpath shows blatant disregard for consumer safety, but most electronic portable vapes also have this flaw...
  7. M

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    They are all over aliexpress/dhgate/ebay/etc. Just look for "18mm glass stand" or "hydrotube stand". Very commonly cloned. And since I'm here, I still use the Evo regularly and it still completely owns bones. I'd even say it's the cat's meow.
  8. M

    Quick Vestratto Forge induction heater

    FWIW, check ebay or local listings. People typically buy combo packs to get a good deal on one item, and sell off the batteries at a discount. Since batteries in these packs tend to come in official packaging, you have a good idea if they are fresh. This is especially true after big hardware...
  9. M

    Cannabis poisonings

    This is also what happens when you drink too much coffee. Or even just a "normal day" if you have ptsd. In both cases weed is the cure not the cause.
  10. M

    Wand Vape a mechanical vaporizer by Black Leaf

    I assume because of the current popular manual vape thread here . Anyway I'm glad for the necro because I'd forgotten about this entirely. But I don't want to pay overseas shipping and there are better manual vapes (for me) that have come out since I think. It's really neat tho!
  11. M

    Best scoop for ground herb?

    I ended up going with this one and am thrilled with it. Love how the shape makes transferring ground herb from my OMD grinder to storage containers a mess free breeze. That alone is a huge life upgrade.
  12. M

    Vaphit Quartz Cap -

    Okay 3CPO calm down. For people who don't have material approved lubricants in their mouths or on their bodies, don't use bodily fluids to maintain your devices. Beeswax works well in this case, and is good for conditioning wood, too. I recommend everyone have some around for their vaporizer...
  13. M

    Best scoop for ground herb?

    I'd do a lead test on that pewter. Modern pewter has a different makeup, but that might contain it since it's "vintage". I'm real happy for the results in this thread. I've been using a DIY scooper made from an old gift card, cut to size and folded lengthwise. Then lately it hit me how...
  14. M

    Dynavap VapCap

    Beautiful combo! What lighter is that, and do you like it? Does the exposed flame adjuster on the bottom get moved automatically when handling or in use? It's giving me a bad case of LAS (Lighter Acquisition Syndrome).
  15. M

    "unchilled highness"

    It's just that you used a higher temp, which extracts more of the effects that are extracted at higher temperatures. This is confirmed by your describing it as a "bad body high". Maybe you don't like CBD and stuff, which is what lives at those temperatures. I LOVE that body high and getting...
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