Recent content by kiddvudu2

  1. kiddvudu2

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Not noticeably. I bought 5 of the P28a's when I got my TM2 in November of '22. I picked up 5 P30b's in February just to have more 18650's. I store them all in the same battery storage box and grab them out in no particular order to put them into use. I cannot tell if any of the older...
  2. kiddvudu2

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Which brand and model? My Molicels (P28a and P30b) have held up beyond my expectations. Good luck!
  3. kiddvudu2

    18650 Battery Safety

    No expert here, but won't a $30 smart charger with capacity testing give some insight here? Wondering this myself now.
  4. kiddvudu2

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Totally agree about there being ZERO need for an LED display on the TM. It would ruin the aesthetics for me. I have been buying vapes for about 12 years now. At the height of my collection days I had more than 10 devices at the same time. Then I bought my TM2... I've since whittled my...
  5. kiddvudu2

    Best scoop for ground herb?

    I'm a fan of this one: Peese!
  6. kiddvudu2


    Can you update the firmware?
  7. kiddvudu2

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Hey brother, I've owned a wooden TM stem for almost a year now. I never clean the inside, and I only use a 50/50 mix of beeswax and mineral oil to treat the outside. Eventually the "taste" will fade away because the inside gets coated with "goodness". I have used a nylon bristle pipe brush...
  8. kiddvudu2

    TinyMight / TM 2

    For me, I wouldn't risk 90 minutes of even the best high for the possibility of some type of infection that could make me miserable for much longer than that. :2c:
  9. kiddvudu2


    My unit is pretty new still (early Jan '24), I have 2 cooling units. Neither is cracked, but I can visually see the area of concern on both CU's. The plastic looks thinner there and if it were to crack I would bet that's where it would happen. They have looked that way from day one. I only...
  10. kiddvudu2

    TinyMight / TM 2

    He is one of my go-to vape experts. I haven't seen any new posts from him recently though. I DM'd him a few months back but no response. I sure hope he's doing well.
  11. kiddvudu2

    Tafée Bowle

    Maybe too tight of a pack in the pot?
  12. kiddvudu2


    Just a quick progress report: I purchased the Roffu to replace another similar shaped/sized device for a very specific use case. Although it's not as simple to use as the old device, once I put enough time in with it and it became 2nd nature I've really come to appreciate it. It is a very...
  13. kiddvudu2


    I ended up getting rid of the rubber gasket altogether and just forming a mesh screen into the correct sized dome (more like a small hump) so I could just push it up into the cavity where it belongs and just let friction keep it in place. It helps with odor not having that rubber gasket in...
  14. kiddvudu2

    Re-vaping avb.

    I used to make canna-coconut butter from it and then make no-bake cookies. They were pretty famous for the effects they gave, as they were never predictable, lol. I quit that years ago, but recently have started saving the AVB again (because I stopped growing and started buying again). I...
  15. kiddvudu2

    18650 Battery Safety

    Just ordered 10 of the P30B's from! Peese!
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