Recent content by kgb33

  1. kgb33

    Arizer Solo 3

    Damn thanks for the heads up. Sorry to hear that. I ordered two before reading that. If arizer had more xl glass I would have order them instead but have been eyeing Ed's for years thinking about a stem for the retired Solo 2. Sure hoping they ship today I was thinking Ed's would work...
  2. kgb33

    Arizer Solo 3

    I bet it pumps out the clouds! I'll definitely be grabbing two. I'm also think 4 inch is the way to go as the short ones might me too warm. Thanks!
  3. kgb33

    Arizer Solo 3

    Man I love this this thing. I see the are sold out of the XL stems so I'm thinking of going with Ed's TnT instead. Anyone have experience with them? They look amazing and I'm thinking they will work like a hot damn with the new powerful oven. I'm really just debating ordering the 4 inch...
  4. kgb33

    Arizer Solo 3

    Just got back from the post office. Solo 3 is charging then I'll do a couple burn offs and away we go! Thinking I'll grab a stash box from EDC for it. Anyone else see any nice cases? I paid $309.12 Canadian all in. Could have gotten it a tad cheaper due to my high provincial tax but like to...
  5. kgb33

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    What would happen if it did wreck your Ascent??
  6. kgb33

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Everything still seems tight and it is hitting just as hard as ever. I'm only using my Ascent so it's getting a thorough work out. Just put a tiny pinch in by itself tamped with oil jar and had a fantastic session before writing this. Much more than I expected. Barely enough herb to cover the...
  7. kgb33

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Ascent has been working great but went to clean it as I do at least every other day as it's my daily driver and found two chunks of the little lip missing :(
  8. kgb33

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    That was me being polite. The fix should be fairly simple on the stock mouthpiece. I'll be playing with it myself soon. Should I have to tweak a 300 dollar vape out of the box? No. Obviously not but I'm happy it's working the way I want now. If it hadn't been for the great help I'd received here...
  9. kgb33

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    My Ascent obviously was leaking air without the water tool. For me the bottom of the water tool butts up against the bottom silicon seal. Seriously like day and night. Out of everything I've tried this is by far the best tip I've come across for the Ascent! Honestly the difference for me was so...
  10. kgb33

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Picked up the 14mm water tool adapter today. GAME CHANGER!!! For me anyway. Much better vapor production. I cannot recommend using this as the mouthpiece more. With this as the mouthpiece the Ascent knocked me on my ass with very little herb. Haven't been this ripped for years! I feel like this...
  11. kgb33

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Been reading all night lol and am wondering if maybe I am grinding too fine. I'll be playing with my Ascent and reading all day I'm sure lol makes for a good day I'd say!
  12. kgb33

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I find some herb gets through the holes without the metal screen. Not a lot gets through but every bit counts :)
  13. kgb33

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Thanks! Swear I was just thinking water tool!! I don't know anything about glass but if it unlocks more potential meaning less consumption am all for it!
  14. kgb33

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I have been putting the metal screen to cover the holes then two flowers stem up. Pack herb on that then two more flowers stem down in the herb. I definitely felt my last session lol went straight to my head! Thanks for all the help and support. It really makes a difference!
  15. kgb33

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Definitely not giving up but am going through a lot of product trying to get my technique down. Had a birthday joint with a friend the other day. Other than that it's been just my Ascent. Herb is coming out very nicely and evenly toasted which again leads me to believe it's something I am or am...
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