Recent content by Kanna_Kult

  1. Kanna_Kult

    Source Orb Versa

    I think Randall essentially completely took ownership of the company but I’m not sure, I too was not a fan of the original SV, notoriously bad QC and CS. Apparently he bought source because IP is one of the largest expenses and it was cheaper and available, I’m paraphrasing, but I still think it...
  2. Kanna_Kult

    Feral Floregonian

    Feral Floregonian
  3. Kanna_Kult

    Source Orb Versa

    So I haven't seen a thread for this yet so I figured I’d make one. Apparently Randall at FocusV got booted out in some kind of takeover, and from what I understand he was responsible for a lot of what people liked about the brand. Now some other company owns FV, and apparently Randall has...
  4. Kanna_Kult

    Sapphire and Ruby inserts for bangers

    Does anyone know how to set up an IR thermometer/ temp gun to properly read ruby and quartz surface temp?
  5. Kanna_Kult

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Hmmm I heard the same thing several months back and nothing ever came of it besides a tiny price bump for most vendors (like maybe $2 tops on most pieces) so I wonder if this time it’s for real. I’m amazed something like this hasn’t happened sooner with the current political climate in the USA...
  6. Kanna_Kult

    Vape Carts Health Crisis Megathread

    As a younger person who was in high school when these things got popular and as an ex chain smoker I can say there’s a few reasons I think they’re popular. Younger kids think it’s harmless (I’ve heard people say they didn’t know JUUL had nicotine at which point if you cannot see the GIANT...
  7. Kanna_Kult

    710 coils

    So is there a general preference for opaque vs clear when using ruby inserts and coils? Does it even matter? Finally life has slowed down enough I should be able to afford the 25mm set up soon and debating which nail type to buy. Seen a few people who use to swear by opaque switch back to...
  8. Kanna_Kult

    Freezer v fridge for extracts/concentrates

    I have heard both reccomended for various reasons. I personally do the fridge and have had luck storing extracts for 3+ years and very few have got ruined. I read somewhere when storing in the freezer it’s best to vac seal to lock out moisture and I get into my stash to much to make that worth...
  9. Kanna_Kult

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I have a large sliding glass door in my bedroom I leave open you you can hear anyone who’s on the porch or also in a bedroom with the door open. Also oregon is quiet as hell to me, I’m used to hearing lots of nature noises back in FL
  10. Kanna_Kult

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    So I just moved to a new apartment complex and noise is a much bigger issue here due to thinner walls and closer proximity of porches and I was concerned the whistle of my evo might annoy neighbors or their pets, so far no one has said anything and the last few nights I’ve actually been able to...
  11. Kanna_Kult

    710 coils

    I’ll do some really high grade stuff but anything that leaves any char I’d use SiC or ruby, hash seems to make my quartz Chaz faster
  12. Kanna_Kult

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I noticed the prices go up significantly when they started to get more of a following on social media, and after they threw a SOL/FOL perc in everything they did. they send pieces to lots of the “weedtubers” “influencers”. Same shit Beta, diamond, shesh supply, pulse, lookah, etc (all basically...
  13. Kanna_Kult

    710 coils

    @710Coils i thought the budget units were $100 which is also what I thought the Auber RDK-300 was down too as well. Do you feel these units preform any better? EDIT: to be clear I mean do you think the disorderly conduction unit preform better than the RDK or about the same ?
  14. Kanna_Kult

    Quartz Banger Thread

    Getting the quartz to hot for too long will lead to chazzing/devitrification, the banger will also fog up faster if you don’t q tip it well and end up torching the leftover residue As for oil in the neck some is just condensated oil which is gonna happen no matter what, and some happens when...
  15. Kanna_Kult

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Price range ? Cheap is subjective. I consider anything American that’s worked and well made and under 200 to be cheap. What kinds of work are you a fan of? Looking for something with lots of diffusion? Or minimal diffusion for flavor chasing ? For flower or for concentrates ?
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