Recent content by DocAnchovy

  1. DocAnchovy

    ZAM Grinder

    Ordered one this afternoon based on the discussions in here. Looking forward to seeing how it treats as a dynavap companion.
  2. DocAnchovy

    Dynavap VapCap

    It looks like a factory second cvap based on some discoloring imo. I’ll be delightfully surprised if proved otherwise 😂 edit to fix typo and to add: please share your rose gold maw model, I’d love to see them and they were one of the top prizes I was crossing my fingers for but didn’t win...
  3. DocAnchovy

    Dynavap VapCap

    I too was hesitant to sign up given the price, but the small text stated that it was a way for the dynavap team to gauge interest and not a firm commitment for purchase, and I was in fact interested. Joined the tea time Sunday night before the 7fin sign up date (12/6) and George said they...
  4. DocAnchovy

    DIY butane vape

    Very cool. I’ve never seen that and it looks as if the application remains just on the exterior/aesthetic so I imagine it’s safe. I’d be very careful about how far it May leech into the wood, and what exactly curing time is. Also can’t hurt to see what the worst case scenario is if you heated...
  5. DocAnchovy

    DIY butane vape

    Don’t know much about this. Can you share more info or an example?
  6. DocAnchovy

    I created a new butane vaporizer

    Appreciate you linking this. Confirmed the gut feeling.. Agreed, and in generally I don’t believe there should be posts in the DIY sub if one is not going to openly share the steps and parts required. The DIY community remaining opensource is what helps push innovation.
  7. DocAnchovy

    I created a new butane vaporizer

    Sounds interesting. You just started vaping and created your own vape? If you don’t mind me asking, why are you keeping it so close to the chest? There is an active diy community, which has likely attempted a variation of your concept, or would be a good place to introduce and refine it. I’d...
  8. DocAnchovy

    Who Wants To Win A Dab Rig Setup?

    Great giveaway, put me on the list please. Was just looking at enail setups, this would be a sweet win!
  9. DocAnchovy

    NFC DIY Desktop vape

    I don’t see why not, but if you have a box mod it may be a safer approach. At least for testing. I’ve actually been chatting with @unklmark about the idea of ceramic heater inside the z body! Could be awesome. Appreciate the love man, it makes me really glad to hear others are excited to...
  10. DocAnchovy

    NFC FC and NewFC Merge FAQ

    I wish the picture of a horse was also a cat. This is terrifying but amazing. Love the cats if they are yours.
  11. DocAnchovy

    NFC FC and NewFC Merge FAQ

    Don’t care about likes. The things I’ve been working on are diy related so having the posts follow the user tag and those discussions is worthwhile. Instagram reigns supreme for keeping a virtual log of these things... plus.. the insta models :myday:
  12. DocAnchovy

    NFC FC and NewFC Merge FAQ

    It makes sense, and could be my own fault for not finding out if this was shared before. However, being brand new to fc with NewFC and having started some active threads that brought and encouraged other community members to join up as new members (like me) .. only to have it closed a month or...
  13. DocAnchovy

    NFC FC and NewFC Merge FAQ

    So as a new user all contributions and user info will be lost? Great..
  14. DocAnchovy

    NFC DIY Desktop vape

    It’s a beast right now lol but it wouldn’t be a diy if I didn’t combust on my last hit after taking this video. And as far the clip goes, i believe it would, or could be easily modified if not.
  15. DocAnchovy

    NFC DIY Desktop vape

    You’re right. It’s hot and I’ve over tested currently :smug: but later on I’ll get a better screen to hold the balls that would be placed up higher. Current screen is unreliable. Tried some temp control changes using the variable knob on the pcb, and there’s enough variation that I’m calling it...
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