Anvil by Vestratto


Well-Known Member
Awesome! I saw you hitting the Tempest in that thread. How does the Anvil Thermocore compare to the Tempest?
I’ve shared thoughts in this thread

But to summarize I love them both and think they both have a place in a collection, but if I had to choose it would be Tempest for its versatility, easier to use on the go/natively, and flavor. But still use my anvil a bunch at home for those easy quick fat rips!


Pranayama; of a sort.
What are peeps running for the forge? I seem to run much higher than whiff recommended earlier.
2500 @ 100% for the Anvil ThermoCore (normal bowl)
2800 @ 100% for the Thermal Accumulator 4
2600 @ 100% for the Thermal Accumulator 3 (can causes an "overheat device" warning - happened a few times only with the TA3)
2000 @ 85% for the Tempest (still dialing this in but that is the last one I used)
1100 @ 60% for a Dynavap (only playing with an M7 - I want to figure out a good level for a 9-fin later)
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ellis d. tripp

Well-Known Member
Anyone else having an issue with battery fitment in your forge? I can hardly get my batteries in or out Because their so tight.
ellis d. tripp,
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