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  1. P

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    Can be seen in action here: Edit: the torch I mean.
  2. P

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    But what if I give you LOTS of money for one...? And sweet. Will pick up now... Dammit, your site is only selling v1 devices apparently...
  3. P

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    I'm feeling lazy (read: had some VBs and am smashing my firewood) and can't be bothered finding the link for your site, they on sale yet? Cos if they are, I will actually pull up google... Also,how much for a Bundy softy bong? Can I add one of them? I want one of them... I'd ask my exes parents...
  4. P

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    I mean, yeah, but I don't imagine many of them would go well in that either hahahaha. More of a libre man myself though. Which has always surprised me somewhat as I don't really drink coke.
  5. P

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    Slightly off topic, but I'm never gonna be okay with people calling the soft drinks "bundy". Can't even mix it with coke!
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    The Nomad From Morwood

    I paid for my unit mid 2021. Construction has not started on mine. I'm in batch 3. You are a good ways away from a unit of your own.
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    The Nomad From Morwood

    In 2025!
  8. P

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    Came here to refind the site to preorder, but gonna hold off a little bit and snag that 1.5...
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    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Sweet, I did look but must have missed it. Haven't been keeping up with this thread like I did initially, too many posts hahahaha (which is a good thing for Brenyo, should equal a good amount of sales!).
  10. P

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Just checked the website for fun and yeah, there's some available. I do just wanna double check it's still gonna need me to add the click discs later? I ask cos that place holder text has been there a while. And if it is the case still, I might hold off given its so close to the full launch...
  11. P

    The Nomad From Morwood

    Eh, I'm an on and off again smoker. hate it, cos yeah, poison, but when you consider that over 80% of patients who have what I have smoke, well I'm okay. Anyway, all that aside, the occasional joint is just divine. Does it taste as good? No. Is it anywhere near as efficient? No. Do you smell...
  12. P

    The Nomad From Morwood

    This person don't speak for me! I want my nomad2 yesterday! Edit, should add, acting the fool here...
  13. P

    The Nomad From Morwood

    The firewoods are about as conduction heavy as I get. Everything else I have is 100% convection. So, yeah, I hear you hahahahaj!
  14. P

    The Nomad From Morwood

    I mean there's stealthier, but it is a pretty small form factor so it's no slouch. I like how the stem is integrated. It's why I use my firewoods when out and about so much. People just assume youre hitting an ecig cos there isn't a massive glass stem.
  15. P

    The Nomad From Morwood

    No worries. I'd offer to message you when preorders open again (I mean, look at them, they're beautiful, EVERYONE should have one!) but I have ADHD and can't remember what I had for lunch 6hrs ago, I ain't gonna remember to send that message!
  16. P

    The Nomad From Morwood

    Check it out then. I'm a bit medicated so can't link you, but it's on these forums.
  17. P

    The Nomad From Morwood

    I mean, have you checked out the toad? Same functionality, way less fancy.
  18. P

    The Nomad From Morwood

    You can't buy it at this stage. All preorders have been stopped.
  19. P

    The Nomad From Morwood

    You don't have to wonder, dan covered that in a post in this thread a little while back. 99% sure I remember him saying the increase will happen when the next batches are preordered though. Which makes sense to me, cos it doesn't make sense to just leave the price as is and take on more orders...
  20. P

    The Nomad From Morwood

    Orders for the nomad 2 are closed for now. The intention seems to be that they'll reopen at some stage in the future when the current orders are done, and there will absolutely be a significant price rise.
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