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  1. David and Michael


    Hello vapman family, I just spent the hole day testing all stations with different vapmans to really find out what could be the problem here. 1. I have checked several docking parts and I can assure that they are the same, so no issue there. 2. Each station is calibrated by me and David to the...
  2. David and Michael

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    First of all thanks for the great vibe here, so happy you are enjoying your Lotuses :) Please everyone that received something damaged, hit us a mail on we will of course send you a replacement. We are so sorry about this. as many of you know we have a new shipping partner...
  3. David and Michael


    We are pleased to see all these great ideas here! We will certainly include all of that in our subsequent development! We have just put our 420 sale online. We're thrilled to introduce the new woods to our lineup! The Lotus vaporizer in American walnut with a black Lotus ring and the...
  4. David and Michael


    Thanks a lot for all the significant input that we get, thought and feedback will follow soon! BTW our Q&A video from last Friday is finally live; sorry for the delay we had some problems with the video taking and uploading; everything is kinda new for us :D But here is the link to it: 1st...
  5. David and Michael


    thanks for all the nice feedback :) Thank you so much my friend! We will definitely bring more wood species and also a new packaging for all devices will come in about a week. Then of curse we are always open for new accessories. If someone of you has good ideas for new accessories please just...
  6. David and Michael


    Your message touched me deeply, thank you for saying it. We understand each other 100% and I realize that we are on the same wavelength. young people like us need feedback like this to make the right decisions. we don't want to use it as an excuse, but we have little experience and learn from...
  7. David and Michael


    PS: tomorrow is a Q&A session only, so no live stream for tomorrow :) write your questions here and we will try to answer them as good as we can ;) Maybe next Friday, we will then start with a live stream but more infos will follow :)
  8. David and Michael


    As we mentioned before, we will be doing a Q&A video on our youtube channel ( tomorrow, where we will try to answer all your questions. We're excited to let you know that we'll be posting a Q&A session tomorrow on our YouTube channel...
  9. David and Michael


    Hello folks, a lot going on here which we are really glad to see! First of all, what Serfer76 described should of course not happen. And I'm really sorry from the bottom of my heart that you had to go through this. Next time, please write us an email directly or via the chat on the website. We...
  10. David and Michael


    Thanks for the feedback. :) We stopped making pom mouthpieces because we sold almost none of them, so we wanted to organize our stock more clearly and take out products where there was very little interest. but if many of you would like to see pom mouthpieces again, we can consider making new...
  11. David and Michael


    Dear valued customers, We extend our sincerest apologies for the prolonged delay in the presale of the heating station. The setbacks encountered, particularly with the circuit board and software, have been unforeseen and challenging to resolve despite our best efforts. We greatly appreciate...
  12. David and Michael


    Hey guys, Yesterday, we sent out an email with our system and had to realize that about 80% of the emails did not arrive due to a system error. Therefore, I would like to inform you again with this email that the first 100 stations are ready for payment. We will send them by the end of next...
  13. David and Michael


    🌟 Exciting News: The New Vapman Heating Station is Ready to Order! 🌟 Dear Vapman Community, We are thrilled to announce that the long-awaited moment has finally arrived: the new Vapman Heating Station is now ready for orders! After much anticipation, we proudly present the first batch of 100...
  14. David and Michael


    Hello guys! Short update, vapman 2.0 is ready soon, only a few days left ;) Regarding the station, we are still in production, it takes so long, and there are so many steps... but we will soon send you an email out with the final launch date and payment link! :) all the best David and Michael
  15. David and Michael


    short station update: Slowly but surely, we are making progress; the first stations are coming to life! 🌎 The next update will follow next week 🍀 PS: we are not far away from the launch 🚀
  16. David and Michael

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    We are ONLINE! 🔥 Secure your vapman 2.0 NOW at 😁 we have been preparing for this moment for a long time and can’t wait to share all the new stuff with you! 🤩 we are really looking forward to everything that is coming and would like to thank all of you once again from the bottom of...
  17. David and Michael


    We are ONLINE! 🔥 Secure your vapman 2.0 NOW at 😁 we have been preparing for this moment for a long time and can’t wait to share all the new stuff with you! 🤩 we are really looking forward to everything that is coming and would like to thank all of you once again from the bottom of...
  18. David and Michael

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Dear fuckcombustion family, the time has finally come for the launch of vapman 2.0 and our parent brand I N H A L E. The pre-orders of the vapman 2.0 will open this Friday, and at the same time, we will launch our new website with the new domain „“. We are very excited to open...
  19. David and Michael


    Dear fuckcombustion family, the time has finally come for the launch of vapman 2.0 and our parent brand, I N H A L E. The pre-orders of the Vapman 2.0 will open this Friday, and at the same time, we will launch our new website with the new domain „ “ We are very excited to open...
  20. David and Michael

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    its made out of stainless steel :) PS: lotus screens will soon be available on the new website :)
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